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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. As their intro said, "they have sold nearly 1 million albums." Not exactly the resume of most halftime shows at the recent Grey Cups or Super Bowls and it sure feels like the CTV/Bell machine hold stock in the band.
  2. Guys who have played in the league and are free agents? To me, that's about the last thing I'd be thinking about when I'm hiring a coach, although a coach who does a good job will create an attractive team to play for. Free agency (Feb 15th) is nearly worthless in this league, it's like the $2.99 DVD bin at Wal-Mart, good movies don't end up in there unless they are old or otherwise damaged. This team is so far away from being able to actually make good use of free agency to add the supplemental pieces it provides that it isn't even a concern, and really should never be. Free agents are looking for an opportunity to play and sometimes money. You need to build and develop a team with great scouting on both sides of the border. In a coach I'm more interested in a guy who can develop individual players and a team than someone who can attract free agents. You win and trend upward, players will want to play here. I'm not sure if you watched the Grey Cup, but Khari was typically with Durant on the sideline, or with Cortez discussing strategy. TSN had a closeup on a pretty emotional embrace between Khari and Durant immediately after the game. I don't think either of the two guys you mentioned would have significant difficulty with players.
  3. Because everyone in the league assumed Walters would get the interim tag removed. How to kill a personnel search quickly. No one is going to interview for a job that is filled. The league assuming something doesn't mean it was true. "Kyle will be holding interviews for coaching candidates next week," Pretty easy assumption.
  4. I'd be shocked if Hamilton re-signs Burris, and outside of Ottawa I believe his chances of being a starter next season are minuscule.
  5. Because it creates the conditions for a toxic environment. Hire someone to do a job, a job where that person needs to make decisions, and undermine their decision-making by pressuring them to make the decision you want them to make while you are basically holding a gun to their head (employment-wise). That's not necessarily true...there are all sorts of different scenarios of that both in business and sports management. At the moment Miller is running at least two successful businesses, he has hired people to run them, and if he were sticking his nose in and preventing them from operating...they would not be around long..but they have been. There are also different scenarios involving teamwork at the top...so it definitely does not have to be cut and dried as some are indicating. Which is exactly why I said it creates the conditions for a toxic environment. If you have a solid management structure, collaboration can work. If you have the mess of an organization we've have for decades, it probably won't. Collaboration works when there are defined roles and responsibilities in a supportive environment. When you make it well-known that you will be involved with football operations and cut a key for a novice manager, it doesn't look good.
  6. Any of those are tampering. The Bombers would have to get the Argos permission to negotiate with Collaros, which is probably a good idea for Barker if he wants to maximize Collaros' trade value.
  7. Because everyone in the league assumed Walters would get the interim tag removed. How to kill a personnel search quickly. No one is going to interview for a job that is filled.
  8. Why is Glenn to Ottawa such a sure thing? He's a free agent next year so if the Redblacks take him in the expansion draft, all they win is an extra few weeks to "exclusively" negotiate with him. The only QB with starting experience who is signed for 2013 and likely to be exposed is Tate. Everyone else is a free agent. Ottawa's QB1 is going to come through free agency. Anything can happen in free agency. Sometime after the Grey Cup we need to have a QB carousel prediction thread. Glenn signed an extension with Calgary, as did Mitchell.
  9. Because it creates the conditions for a toxic environment. Hire someone to do a job, a job where that person needs to make decisions, and undermine their decision-making by pressuring them to make the decision you want them to make while you are basically holding a gun to their head (employment-wise).
  10. There's no chance he signs with the Argos. It is kind of odd that they'd even attempt to pull a sign and trade. It will need to be a conditional trade.
  11. Out of curiosity why do you think Hervey is an awful GM? for starters... -extended K. Reed following their dreadful year last year -It was at 7:49 a.m. when the Edmonton Eskimos sent out an e-mail to announce that GM Ed Hervey had fired Kavis Reed as head coach. -won't be named a godfather to any children of Simeon Rottier(whom he trashed mercilessly publicly) -trashes journalists -did not know a roster freeze was on from Nov.24 to Dec.9 You've got that one backwards.
  12. Glenns receivers fumbled enough balls in scoring range that you can't put that all on him. They get points when he puts them in range rather than fumbles and the score is still close enough before Tate got the controls. Glenn's ints didn't help either, although one was a tip. In either case, Glenn seems to be ineffective in big games, I'm actually still really surprised he got the start over Tate. Pretty clear gameplan from the Riders. Remove Cornish, make Glenn win the game. Riders playing in Grey Cup. Same gameplan used by the Argos to win the Grey Cup last season.
