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Posts posted by 17to85

  1. ahh yes, the great and powerful Barker, infallible as a GM, never makes a mistake and has amazing mind control powers and is able to make players do whatever he wants.  :rolleyes:


    The ticats were willing to give Williams a new contract, he decided to be an ass about it and demand his release, even going as far as to take it to an arbitrator to try and get out of it. Clearly he did not want to be in Hamilton, that's the major difference there. He thinks he'd be an NFL player if he only had his release and only his release is enough. You can call it whatever you want but the player has an ego on him that won't allow him to even consider the CFL.

  2. If you are part of that Draft League, then you got special password for it. If you aren't in that league, then you don't need to be in there :)


    Elitist snob... how on earth am I supposed to mock everyones picks if I can't see who they're picking?

  3. While I agree to an extent, he does have a point.. if you cut off your nose to spite your face your not really doing yourself any favours.. Hefney in the LB corps would have made our already poorly playing secondary that much worse.. I believe thats why he was complaining about the move.. 


    unless it was solely personally motivated (trying to pad DB stats to get NFL look or whatever) in which I agree, no place for that the team.. 

    I don't believe it would have made the secondary worse. We had guys who could have played that position. Hefney was just so much better at SAM than anyone else on the roster it would have made the entire defense stronger, forgot one position vs. the other. He played SAM in some of the defenses best games in 2011 for crying out loud.

  4. Hefney lost of a lot of his lustre to me when he pitched a fit about playing SAM last year. Not the kind of attitude you want to see on a team. While people were jumping all over Johnson for being terrible, I was more ok with him just playing poorly because at least he was willing to do whatever the team wanted him to do. Not a lot of patience for me first players.

  5. the point is though, if a GM is shopping a veteran, it's unlikely he'll be keeping him.


    anyway, how certain are we that Hefney is in the doghouse?

    Well Burke has gone about 3 days in a row, as well as at the very start of rookie camp that the veteran secondary players weren't good enough last year and aren't showing good enough effort so far this year, and Hefney is known to be one of the flakier guys back there so it's a lot of conclusions being drawn, but it's something that sounds believable.

  6. How would people feel if Hefney was cut?/

    A lot of people would rage in an epic way. You think Mack is unpopular now the shitstorm that would cause would be a sight to behold... but I personally would be ok because I trust that if they say he's not good enough or not showing the required effort that there's a good replacement who will put in the effort. You remember how people reacted to Clint Kent being cut? Turn that up to 11 and that's the reaction if Hefney got the boot because he is a name and he's popular.


    he's reported to be somewhere in the $60k range... and that was after his bonuses. you get $90k to be on an NFL practice rostr and $400k+ for making the team... there's really no reason for him to risk his likely NFL payday for such a (comparative) pittance.


    we had to step up and pay Owens and then Kackert to not go south. but i think it's too late for the TiCats to sign him. bridges were already torched. and he won't want a new deal anyway because the 1+1 minimum could keep him away from the NFL for two seasons... and i don't know if he's willing to take a team's word on a "gentleman's agreement" to release him after one season...

    If I recall the ticats were willing to give him a new contract and a bigger payday, but Williams threw the hissy fit about wanting his release so he could go to the NFL or whatever. I would suggest that sitting out might be just as much of a risk to his NFL chances, out of sight out of mind and all that stuff.

  8. It's been done in the past. He hasn't retired so he is obligated to play. I think financially he'd be on the hook. The one thing I don't want to see are the Ti Cats being the nice guy here & letting him not live up to his obligations as we'll see more of this kind of garbage from players if they do. It will open up a Pandora's Box.

    the fact that they were willing to go to arbitration with this tells me that they have no interest in just releasing him so I can see them making him sit out the year just for pure spite. Williams really might have screwed himself over here, once you start throwing up red flags like this teams are a lot less forgiving of **** in the future. 

  9. The only time I am disappointed with changes is if they make changes to the characters themselves. Generally they've kept it pretty close but there's a few things that have just pissed me off cause it changes the characters for the worse, and quite honestly it's the way the characters are written that makes the books as good as they are. 

  10. According to Penton on Twitter, sounds like it's Hefney that is in major trouble.  Not sure why.  Also - if he is just goofing off out there, not sure why he thinks that he can just get away with that.  Perhaps he thinks this TC is like all others?

    I don't think that should be a surprise to anyone. Hefney has always been a bit like that... before he was just so good that it didn't matter. If his performance is slipping it's no wonder he'd be in trouble. People always piled on Johnson last year for a bad attitude but I think that was a load of crap. Johnson will put in the effort he needs to, he's just arrogant, which is to be expected but if there was one guy was going to get lazy in that secondary I always felt it would be Hefney.

  11. well the reason that people want to see it done exactly like it was in the books is because it's so well done and powerful in the books. It's tricky to get things that work in print as inner thoughts of a character onto the screen, but I felt for that scene at least they captured it quite well even having it play out slightly different.

  12. Not really related too much to what's going on today, but Burke said yesterday that he expects to see a lot from Isaac Anderson this season. That seems like a pretty solid clue that he's going to make the team.

    well it's easy to say that before you actually go through all the preseason. If someone new steps up and play better it's hard to be so certain. 

  13. I love Burkes attitude as a head coach. No bullshit, just play your asses off and everything will work out. Really hope it translates into a better record this year. There were some concerns when he took over last year, but hopefully with him being able to put his stamp on the team from the get go everyone buys in.

  14. love the quick reply and mobile options specifically. Looks sharper than the last layout too. I'm a fan. But everyone needs to get a unique avatar up asap so I can see who's posting what since my eyes don't immediately look to where the username is actually displayed right now.

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