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Posts posted by 17to85

  1. Actually several studies have shown that it has a negative impact on your driving but thanks for playing.

    yeah those statements are no different than those people who insist that "I'm a better driver when i've had a couple of drinks because I pay more attention" 


    The reason there's less laws regarding driving while high is like I said above, there's no good way of measuring the amount of stuff in your system roadside like there is with a breathalizer so anyone wanting to argue it in court will get it over turned because there won't be enough evidence to say whether they were impaired or not.

  2. question for those who know about this stuff:


    "finding this place" has been a reoccurring stumbling block for some folks... how do we make MBB easier to "find"? 

    I saw one guy on ourbombers said he just googled 17to85... so yeah, I guess I'm kind of a big deal... 

  3. I happened to check out OB last night and saw people claiming that we are over-modding and shutting down threads over here.

    Only real modding I've done is to shut down bashing of OB.

    I am not one who likes to see even stuff like that modded, but honestly, one of the best things about this place so far I think is that you all do a good job of not over modding. People are allowed to say what they will for the most part, just the excessive piling on seems to be kept under control and that's a fair way of dealing with things. 

  4. But wouldn't it be safe to assume he was NOT high (at least legally speaking) ?  If he was, and the police thought he was, I'd imagine he would have gotten a DUI type charge as well. 

    The reason you don't see DUI charges for pot is because there isn't a good way to measure the levels of the stuff in your system roadside like you can with alcohol so you can't ever get a conviction. 

  5. Not sure a seismometer would pick up sounds from game day. I'm no physicist here, but I'm guessing that sound would take the path of least resistance and travel above ground - not to such a depth and at such a vibrating frequency that it would register on any seismemeter - even one a par five away. But who knows - if it did register - that'd be pretty cool too.

    get it loud enough you would notice vibrations in the ground, not a lot obviously but there would be something if your equipment was sensitive enough.

  6. i'm not sold on the Stamps being back either. that might just be from my particular standpoint (since we pretty much handled them all three times we met them and the one time they were close, it took a 450 yard, record breaking return game by Taylor to even make it close)... but mainly i think it's because in the Grey Cup, Coach Jones exposed them as the one dimensional team that they were.

    once you take away Cornish (as we did, 3 times), they just don't have a viable "plan B"...

    ...i think that Huf and Dave **** have major work to do to avoid all 7 teams employing that (winning) strategy against them. 

    That's just your massive argo bias coming through there. Seriously, because the stamps offense looked bad in the grey cup you assume that it was all on the argos and you know, not just Kevin Glenn pulling that old folding under pressure act that's dogged him his entire career. Seriously, everyone said the catch with the stamps in the Grey Cup last year was whether Glenn did the wilt under pressure thing or not, and low and behold... Glenn faced the pressure and wilted. The sooner you stop and take a step back and realize that the Argos weren't the super unbeatable team that you think they were the more objective you will be. The Argos could have quite easily lost to the Als in the East final, they finished .500 in a weak division, beat a terrible Edmonton team in the semis... seriously the esks started the season stronger than they finished AINEC, I would argue that by the end of the season despite having less wins that both the ticats and bombers were stronger teams than the esks were. 

  7. In the West, it's gonna be between the Stamps & BC... Discuss... 

    maybe maybe not. Stamps (and by that I mean Tate) has something to prove I think. I think that's the safe bet right now but I dunno if Tate can make it through the season healthy or if he can actually be the guy the team needs him to be if he does. Durant takes a lot of crap and I get that but he is still capable of being a good qb in the west so if the stamps have a hiccup then the riders might be able to pass them. I think the only thing everyone agrees on is that Edmonton is looking to bring up the rear simply based on the massive gamble they are taking at qb.

  8. Because he doesn't create turnovers. He can't play the ball that well... Maybe somebody who knows can tell us how many knockdowns he has? Because his 1 interception that was thrown right to him is pretty underwhelming

    yeah but turnovers and knockdowns aren't everything, the guy sticks to people as well as anyone and maybe better. He's not flashy but in terms of stopping the passing game, he's easily one of the most effective players on the team. Stop basing player evaluations on the glory stats.

  9. But I wonder how many of them will actually get a chance to punt in the game.  With 4 punters, that's not a lot of turns each. 

    Hey if there's one thing the bombers have proven over the last few years it's that they are fantastic at getting the punters lots of work.

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