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Mr. Perfect

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Everything posted by Mr. Perfect

  1. Agreed. Or funny that people think Goltz has good mechanics, even though Burke said himself on his coaches show the reason why Goltz is so inaccurate is because of his piss poor footwork on drop backs.
  2. Free agency is not starting then. McDonald said there would be a period for teams to make moves before the expansion draft, then about a week prior to the draft, a roster freeze will take into effect to prevent anyone from doing anything fishy to prevent Ottawa from having a "fair" draft.
  3. With the PR nightmare that was the Mike Kelly saga, I would hope our board would not be THAT dumb (hey lets be honest, they're pretty fricken dumb) to hire Tillman, but I wouldn't put anything past them.
  4. Really good comments from Milt and Westwood (except for him saying season ticket holders should have a voice as to who is on the board) on the situation and the club as a whole. Milt is still on 1290 right now as I type this.
  5. How is he not being professional? Did he say he won't mentor Goltz or Hall? No. He just said he wasn't informed of that he would be mentoring them when it was brought up by reporters. Not a difficult concept to understand. He said quite clearly in the quote I provided that he wants the team to win, and help the guys along. Once again.... "It’s my job to stay positive with the guys and help and I’ve always done that in my career and I’ve always been positive in adverse situations. It doesn’t mean that I agree with the decision, because I don’t. But I want this team to win and I want to help these guys along."
  6. Fair enough, maybe his time has come, that's not what I'm arguing. My point is this, and it's a simple one: Anyone expecting a different answer from an athlete on how it feels to be demoted, or taken out of a starters role, is simply kidding themselves. To criticize him for having the same answer that any other athlete would is beyond stupid.
  7. Awesome that the site has grown, and continues to grow as quickly as it has. A great place to discuss ball regardless of what our opinions may be.
  8. But what do people expect him to say, it feels great to be demoted? How do you think it feels? He's said that he wants the team to win, and will help the team win in his current capacity. What more do people want? That's all you can ask of someone that's just been asked to take a seat. Just because he says that he was not approached about helping mentor Goltz and Hall, doesn't mean he won't do it, and he never says that he won't do it either. He's a competitor just like the other 41 guys who lace up every game, and I guarantee you if you were to take any starter and bench them, and ask how they feel, they wouldn't be singing sunshine and rainbows. They are competitive, professional athletes.
  9. Get real. If a guy was happy being 2nd string, we'd all say to cut him, he lacks drive and fire. Now a guy says he wants to start and he's not a team player? Give me a break. It's funny how people are ignoring quotes such as: "It’s my job to stay positive with the guys and help and I’ve always done that in my career and I’ve always been positive in adverse situations. It doesn’t mean that I agree with the decision, because I don’t. But I want this team to win and I want to help these guys along." Yeah...what a cancer in the room like a lot are making him out to be.
  10. Yes because one chooses if they would like to be hurt or not. Brilliant! No one will be doing anything as long as Crowton as the OC, and the only time our QB's looked half decent under him was when Buck was practically holding his hand through playcalling.
  11. Berry will now take over the playcalling responsibilities. Now former OC Mike Miller is staying on in a reduced role.
  12. Congrats to the kid, hopefully Buck helping Crowton as he did with playcalling last year will yield some of the same results.
  13. Tate does not have near the injury history Pierce does. His near season ender from last year would have put ANYONE on the shelf, and Tate here would be by far the best quarterback we've had in a long, long time.
  14. Good ol Dave Ritchie. Sure miss that guy. What a beauty.
  15. I think the whole Sunday is not the issue here. I'm sure the Sun would have been happy to speak to either Butchko or Mack during the week. I doubt the Sun said we want to talk to these guys, and only do it on Sunday. Of course there is protocol going through media relations and the proper avenues, but in a community owned franchise, sooner or later they will have to speak. We all know what Burke and company have to say, it's time to hear from those higher up the food chain since it's their finger prints that are all over this team at the moment.
  16. But as Bluto pointed out, if (most likely when) Mack gets canned, it will be Butchko who fires him, and he'll also sadly be in charge of hiring a new GM as well. That in itself is reason enough to get comments from him. He does have a role when it comes to the on field product.
  17. Because he's the CEO and the top dog for one. If the product sucks, and he's the leader of the ship of a community owned team, he shouldn't be shying away from tough questions. Sure Friesen has....questionable articles, but I think for the most part Penton does a solid job, so because "it's the Sun" I don't think is a just reason to turn down the interview request, if indeed that was the reason. As I said, would they be shy if the team's record was 4-1? Not likely.
  18. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2013/07/28/bombers-get-no-spark-from-new-returner Article from Kirk Penton about the disappointing debut of Aaron Woods. The last sentence of the Late Hits portion of the article caught my attention: "Requests by the Winnipeg Sun on Sunday to speak to president/CEO Garth Buchko and GM Joe Mack about the team's 1-4 start were declined." I think it reflects poorly on the team, especially a community owned team when the top goes into hiding. Would they do the same if the team was 4-1? I tend to doubt it. This is their mess.
  19. Of course you didn't know he was an import...
  20. So to summarize, we don't blitz, we don't get pressure, our DB's are to slow for man, not smart enough for zone, but aside from that, hey, it's not so bad, right?
  21. It's not like our receivers are dropping balls. The onus is on the QB's, and the OC to design a way to get them the ball. The receivers don't have magic wands that make the balls be where they should be.
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