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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. Westerman, like Johnny Adams, doesn't qualify as a rookie due to his NFL experience. Bass will get that nomination.
  2. And William Lyon Mackenzie King employed a full time psychic so he could talk to his dead mother and dead dog. Lots of weird stuff goes on in Ottawa. It must have worked for him considering how long he was in power!
  3. Really??? Well compared to JT he's out of style. But I don't recall any PM's who were ever cutting edge of style. Harper generally looks fine though, put together. Just a dated hair cut. Yeah I don't expect the PM to be on the front cover of GQ or anything but you'd think that the stylist would have done something with that hair. It's ironic since they made JT's hair such a focal point of their campaign.
  4. Agreed that Calgary isn't a great team but that doesn't take away from how Edmonton has played. Mcdavid has definitely had his best game.
  5. It's very weird when you consider he's the 1st PM that employs a full-time stylist.
  6. Geoff Kirbyson ✔ @geoffkirbyson Jets fans have been heard. True North to raise every seat in the upper bowl by 2.5 inches to improve sightlines due to loge seating.
  7. Hope it's not the game on the 23rd... because that's in Hamilton now! 3rd time the Argo's are getting kicked out this season. http://www.thespec.com/sports-story/5964154-argos-forced-to-reschedule-another-home-game/
  8. Stranger things have happened. If so, good for him. This just shows again why American players, especially QB's, should give the CFL a try. They are far more marketable playing up here and getting experience than sitting at home eating Doritos. I couldn't believe that Delvin Breaux was playing for New Orleans last night. I honestly didn't think he was that great with Hamilton. So shows what I know. He's already putting up highlight reel material down there with his ball tracking ability... or is it lowlight?
  9. Our half time is not long, so if you want people to perform in the center of the field, you really can't have much, if any stage there. So that means that the stage has to go at one end of the stadium or the other, I'm at a loss as to where else one could put it. Don't see too much conspiracy here. Haven't they put the stage for the half time show for pretty much every other Grey Cup in the past two decades on the field? I'm pretty sure other Grey Cups have even managed to have the stage in the middle of the field. Suddenly now, in 2015 the half time is not long enough to do it? Yes, time moves faster now, or hadn't you noticed? If you hadn't, you will... trust me! I could very well be mistaken. I don't pay attention to the half time show in general, but from my recollection, if they were on the field, I really didn't notice a stage, as such. It would seem to me that having a fixed and ready stage at one end would allow for more elaborate planning of the act (pyrotechnics, lights and other "eye candy") than might otherwise be practical. This was 2013 in Saskatchewan:
  10. Canada's team... or everybody loves a winner? It seems there are an awful lot of fairweather fans who haven't supported "their" team since the glory days of the early 90's. For the record, I'm happy they are doing well. It's been a long time and they deserve the success they are having.
  11. Only until the Expos come back!
  12. Neither do you. I'm sure they have Rider parties going on all across Canada when they are in the Grey Cup but that doesn't make them Canada's team does it?
  13. Does this sound familiar to anyone? CFL News ‏@CFL_News 6m6 minutes ago #Riders also going to work stockpiling draft picks and moving up in the draft. O'Day admitted on Wednesday that their Canadian talent needs an upgrade Seems the prior regime favoured bandaid "fixes" in order to get them back to the Grey Cup ASAP
  14. As much as some people wants to say it's the anti-Harper crowd that likes to use scare tactics (which they have), every party does it. Paul Martin had the soldiers in the streets nonsense when he lost in 2006 & Harper has this crap about brothels, weed at 7-11, and legal crack houses popping up everywhere. Treating voters like morons is a sure way to find yourself on the losing end of an election.
  15. It's almost the end of the season and the end of his contract. I'm glad we got anything for him. Many teams would have just waited until the off season to sign him.Sounds good except he wasn't going to be a free agent. They had verbally agreed to an extension prior to the trade. Ya about 5 minutes before the deal. No way the Riders wanted him back here. Montreal likely wanted some certainty Whether or not he was in the Riders plans for next year or not, isn't the issue. Montreal got the certainty they wanted but only paid the price for a short term rental. Saskatchewan could have gotten more (imo).
  16. It's almost the end of the season and the end of his contract. I'm glad we got anything for him. Many teams would have just waited until the off season to sign him. Sounds good except he wasn't going to be a free agent. They had verbally agreed to an extension prior to the trade.
  17. The full Messam trade details: To Calgary: Messam, 5th round 2016 draft pick To Sask: Crapigna, 3rd round 2016 draft pick & a neg list player
  18. Apparently he was in their plans as they had verbally agreed to an extension for next season. He's already worked out the same deal with Montreal.
  19. Only a 5th round pick being sent to Saskatchewan for Glenn. I'm surprised the price is that low.
  20. Had a rough go vs Arceneaux in the first half this past week, but he's our best DB*, IMO. (*with Randle on the IR) I'm a fan of Demond but he's behind Adams and Randle in my books.
  21. Their reply was better... Ottawa REDBLACKS ‏@REDBLACKS 3m3 minutes ago .@Wpg_BlueBombers Mockery is the sincerest form of flattery. You're still missing a winning record, though
  22. Painful for Adler no doubt. Nice hair though Harper's hair wasn't too bad either back in the day... much better than it is these days at any rate.
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