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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. I also have to use iPhones at work and it sucks. Hate apple products so very much. I used to love BB but when they started to tank out I switched to LG and it was a remarkable difference. Have had the G2 and G4 and will be upgrading in the next month so doing my research about what the best possible next option is.
  2. Except that you don't know ****, actually, about what he does or doesn't do...
  3. don't be obtuse...you know what I meant.....
  4. Smoke and mirrors move....they're just trying to force politicians hand. The Saddledome is a giant piece of ****, and they desperately need a new barn, regardless of cost, but southern Albertans are SO unbelievably against any kind of public spending, it'll just never happen until the oil industry comes back around and it can be fully privately funded. Orrrrrrr.......if they get the 2026 Olys.......
  5. I also have no interest in the whole multi-cam look of it.....hipster new-age "sitcom"...
  6. wowy... Anwar Stewart‏ @Bigstew9 4m4 minutes ago More The Football Gods Woke Me up with a Smile on my Face. Wow JC and NT, would love to see your Faces right now. Here is my Face,
  7. I'm curious if Richie Hall's health issues (as reported during this last off-season) will maybe make for an easier, less-hostile transition. I.E. He'll want more time, we'll need to replace him....everyone's happy....kinda thing.
  8. Bye weeks sure do suck and this is exactly why I save all wins on the pvr. Re watching the win vs Toronto as I type this actually....
  9. I mean, if you don't like booze, that's fine....just drink a lemonade.....
  10. I normally agree with this, but Jones and Carter have me feeling like I hate the organization as much as the fans....
  11. Yeah, space stuff is not for me.....never seen one second of Star Trek or Star Wars........never will. Sooooo.......that's probably going to be a hard no from this guy on Orville for that alone...
  12. Yes...yes it is. It's not like it's a drop shot of tequila in a Guiness. It's sweet and doesn't really taste like alcohol. Take your panties off and drink whisky or at least a pint of quality beer...
  13. Let's move this over to that other thread where we're already talking about this....
  14. Seth is great and, generally, his humour appeals to me. Have always enjoyed Family Guy, American Dad, Cleveland Show, and all the movies... Million Ways To Die was funny for sure.... Having said this, I haven't seen Orville yet and am not sure it's really for me. I would never watch Star Trek in a million years....
  15. It's based on a CBC Sask article written about how they need to change the name. I was shocked it was written by a dude. Super soft....
  16. Tells you all you need to know...
  17. So how did Tate look in relief the other night? He's no slouch either...
  18. And, honestly, it's only a matter of time anyhow, right??
  19. Edmonton, when healthy, is arguably better than Calgary. The question is when, and if, they'll ever be healthy. If they're even close to it on Sept 30, it'll be our toughest game by far since the Calgary game...
  20. I think this is thisnis most beatable Stamps team we've seen in years and I don't think our D is as far off as people want to think. We're only tweaks away... Not full body off restoration territory.
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