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sweep the leg

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Everything posted by sweep the leg

  1. If Jorden is anywhere close to what he used to be, he should make up for that loss.
  2. I follow him, too. I agree that he does a good job.
  3. If O'Shea leaves, I'd take Khari as HC, but I wouldn't want him running the offense. His work to date as an OC has been mediocre at best.
  4. Seems unfair he loses his job, but Hervey gets to keep his.
  5. What are your thoughts on that? I'd give Claybrooks another.chance, but look for better asst coaches. Edit: quoted wrong post, meant thoughts on hiring Maas.
  6. Nothing short of a Grey Cup win should save Maas' job. Unbelievable how undisciplined they are, and he's the worst one... I hope the Als put 60 on them next week.
  7. I'm a Bomber fan, so I support Harris, but I wouldn't vote for anybody from a different team who tested positive. I certainly understand why somebody wouldn't vote for Harris.
  8. Mop: Banks (Burnham) Modp: Jefferson (Muamba) Moc: Harris (Muamba)
  9. Are we still doing the Fajardo sucks thing? He's had a pretty good season.
  10. Is it just me, or are there way more ads on the site now? I'm getting them popping up in the middle of threads now, and they're much bigger at the top and bottom of the screen. It's only this site that it's happening to me.
  11. He had a decent season. An all time bad defense overshadowed that.
  12. I have zero doubt that a flag would have been thrown if we hit Mitchell like that.
  13. He walked past me going into the stadium in running shows, with no pronounced limp. Just a guess, but the boot was likely bc he'd be standing for three hours.
  14. Four weeks of scout team reps. Streveler had a full training camp, plus a week of 1st team reps before his first game. We'd be putting a guy in a position where he's almost certainly going to fail.
  15. I like Bailey. He's earned a starting job. But you're easily impressed if you think averaging 50 yds/gm is outstanding. Same with Lawler, he deserves to be starting, but he's averaging 25 yds/gm in the three weeks since his big game.
  16. You need to pull the reins in a little on this one. I think "respectable" describes their play more accurately.
  17. AB Provincial gov't proposing big cuts to services and public servant jobs. Also, something I store from twitter that I thought was funny: Jason Kenney: I gave 4.5 billion to the oil companies! Here come the jobs! Oil Companies: Thanks for the free money! Here come the layoffs! Jason Kenney: Alberta is broke! Here come the cuts! Albertans: **** Trudeau!
  18. Speedflex with the hot take. 1k yards would have him near the top 10 and the best Canadian receiver in the league.
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