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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. Moved from India to Calgary in 2013. http://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4736826
  2. bigg jay


    And there it is! Dominating win for Brad. I've watched him fight and train for a long time so its awesome to see him get to this point in his career.
  3. It's Saskatchewan, where they barely know how to use indoor toilets. It'll be eons before they learn how to e-transfer.
  4. Tommie Campbell is a little salty today after his piss poor play. He might want to go look at the game film again though because his memory is a bit off. The Bombers only threw a total of 6 passes the entire 4th quarter (compared to 11 rushing plays) and only once in the last 3 minutes. Not to mention we were playing our 3rd string QB and mainly rookie receivers by that point too.
  5. Looks like injury. It was mentioned on Twitter that Roh barely practiced this week.
  6. The Bomber store is already carrying Streveler jerseys right? Asking for a friend... 😄
  7. Way too many posts in here without a gif...
  8. I'll be opening beer cans while the Bombers are opening these tonight...
  9. bigg jay


    Winnipeg has its 1st potential Ultimate Fighter winner. Brad Katona won his semifinal fight so he'll now be fighting on the live finale on July 6th. He's opened a lot of eyes by beating two of the top three featherweights. It's even more impressive when you consider that he's the smallest fighter in the house and only moved up weight classes for the show.
  10. I read it but couldn't find a meme that completely captured my utter dismay! I'm just very glad that he sold when he did. That idea would have been a franchise killer.
  11. Pretty much... one of those is only hinted at in the movie but you know exactly what it means.
  12. I don't know about that... for me personally, my biggest issue with making this movie is that it didn't really add a whole lot. We already essentially knew how it would play out so other than the novelty of seeing a shiny new Falcon and showing how Han and Chewy meet, what else was there?
  13. bigg jay


    Former 1st overall CFL pick, Adam Braidwood had some karma given back to him tonight.
  14. Coates took over last year when Dressler got hurt.
  15. Or Westerpeople if you asked Trudeau.
  16. It's almost like they are trying to cash in on his popularity but that can't be the case because nobody knows who he is right?
  17. And both games happened to be on his birthday!😂
  18. Who says it's out of 5? Meltzer has been going over 5 stars since the early 90's.
  19. Don't forget about the return of Jordan Reaves! He can do it all for the Riders- DL, WR, DC's personal weed supplier...
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