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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. Always be a fan of his after that great 2014 season. Best of luck in TO, LH!
  2. Washington as a DB: a somewhat improved version of Brandon Stewart. Fantastic foot speed and like DoD says, he can bring the lumber. Washington on special teams: very high risk / high reward returner. Loads of big-play capability but he does not take care of the ball. Seems like he'd get trotted out every so often when we got frustrated with our primary returner or when we needed a spark, and he would be shelved quickly afterwards. He got trucked by Nik Lewis last year, which is why people say that he's not physical enough. It was one freak play, so whatever.
  3. Good signing by the Cats. Good luck to Washington except against us. Washington always reminded me of B. Stew -- a guy who's one of the best athletes on the field but not a dominant football player.
  4. Yeah, that tap dancing scene was choice.
  5. ANDREWS HARRIS 2016: 20 touchdowns 1000 yards rushing 1000 yards receiving 1000mg of lithium for BigBlue.
  6. Consider: this time last year, Rory Kohlert and Chris Greaves were our best national players. However these Blue Bombers turn out, you can't say that Walters isn't working this thing hard.
  7. We say this about Hank every year, but I think this is the year that age will finally catch up with him, 2005 Damon Allen style.
  8. Harris and Shologan will relieve some of the pressure to somehow field national OL. We could have 2 national OL starters along with 2 WR, 1 RB, 2 DL. Or maybe we add an extra national like Bucknor or Waggoner on D and roll out four import receivers?
  9. Well, he is doing two jobs and sparing us from having to pay both a placekicker and a punter.
  10. Surprised. Wally usually moves on from veterans right before their best-before date, but for Lulay that day's long past. Wonder if he's getting starter money?
  11. Yeah, my general rule for Coen movies is that if it's got George Clooney in it, it's not gonna be one of their better ones.
  12. Yeah, especially since the Bombers laid an egg in their final regular season game vs. BC in the dome, that cost them first place in the West. It sure looked like we were doomed going in.
  13. I saw Hail Caesar last night. Everyone rates Coen Bros. movies differently1 so take this with a grain of salt, but I thought Hail Caesar wasn't very good at all. It's got some really pretty setpieces in it that will get the critics and the film nerds going, but they add up to nothing storywise, as we can see on Rotten Tomatoes. It's kind of like a happier version of No Country For Old Men ... but instead of being about a candle snuffed out by the cold horror of the universe, it's about how awesome it was to work in Hollywood during the golden age of film. 1my Coen top four: Big Lebowski and Raising Arizona for the comedies, Miller's Crossing and Inside Llewyn Davis for the drama. Fargo is wonderful but a bit overrated and A Serious Man is slight but really really good otherwise. It's been awhile since I've seen The Hudsucker Proxy, but that's fantastic as well, great old school screwball comedy.
  14. Gump 66 is a CFL hero. Here's another 80s gem they've uploaded -- the 1984 home game vs. BC. This is one of the first Bomber games I remember watching as a kid. You want to see the terrifying Bomber linebackers of the Cal Murphy era in action? T. Jones, Brown, Fowler, and Frank Robinson were running bulls in this game. BC QB Roy DeWalt, who owned us for most of his career, had zero answers. BC had -2 yards on offense after the first half. And Willard Reaves had a fantastic game, hitting the century mark in the first half. I had forgotten what a load he was. Guy was the complete package: speed, power, and moves.
  15. The same guy has uploaded the '84 Western Semi. Same teams, different outcomes. Man, the Bombers OL in this game was bananas. Clements had time to play solitaire back there.
  16. Trevor Kennard had a far worse year in 1982 than Lirim H. had last year.
  17. Keep talking, Duck Dynasty dude. Tell the 55% of Americans who support gay marriage exactly how you feel. The dominionist wing of American politics, which Cruz represents, is a bunch of super creepy christo-fascists straight out of The Handmaid's Tale. I am not a big Hillary Clinton fan, she's a weathervane politician and her vote for the 2003 Iraq War is something I just can't get past, but if the choice is between her and Cruz you can be sure I will be sending money and support to HRC.
  18. The Dead Puck era started just after Bettman came on board. Think the guy is fantastic for ownership and I definitely respect his accomplishments in growing the NHL as a business, but as a steward of the game, I'm not big on him.
  19. I think a lot of that depends on free agency. Lotta DL out there. Doubt he'd be traded, he'd probably just be released if we sign his replacement.
  20. The Dale Hackbart story is choice. Don't just read the teaser, the best stuff is in the article itself.
  21. Let the other teams spend money on the guys you don't want. Then when free agency rolls around there's less money out there to be spent on the guys you do want.
  22. Will always be a fan of Bagg. So many injuries, so many rehabs, still playing at a high level. That's some grit.
  23. Trevor Kennerd came back from a worse season. He was just barely a 50% kicker in 1982 and lost the Western Final that year on a missed field goal. Became an 80% kicker in 1983 and was with the Bombers until the Westwood era began.
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