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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. http://www.metronews.ca/news/winnipeg/2013/01/31/best-buy-to-close-regent-avenue-store-14-other-stores-across-canada.html
  2. I'm going to be an asshat and stick with Messam.
  3. Who says they aren't? People are posting like they're getting ready to announce extensions tomorrow but the original tweet says that the talks are exploratory and very preliminary. To me, that means they are still a long way from hammering out a deal and a lot could change by the end of the year.
  4. Yep, even with the poor exchange rate, that TV is about $1700 cheaper than the "sale" price up here.
  5. It was very acrimonious but he might be stuck there for another year. When this all went down in December, all the reports (and Popp himself) said Thorpe had 2 years left on his contract.
  6. Stupid sexy Flanders is starting to take over.
  7. bigg jay


    Yeah it was announced a while ago. Gets the same reaction now as it did then... <insert fart noise>. BJ should have hung up the gloves a long time ago.
  8. While I understand why the CFL did this, I'm not a fan of Dunk getting removed. It's not like we don't get his stuff through other outlets though so in the end it's really a moo point.
  9. Are you suggesting that I should not have bought a revitalizing tonic from this man?
  10. 13? I'd love 13 since they only do 10 GOT episodes a season and they are even cutting that down starting next season!
  11. 1st sentence in her post is trying to win tickets for the Argos game. https://www.facebook.com/VirginRadioWinnipeg/photos/a.217193861742319.48232.217186425076396/950409938420704/?type=3&comment_id=950484911746540&comment_tracking={"tn"%3A"R"}
  12. Both. Apparently he is getting picked on for the way he talks & the area he grew up in and he's sensitive about it.
  13. I would say they can find what they are looking for if it actually happened the way she says it did. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/Bombers-are-watching-you-206741481.html
  14. My guess at reading between the lines is that things did not go down as she said she did. If they did, the Bombers could simply say that video confirmed her story. They'll take the high road though and just let the story die.
  15. bigg jay


    Lashley has been fighting since 2008 and has a fight for Bellator next month. He's fought more than any other name wrestler, I think he's 14-2 now? Even though he's probably got the best background next to Brock (2 time NAIA national champion) he's just a can crusher.
  16. He's said that before... but he's also said he doesn't go to the bar much but he sometimes goes to pubs? I wouldn't put much stock in what he has to say.
  17. bigg jay


    They won't go that route but if they did, they wouldn't even need to go overseas. The UFC put this fight in Ohio for a reason and Texas approved the weight difference between Gracie & Shamrock so they would probably approve that one too! There are a few commissions that kind of do their own thing and are usually avoided like the plague (if you noticed, none of the well known refs like Big John or Herb Dean worked 203 because of Ohio's reputation).
  18. Did you even read the article you linked?
  19. Well that article only says he appears in the movie & the main villains will be the Reavers & Weapon X so this might just be their way of introducing him and then having him in a bigger role in future movies.
  20. bigg jay


    They've had 2 sub 300k PPV's in the last year. 201 (Woodley vs Lawler) had 240k & 192 (Cormier vs Gustafsson) had 250k. There was a 3rd (195 Lawler vs Condit) that was right on the 300k mark so the actual numbers could have been less. The early estimates for 203 are between 650-800k. If the predictions hold true for the 203 numbers, then I don't think you can deny Punk had a huge affect on that. Even Meltzer says he under estimated the wrestling crowd and that's his business. The problem for the UFC is that it's a one time bump and with Punk's performance, it won't happen again so how do they keep those numbers going? Outside of Rousey & McGregor, nobody is pulling in those kinds of numbers.
  21. bigg jay


    Punk also didn't make a great choice in training camps. He should have gone somewhere more well-rounded. Duke Roufus is a great striking coach but wrestling (or even just takedown defense) is not what they are known for. Duke, it would seem, knew Punk wasn't ready but basically shrugged his shoulders and said why not let him live out his dream?
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