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Everything posted by johnzo

  1. Montreal down Glenn, S.J. Green, Carter, Stafford, and Sutton. Huge adversity, be interesting to see how they come out but I bet they look preseason bad. I've got Montreal in the pick-ems but that was when I thought it was Glenn playing, wish I could change it.
  2. My wife, who is not a football fan, loves the everyman feel to the CFL. She loves hearing about Khari Jones' stage career and Obby Khan's restaurant and Cvetty's Pets and Kevin Glenn's donut franchises and so forth. Also, the CFL website is getting much much better. Realtime play tracking appears to work now and the "news" section is actually worth reading (for me.) I was all set to come in here and complain about how the stats history was removed in last year's redesign, but it appears to be back, and so are the historical game results.
  3. The biggest differentiator between the two games, I think, is that the tackling in the NFL is so good and the field is so small that you get far less of the exciting open-field action you get in a good CFL game. In this case, the superior talent leads to a less exciting game. It's like how junior hockey is more entertaining than the NHL -- the kids haven't been coached up 1000% on goal prevention yet and there's more disparity in the talent levels among the players, so defensive coverage is looser and the game can be more exciting. It's more fun to watch people achieving things instead of watching people preventing other people from achieving things.
  4. Hamilton / Montreal game feels tricky to pick. Montreal is missing their top three receivers but Masoli is playing like Joey Elliott. Who's worse? Gonna flip a coin here.
  5. Loffler got some reps back there too -- he was blitzing on the Leggett pick six and looks like he hurried the throw a bit.
  6. Were the assassins affiliated with BLM?
  7. Masoli reminds me of Joey Elliott -- there's something there, he can make plays, but the mistakes are just backbreakers.
  8. Oh man I am getting Odell Willis flashbacks here.
  9. nice color by Suitor, showing how Matt Black is jumping the routes and they're setting him up to go deep.
  10. Anthony Allen on a tear to start the game, then fumbles -- somewhere, Corey Chamblin is nodding sagely.
  11. Lirim 6/6 to start the season. Jinx.
  12. man I hate seeing little wide receivers fight for yardage in a crowd of tacklers. Just asking for a fumble. Get the first down, step out. You're not gonna move a pile.
  13. That was a real Crazy Football League game -- gruesome and gorgeous in equal measure. Happy to have the win. Onward and upward. Looks like Walters and McManus have finally found an import receiver with some game. Loving to see what Jace Davis Daniels Davis is bringing, he's overshadowing our expensive free agents.
  14. Youtube gotcha covered: I am gonna be a giant nerd and have a read/watch along tonight.
  15. Is it even that easy to know in hindsight? If someone on a return team puts a hold on a cover guy in the first second of a punt play, you won't see the impact until there's a little opening where that cover guy ought to be, a few seconds later. (maybe this already happens on all punt plays, I dunno, never played special teams ... or any teams)
  16. Come out gunslinging. Calgary is gonna stack the box to stop Harris early because Harris was our only reliable threat for much of last game. Throw over their heads.
  17. Always appreciated Durant and I'm glad to see him on the field again. I've never seen a CFL QB shrug off DLs like he did in his prime. It'll be pretty amazing if he comes back and plays well after two potentially career-ending injuries.
  18. poor 46 for Montreal, trying to cover Williams across the middle. Nice mismatch created by Ottawa there.
  19. That's gotta be an ejection. Shame, this game was sucking and needed a spark and Carter makes a fantastic catch and then clowns it up. Bush league.
  20. Gotta reserve judgement until we actually see them on the field... ..but I've gotta ask, has anyone seen Gary Etcheverry lately? Are we certain that this "Chris Jones" isn't just Etch in a rubber mask?
  21. that was the same tweet that had Masoli as QB of the week, right? Nothing against Masoli, he's looking good so far, but T Harris was the QB of the week last week and it wasn't even close.
  22. Marriageable is all, I think. Another prediction: Littlefinger is gonna try to trade use of his army to King Jon Snow in exchange for an engagement to Sansa.t
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