  13. My opinion, I'd have little interest in Berry, Cortez or Higgins. I'd be interested in Cortez as an associate coach/OC if they are already sick of him in Regina. Berry is done in the league as a head coach or coordinator except in emergency situations. I'd give Chris Jones and Chapdelaine a call, mostly to pick their brains, but I wouldn't have a lot of interest in hiring them. Lapolice isn't coming back. Guys I'd have on my shortlist in alphabetical order (keep in mind for coordinator jobs too): Marcus Brady (possible OC too, might want a chance outside of Milanovich's shadow) Bobby Dyce (potential offensive or special teams assistant too) Jason Gesser (QB coach at Wyoming, former OC and interim head coach at Idaho, former Stamp QB...possible OC/QB coach candidate) Khari Jones Barron Miles (possible DC or defensive assistant with personnel experience in BC too) Mike O'Shea Noel Thorpe
  14. Okay it wasn't announced but it was reported a few weeks ago that he would be. http://www.morningbigblue.com/community/topic/1848-arash-madani-miller-trying-to-force-rick-worman-on-walters/?p=27246 That's not reporting, that's a rumour.
  15. O'Shea would be a massive risk, but I believe he'd be the type of coach I want. I don't want a guy who will have a hand in one pie and barely know what the other two pies taste like. We need a manager, not an offensive coordinator called a head coach. O'Shea doesn't have any experience managing a team, that's the risk. He also has a bit of a Kavis streak with the goofy rah-rah crap that tends to wear thin and doesn't work for a lot of players but we could do a lot worse.
  16. There's a big difference between a hard ass and an ass who is overwhelmed.
  17. Big time. The inmates ran the asylum when he was here, luckily he had some pretty solid inmates who could lead. The total loss of control in 08 and downloading of the OC duties to Dinwiddie and Glenn in the second half of the season proved the guy can't handle any of the positions that require management skills. Good coach, not a manager. Not cut out to be a head coach or co-ordinator. OL coach or maybe even QB coach would be a good role for him, along with advising a young head coach. Don't want him in charge of anything.
  18. Berry would be a very good OL coach and assistant head coach. Not really interested in him otherwise.
  19. Denmark is a great example of Burke's incompetence. Absolutely refused to play the guy at slot after he became head coach because he believed Denmark struggled too much with the waggle. No thought of coaching him up, just putting him out at field WR where he's too far away from the ball to do much. Guy lights it up as a slot after Crowton leaves, lit it up as a slot with Lapolice.
  20. Wouldn't judge him by his time as "OC" in Hamilton. It was Bellefeuille's offence. I think he did a good job with both QB's there and helped turn marginal prospects into players, like Bakari Grant.
  21. I'll wait until the actual check is waved in front of his face and we'll see if he still turns it down (if asked). Asking him right now is dumb. Anyone can say no. But then someone comes along and puts money in front of you and says the HC job is all yours all of a sudden thing change. It's like saying you'd never sleep with a hot prostitute, even if it was for free. But wait until she strips naked in front of you and starts lap dancing you and all of a sudden your **** is taking over your brain. Money isn't going to woo Dickenson. He makes more as OC in Calgary than our last 2 head coaches were paid. He is basically the head coach in waiting in his adopted hometown. Nobody is going to leave that situation to come into a mess where the CEO wants to be the GM, board members want to be the CEO and the GM and coach are doomed to fail.
  22. Bison kicker Nick Boyd is also a 5th year and a free agent. Has a huge leg, not a great placekicker, but should get a shot to punt in the CFL. He needs some time to develop his placement, but he's been much better this season. In the Hardy Cup today he pinned Calgary inside their 20 for most of the first half, too bad the Bisons offence and defence couldn't do much. He hit one that was a 48 yard punt that landed on the sideline.
  23. First step for the organization is to hire a GM in the week after the Grey Cup. Walters will lead the transition team and take on the position of assistant GM/director of Canadian scouting. Here's what I'd do up to the Ottawa draft as a GM: Step 1- Hire a head coach with strong management abilities. I don’t want a guy who is going to call the offensive plays or insist on a certain style of offence or defence. I want a guy who can manage a strong coaching staff (and attract those coaches) and players. Step 2- Give the head coach the necessary resources to put together his coaching staff. Step 3- Offer the Argos our 3rd round pick in 2014, 1st round pick in 2015 (conditional on Collaros signing a contract with the Bombers) and Max Hall for Zach Collaros and Trevor Harris. If they refuse, I counter with our 1st pick in 2014, 3rd round pick in 2014, 1st in 2015 (conditional) and any import player they want off our roster or neg list for their 1st pick in 2014, 5th round picks in 2015 and 2016, Collaros and Harris. Step 4- Protected Lists: Import- Collaros Sears Washington Wild Anderson Jones January Denmark Turner McAdoo Woods NI- Muamba Greaves Kohlert Labbe Swiston Watson Next 7 (we get to protect 6 after Ottawa picks one from this group): Etienne Thomas Poblah Pencer Renaud Fitzgerald Volny I didn’t protect Neufeld because I think his contract and broken leg will shoo Ottawa away, or take a bad contract off our hands. I don’t care a whole lot about Ottawa not targeting free agents, the only guys Ottawa won’t take are guys with legitimate NFL prospects this off-season IMO. If we don’t protect free agents we won’t have anyone to protect.
  24. You don't need a training camp to evaluate him now, there's more than enough film.
  25. They already have a problem selling tickets with Tim Burke. First season in a new stadium, how many sellouts? They budgeted for 31,500 per game, did they get that?
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