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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. So I gotta tell you guys... I'm watching Wonder Woman on KODI right now and I just don't get it. This is like a rejected Captain America script written by feminazi's....
  2. One of my favourite things in my collection, is a whole set of Khari Jones cards that his dad Ray sent me. Some autographed, some not. At the time, as of 2004ish, it was every single card of his. Ray was a member of OurBombers.com back in the day and saw how much of a fan I was, sent me a PM asking for my address so he could mail them to me, totally free. He is a great man...
  3. Happened to the Argos a fair bit because of SkyDoom scheduling, and I coulda sworn it happened to us once recently. At any rate, it is the weakest of sauces...
  4. Saved my f***ing ass in Lock Of The Week.... Just finished our late game in a slopitch tourney and first thing I did was look to see what all happened tonight... Whew.
  5. Exactly this... The whole story is stupid and when I found out they already win some kinda near-million dollar lottery, I care even less...
  6. I think @SpeedFlex27 knows DD fairly well........is he one of those super churchy people? That would make a lot of sense to me....a real Rod Flanders -type...
  7. So true... And part of the Flames fans thing is that a lot of them are Riders fans too. Just assholes across the board, as far as sports "fans" in southern AB...
  8. And not just players. Coaches, managers and DEFINITELY ******* fans... Second only to Riders fans for being completely insufferable.
  9. It's not even that he's wrong to say it... Its how he said it. Really think he's an *******.
  10. This game has been such a cluster ****. For all intents and Purposes, Calgary was taking it to Montreal for most of o first half, but didn't have points to show for it. Kept letting Montreal hang around and then all of a sudden the Als get a TD, then force a Messam Meltdown fumble and ejection and now they're up a bunch. What a weird game...
  11. Giant LOL to anyone that thinks MOS would ever publicly take a shot at anyone. If MOS isn't happy with someone about anything, they hear about it.... But never in public. That's how men do things.
  12. Then you really shouldn't care so much about someone you probably don't even know IRL...
  13. That is awesome... Put him on roller skates...
  14. Full Disclosure: Have never listened to their show. I should aircheck them sometime just just to see. Now, here's a couple things: Toth is there to be a host. He's gonna keep everything rolling along smoothly. Westy is there to be the opinionated blowhard. Whether you agree with him or not, his job is to make you feel something... Even if that means rage, against what he said. Usually, when you're pairing up guys to host a show like this, it helps if they're buddies, at least to a degree, so that they can discuss it and agree to disagree when necessary. If there are some off air issues and the guys don't get along for whatever reason, it can bleed over on air. They're human and have emotions. You just hope they're professional and do what's best for the station and the show. At the end of the day, all that matters is how many people are tuning in, especially how many Males 18-49!
  15. Such a tired excuse. This team has nothing to do with the last 25 years...
  16. I am also curious about what went wrong for MOS vaunted ST unit on those opposition returns. He referred to mistakes that need to be cleaned up, but I'd be curious to know a little more. Maybe something to do with new guys in the wrong spot...
  17. So much bitterness and anger, and yet, you are clearly a regular listener.... Must be doing something right...
  18. Washington's is the one that really stands out to me. On the pass from The Fever. He was caught, but had no problem reversing field and trying another angle because he knew the big eaters were going to grade the road....
  19. A balanced attack is the best way to keep a defense honest.....
  20. The Trinity, in a nutshell (...tho MOS was pretty spectacular, for a LB....)
  21. He's been doing this from Day 1....
  22. This is fun (and how about that final pick by Heath??) https://www.cfl.ca/2017/07/14/recap-winnipeg-33-toronto-25/
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