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    itchy got a reaction from blue_gold_84 in US Politics   
    John Stewart laid a vicious calling out a year ago on this.
  2. Like
    itchy got a reaction from JCon in US Politics   
    John Stewart laid a vicious calling out a year ago on this.
  3. Like
    itchy got a reaction from bustamente in US Politics   
    John Stewart laid a vicious calling out a year ago on this.
  4. Like
    itchy got a reaction from Mr Dee in US Politics   
    John Stewart laid a vicious calling out a year ago on this.
  5. Thanks
    itchy reacted to Fred C Dobbs in Black Lives Matter   
  6. Agree
    itchy got a reaction from JCon in Black Lives Matter   
    That argument and viewpoint doesn't wash any more,
    Had they shot him after seeing a gun and it pointed at them, then that's reasonable. To shoot the guy based on the fact he might have had a gun plays right into the rhetoric of racists. If it was a white guy, would they have assumed he was going for a gun, and shot them? From everything we know about this situation was that this guy was trying t break up a fight between two women, and was trying to get his three kids away from the situation. Shooting based on the info we have and what we've seen, no one can say this was justified.
  7. Like
    itchy reacted to JCon in Random News Items   
    He's literally pulling it out right in front of the sheriff on the video before he's pushed.
    The Sheriff's office saw the video and still stood behind this dirt bag. I hope he's finally fired and everyone who has enabled this scam. 
  8. Like
    itchy got a reaction from Fred C Dobbs in US Politics   
    Wasn't really a fan of his before, but this one is hilarious. 
  9. Agree
    itchy got a reaction from Tracker in US Politics   
    Wasn't really a fan of his before, but this one is hilarious. 
  10. Like
    itchy got a reaction from GCJenks in Restaurant/food thread   
    You guys and Jonesys are going to be the death of me!
    So had had to make a trip out that way for work today. Thought I'd stop in and grab something to go. Had a burger, and it was one of the best I've ever had. I'm into burger that pays attention to the patty used, not just piling on a variety of toppings and calling it a day. I think I might have to make another excuse for the almost 40 km trip one way.
  11. Agree
    itchy got a reaction from Brandon in Restaurant/food thread   
    You guys and Jonesys are going to be the death of me!
    So had had to make a trip out that way for work today. Thought I'd stop in and grab something to go. Had a burger, and it was one of the best I've ever had. I'm into burger that pays attention to the patty used, not just piling on a variety of toppings and calling it a day. I think I might have to make another excuse for the almost 40 km trip one way.
  12. Agree
    itchy got a reaction from blue_gold_84 in Restaurant/food thread   
    That was my first thought too, that it was staged or someone trying to make the movement look bad.. What's with the hammer and sickle?
  13. Like
    itchy reacted to Floyd in Covid-19   
    Worth the two minutes to sign up for free access to Covid articles...
    The three provinces that are Canada's covid hotspots - Quebec, Ontario, Alberta - all transferred elderly covid-positve patients from hospitals to nursing homes... a major part of our covid lockdown response unintentionally increased the death toll
    In March, while BC increased nursing home safety protocols... Quebec institute a 'load shedding' policy - paying nursing homes to take patients who were in hospitals... Ontario transferred 2800 patients to nursing homes... Alberta discharged 900 patients to nursing homes...  all before lockdown started...
    Sweden made the same mistakes - not allowing sick patients to be transferred to hospitals...  Denmark got it right - by investing in seniors care and allowing sick covid patients to be treated immediately
    The final death toll has very little to do with the general population - its about how different countries treat and fund their elderly
  14. Like
    itchy got a reaction from JCon in Black Lives Matter   
    With the current divide, I don't see any other outcome other than a revolution or civil war. it's only going to get worse closer to the election, and even if Trump and the republicans are defeated, that exit is going to be messy as hell, and those issues are still going to be boiling over.
