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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Bond franchise is not Marvel....... I like Fassbender, too, and that is an interesting name. I kinda liked the idea of Hiddleston, but apparently the guy is a total ****** and the Broccoli's didn't like him and said "nope"....
  2. It's a classic trap game in so much as they just got blown out of the water last week, and it would be easy to get caught up in that and forget that they *should* have beat us last time we played them.... Having said that, I don't believe this team gets caught up in traps. MOS has them as mentally well prepared as any team I've ever seen....
  3. From today: Alexander practicing, Loffler and Walker didn't practice, Bond is away on personal matter and Neufeld filled in....
  4. I'm always leery of playing a team that just got blown out badly.....
  5. Man both these teams look like ****. All's I know is, the Bombers would be kickin some major ass right now....
  6. We were talking about it after Suitor explained what was going on. ****... To be able to not only boom a punt that far is amazing to me, then to be able to exact a certain amount of precise spin ON TOP of that?? Gtfo...
  7. Ekakatie was on the 2-Man last night with Foketi, fwiw....
  8. @BobIrvingCJOB This is the Best looking Bomber team I've seen since the Khari Jones days--sorry 2011 squad. Well, it's settled, then........
  9. It's a pretty libelous thing for Madani to post without some info to back it up, which makes me think there's fire behind that smoke.......
  10. As mentioned several times already, most of Edmonton's big plays were total flukes or outright blown calls (non-calls) by the refs.....
  11. Either way, Walker and Rocky are both young and inexperienced.......I'm not overly concerned about either.
  12. Just in case anyone wants a little "Morning After" pick me up.... https://www.cfl.ca/2017/08/18/recap-winnipeg-33-edmonton-26/
  13. I believe it was 38. And only 1 (!!!) 2-and-out all game....
  14. Was a brutal non call on the hold. Refs botched that one bad.
  15. Harris was all world....definite first star. Nichols was close behind.....second star. Everything else is a saw off....Coates was great. HH to Mike Miller who was a beast on teams all night. Definitely don't think Carmichael was nearly as bad as people want to say.
  16. there we go....that's exactly who it was. Man, we drank a lotta whisky that night....
  17. Oooooff.....Hefney hit...........someone..........it wasn't still Tucker was it? He was already out by then, I thought........but it was a receiver for sure....
  18. In 2011, Bombers and Esks were both around 5-0 I think (something like that...) and met early in that season. We won at home that night, I believe. This game feels a lot like that....
  19. You said RNH is riding shotgun with McJesus this year, right? I wanna see the kid put up 90+......he's still an elite offensive talent, but asking him to concentrate more on defense the last couple of years hindered his stats. If he's all in on offense by playing finisher for 97, he can still put up HUGE points...
  20. Love "Fort Hew"......that is amazing and needs to become a thing....... Also, re: Blocking an Esks FG into their own uprights to get the -3.........I wouldn't put it past Derek Jones....... #JustSayin
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