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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Well the thought is that it's following blocks and finding holes to run through.... There's lots of examples of players who were good kick returners being fit into the offense. I think there are lots of ways you can accomplish this but trying to make them one position is just a waste of time. The point is that they should be a jack of all trades type who you can use to keep the D off balance because they are never quite sure what exactly you're going to do with them.
  2. Grigsby shown he has the skill to be a RB/WR type guy so he's safe in my books, at least to be that 2nd RB. If Cotton doesn't cut it, no need to waste time. Give others the chance. Or If I'm Walters I'll make a trade for Tim Brown who's buried on the Lions depth chart. Time for Cotton to cook or get off the stove. If he isn't good enough to help the Bombers or challenge Grigsby, send him down the road. you give Grigsby almost half a year but Cotton one despite Grigsby only getting the job in the first place due to injury?
  3. Whats the Bomber brand? A letter W? The W is pretty weak. We might still get a new logo on the Signatures like B.C. The Bomber brand is blue and gold. Based on the helmet I think they've forgotten that The Riders brand is green, neon lime green, and black? At leas they had some type of green in there. The bombers without either blue or gold just aren't the bombers. I mean the helmets are double blue, get that Argo **** out of here.
  4. This might be my favourite analogy on all of the internet.
  5. Whats the Bomber brand? A letter W? The W is pretty weak. We might still get a new logo on the Signatures like B.C. The Bomber brand is blue and gold. Based on the helmet I think they've forgotten that
  6. True day. But at this point it looks like every team in the West will finish ahead of the 2nd place team in the East. yeah but what happens if the 2nd place team in the east stomps on the bottom 2 eastern teams and the west stomps all over the 5th place western team? Sure it looks lopsided now, but the western teams have picked up so many of their wins against the east, let's let the eastern teams beat up on each other and the western teams sort their ordering out first why not? It's not going to stay this lopsided all year simply because the schedule is back loaded with divisional games.
  7. You are right JBR. I stand corrected. I must've been thinking of his pre-season appearance for Argos against us in 2013. We lost that game 24-6 and Portis played 4th Q for Toronto, completing 4 of 5 for 67 yds. I think he ran for big yards also. Name a qb that didn't look good against the bombers in preseason last year...
  8. Lost in the over exaggeration about his leg is the fact that Palardy is actually a pretty accurate kicker. More accurate than Milo anyway.
  9. You hate to see all those years of tradition of east vs. west thrown out. But you also hate to see a garbage team in the playoffs at the expense of a better team. Let's see how this season actually plays out before we make judgements on it.
  10. my problem, I want to buy a new jerseys, but I will not pay for the crap they've come out with now. I bought a retro this summer, but I will not pay good money for the crap we wear normally and if these ones are crap I won't pay for them. Why don't they make something good and take my money? It's as good as the money the "hip younger modern crowd" has
  11. of course it's a cash grab, every time they come up with a new jersey it's a cash grab. Did they need to do new jerseys a couple years ago? No but they can sell more if there's a new style. It's kind of hard to sell a retro jersey from a short time ago so they're going with this crap. I am just sick and tired of seeing ugly jerseys. The ones we wear now are gross, these ones seem like they'll be even grosser. Stop giving us crap for a jersey and I bet you grab more cash out of it.
  12. we could have a group of linebackers that went 6'3 250 pounds a piece and our defense would still be vulnerable to the run. It's not the players it's the scheme for the millionth time.
  13. Jerseys don't make football fans, an entertaining product on the field and at the stadiums does. This is a cash grab plain and simple. you don't think some 5-10 year olds are going to think it's cool and want to go to a game? Because of a jersey? No I do not.
  14. Jerseys don't make football fans, an entertaining product on the field and at the stadiums does. This is a cash grab plain and simple.
  15. Spending money hiring enough people to do the jobs rather than being cheap and expecting everyone else to cover for the lack of people?
  16. That's what happens to teams on the back half of a short week. They just don't have enough in the tank. Funny how TSN was pointing that out. Especially Suitor. And hey, LaPo was actually WORRIED about the Argos having a short week. Was any of the same concern expressed about us last Tuesday in that UNBELIEVABLE win by the Argos? I know it was mentioned but worry??? Lapo was wearing the Argo colours on the sidelines, it's always been clear who TSN favours.
  17. But the western teams are going to play against each other more often in the last half of the season, they won't all stay at lopsided win/loss records like that, something has to give. We got 2 games against the Riders, 2 against the Stamps, 1 against the Esks and I guess 1 against the Lions... make those count. If they can't beat their divisional rivals then you don't deserve to make the playoffs. Win some of those games you'll get in simple as that.
  18. That's what happens to teams on the back half of a short week. They just don't have enough in the tank. Yep the Bombers didn't use it as an excuse but if it doesn't make a difference why not do it more often? Wonder why we didn't start the year earlier rather than screwing around with the schedule and looking a little like a bush league? 9 teams, one week has to have an extra game in it just the way it goes.
  19. I honestly think teams have to start looking for Canadians in other positions. Teams are bringing in too much defensive line talent and using less Canadians on the defensive line as well because they see it as an advantage. Time for the CFL to adjust and shore up the offensive lines with more americans to neutralize that advantage that defensive coordinators are seeing.
  20. That's what happens to teams on the back half of a short week. They just don't have enough in the tank.
  21. Ratio needs to be dropped from 7 Canadian starters to 5 so 2 Internationals can start on the OL & it has no repercussions like a domino effect everywhere else. Disagree heartily with any reduction of the ratio in OUR game. But how else can you fix the problems the league is having scoring on offense? The OL blocking stinks with 7 of the 9 teams in the CFL. There aren't enough quality Canadian offensive linemen playing in the CIS & NCAA to stock 9 teams. There are 45 starting spots with 9 teams. College teams can't stock teams. It may not be something we want to hear but it is a fact of life. The only way is to reduce starting Canadians to 5. I don't like it either but it is what it is. so maybe teams should stop trying to play 4 or 5 NIs on the offensive line if it's the biggest problem with offenses?
  22. What a stupid thing to say. Not playing hard? Go cheer for another team. You're just an idiot troll. if you don't feed them they get bored and go away.
  23. yeah of course, because we gotta pander to Toronto all the time.
  24. Desjardins ran the Ti Cats into the ground overspending on Casey Printers. They could have used the money saved with having Glenn on other positions. As Dee & others are saying what's the point of spending $450,000 on a 40 yr old qb who has little if anything to throw to??? As stated by others, by the time the redblacks have these weapons Hank will be retired. Glenn would have given them stability & consistency at qb at about a quarter to half the price they're paying Hank now. Glenn may have not put up superstar numbers but the money saved could have been spent elsewhere & would have made the team better than they are now with Hank starting. Look for Rick Campbell to be Marcel's first sacrificial lamb before he gets the boot himself in a couple of years. What was the worst that happens with Glenn as the qb? They have a shitty record? Same as now? Desjardins with the silly notion that all you need is a big money qb. The coach that looks even more foolish is Austin for letting Henry go. Well that's hard to really say with Collaros being hurt. Burris was never going to lead the Ti-cats to a championship and he is certainly not a long term solution. Hard to say the Ti-cats were really wrong to try and move on, just bad luck the guy they tapped got hurt so early.
  25. did you notice that how once Chamblin stopped screwing around yanking his runningbacks out of games and then abandoning the run because of it the Riders started to win?
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