    My family has been gradually going to the US less and less often, and I don't know if we will go back for the foreseeable future, other than Hawaii that seems to avoid the vast majority of this. For the last 12-15 years I have been going to Mlps for a beer convention in October- not this year for sure. The current riots will dissipate but the country as a whole will be a shitshow for years.
    When Trump was elected, we knew it would be bad, but I don't think many thought it would be this bad.
  15. Like
    itchy reacted to Mr Dee in Covid-19   
    I know they sell bags of dirt at these garden centres, I just didn’t expect dirt bags to be visiting them too..
  16. Thanks
    itchy reacted to Tracker in Covid-19   
  17. Like
    itchy reacted to The Unknown Poster in Covid-19   
    I laughed. 
  18. Like
    itchy reacted to Mr Dee in US Politics   
    How true...
    Howard Stern: “The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most, love him the most. The people who are voting for Trump for the most part... he wouldn’t even let them in a f*cking hotel. He’d be disgusted by them.”
  19. Like
    itchy reacted to Tracker in US Politics   
    I would not rule out either a scorched earth policy or incitement to violence. Trump will intimate but probably not directly call for violence in response to an election loss.
  20. Thanks
    itchy got a reaction from blue_gold_84 in US Politics   
    Two things really strike me about this video; the message itself (which seems to go against the current government's views) and who it is coming from.
    Bush used to be a punchline for poor public speaking, as well as not the sharpest tool in the shed. To me, it's a stark reminder how far the US (and the republican party) has gone downhill since then. The current government would never be able to splice to together a similar message from Trump, nor would they.
  21. Like
    itchy reacted to Tracker in US Politics   
    Trump's ego and personality will not allow him to resign- he will poison every well in a scorched earth policy before that happens.  Trump will never finance his own campaign 
  22. Like
    itchy got a reaction from sweep the leg in 2019-20 Grey Cup Champs Off-season discussion.   
    @ 12:14.
    You're welcome!
  23. Like
    itchy reacted to blue_gold_84 in Covid-19   
    Adhering to proper workplace health and safety procedures is the responsibility of the employee, the employer, and the OHS committee (which is usually a combination of both parties forming said committee). It's standard practice to conduct site inspections on a regular basis to address and resolve issues in the workplace. This pandemic is one such instance where an inspection is necessary. Keep in mind it can vary from business to business but the general mandate remains the same.
    The bottom line, however, is conducting a workplace inspection by video call is asinine, lazy, irresponsible, and basically useless. Whoever made this decision has put a lot of people needlessly at risk, of one which has died.
  24. Like
    itchy got a reaction from blue_gold_84 in Covid-19   
    One word- enforcement
    Employers know they can cut corners, with little to no repercussions from OSH who also have the responsibility to enforce. H&S authorities have effectively been neutered when it comes to violations, and then you see these cases occur. If there is consistent enforcement, and fines for those who violate the rules, corporations will be motivated to follow the rules and regulations that are there.
    I also don't buy blame being put on employees for the most part. Sure you're gonna have some idiots in any workplace that you're going to have to deal with. For the most part it is the culture of acceptance of ignoring H&S concerns in the name of productivity, a lack of training and awareness, and general apathy that leads to hazards such as this. In the legislation, the wording is also, " the employer shall ensure...". If you look at construction, if you don't follow the rules, you get kicked of the worksite. How many other employers are that diligent?
  25. Like
    itchy reacted to the watcher in US Politics   
    If this Pandemic has done nothing else it has shown the glaring difference in our two countries. Every time I watch the news from South of the border all I can think is " thank God Im on this side of the line ".Ever since Katrina I have been of the mind that we are watching a nation in its death throws. Violence, hate, anger, greed, an inability to pull together even in a time of crisis, a complete lack of empathy for each other. Its one of the few  countries  in the world that has allowed politics to take presidence over fighting the pandemic. Lots of mistakes have been made by many countries but always its been leaders TRYING to do what they think is right and best for their people. The real question for me is how far will the crumble go.
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