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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. Disagree, it may have veered in that direction with a couple posts but the original post that started the discussion was about the average person.
  2. Agreed. I've seen multiple posts on facebook in the last 24 hours (mainly from older people) who had no who Jericho is & were wondering why he was hosting the Jets block party yesterday. You tell them he's a wrestler and the reply back is usually "oh that's why I don't know him then".
  3. There's also the ignore function which works wonderfully for this guy.
  4. GoFundMe reported that they received donations from over 65 countries for the Broncos so it's not just Canada that came together for this. Well done by all involved.
  5. bigg jay


    Dana has gone back & forth on this. One interview he says they consider it a title fight for both and in another he says they will figure it out later if Iaquinta wins.
  6. bigg jay


    The woman's title fight would be enough for them to still go on but they have a new opponent for Khabib in Al Iaquinta now. Even that comes with a catch though... because Iaquinta weighed in at 155.2lbs for his scheduled fight with Felder, he missed "championship weight" (no extra lb allowance), and can't win the belt.
  7. bigg jay


    This gong-show keeps rolling on... no agreement for the Pettis/Khabib fight so that's out. NYSAC blocks Felder based on blogger rankings. And this could cost the UFC a good chunk of change.
  8. bigg jay


    Looks like Khabib still has not agreed to Pettis so negotiations are on-going. Pettis weighed in slightly heavy so he's got 2 hours to cut a bit more (only like 0.2lbs). Khabib came in at 154.5 so he's good. If that fight does happen, Pettis better hope for a quick KO, he's gonna get mauled otherwise.
  9. bigg jay


    Dana's version of what happened: "Conor and approximately 20 guys apparently were let in through the doors by The Mac Life guys (McGregor’s media company), who were credentialed here,” White said. “They opened the doors [at the venue] for him through an entrance, they stormed the building, got down to the loading docks where the fighters were getting on the buses" https://www.sportsnet.ca/mma/ufcs-dana-white-rips-conor-mcgregor-disgusting-actions/
  10. bigg jay


    Time to cancel the whole show...
  11. bigg jay


    He might temporarily have issues but i dont see it being a long term problem. There are many athletes/musisians/actors that have way worse charges but get a free pass because they generate so much money.
  12. bigg jay


    I hope Conor didn't spend all his Mayweather money... he'll need it to cover all the lawsuits coming his way.
  13. bigg jay


    Video of Conor throwing a dolly at the bus. Ciesa has multiple cuts and is in doubt for the card on Sat (he's back at the hotel cutting weight so he hopes to still fight). Artem has been yanked from his fight as he was part if the group with Conor. What a s##t show.
  14. For sure but red is also a paid subscription service so that'd be another reason just to use Kodi... easier and cheaper!
  15. Okada calling out The Rock, WWE style by pointing at the sign? ?
  16. Ibushi seemed a bit off his game last night but it was still a phenomenal match. The BC/BTE stuff saved the card for me.. felt like they could have used guys like Okada & Naito better since it was one of their rare US cards. Looking forward to the ROH card on the 7th.
  17. Lose & Hydro is a much worse position than they already are. That's not good for an already troubled crown corp or the government responsible for it. You also say proceed without delay... good luck with that. It could get blocked by the courts while the case is pending or you could end up with groups physically blocking the project from happening (or at least causing delays).
  18. The agreement that brought Manitoba into confederation was supposed to set aside 140 million acres of land (which included what's now Winnipeg) for the Metis people. That never happened hence the years of court fighting which the MMF ended up winning. That's led to years of trying to negotiate a settlement (good luck putting a dollar value on that land now!) that still hasn't been finished. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/after-140-years-and-a-review-of-2000-volumes-of-documents-metis-win-land-claim/article9505274/
  19. For which project? Pallister is tying it to the Minnesota transmission line specifically but the Hydro statement said the deal was for various projects (past & future). We're in the dark as to the number of projects and their location so it's impossible to say if it's a good or bad deal for either side.
  20. According to the MMF & Hydro, it was "long-term, 50-year agreement designed to address their asserted Indigenous rights and claims related to impacts from various transmission projects — both past and future". The MMF said there was a 3-way agreement signed in 2014 that set out the process for dealing with this kind of thing & that's how they came to that $67 million total (or $1.34 million per year).
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