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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Yup - worth the loss of a point, in that it's brought us a lot of points since. Still, if we had that point right now...
  2. Flames fans wore red when the team was in white. Seemed to turn out alright. I'm not saying you're wrong, but if we start following what ******* FLAMES *fans* are doing........then I'm all the way out..... I don't think you are getting it, the Flame "fans" copied Winnipeg. Winnipeg was the innovator. The only thing that comes close for originality was the towel power of the 1982 Canucks.
  3. Watched a game here last week - Rockets vs. Tri-Cities - playoff game. Comrie stood on his head but Tri-Cities still lost. He looked really sharp. Not bad for a rich kid.
  4. Sharp doing the Buff impression really pissed me off - hey *******, the ref gave you that goal. Smug prick.
  5. probably hit the co-pilot and incapacitated him. The issue was that they were descending too fast and couldn't have pulled up in time. This was the same situation as the fourth plane that crashed on 9/11 - the passengers stormed the cock-pit but it was too late as the terrorists put the plane in a nose dive. Apparently the A320 doesn't allow you to do that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKBABNL-DDM
  6. This guy disagrees with you: Simon Calder Thursday 26 March 2015 Andreas Lubitz: Knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 enabled mass murder The ill-thought reinforced cockpit door has had catastrophic consequences http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/andreas-lubitz-kneejerk-reaction-to-911-enabled-mass-murder-10137173.html
  7. German magazine Bild has leaked the transcripts. Makes you ill. I wonder if these unbreakable doors on cockpits are really that good of an idea.... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/germanwings-plane-crash-transcript-reveals-passengers-screamed-for-over-five-minutes-before-plane-crashed-into-mountain-10142936.html
  8. Agree with everything here. I also thought Pav had the stronger game among the 2 goalies. Was that a 2 on none when we had the powerplay? You know it's strange, we get healthier and we don't win. Funny dat. Death to the NYRangers all I can say at this point and go whomever plays L.A. next. Chicago plays LA tonight...
  9. Forget about style, compare their pictures. They could father and son. Fyp.
  10. There is something to be said for the politics in Canadian hockey. There are only so many spots on junior teams, and a lot of players are extremely similar in size and skill. I can see if there is a recognizable NHL name on the jersey, that kid is probably going to get some favorable treatment. I look at Ben Hawerchuk's numbers with the Barrie Colts and I wonder if he'd even be playing junior hockey if his dad didn't own the team.
  11. If in my job I had the power to kill 150 people just by pressing a button, my concerns about whether a camera is being pointed at me really shouldn't matter.
  12. It won't be long now before the pilots are phased out. Too many planes going down still due mostly to human error. Or from what it looks like in this case, a seriously deranged pilot.
  13. Bring us the Cup and then Willy can name his price. Walters will look at it and shake his head, but at least he can name it.
  14. Of all the teams the Jets lose to it had to be the ****-bag Canucks. Sigh...
  15. In the off season the Jets just need to trade for Ryan Reaves and Alex Steen and we are all good. 2017 - draft Ben Hawerchuk in the first round. When are Teemu's kids draft eligible?
  16. Back to back games - gotta give Hutch the start against the Oilers so Pavs is fresh for the Canucks. I can't tell you how bad I want the Jets to smoke the stinking Canucks.
  17. I think Logan makes a good point. Other than weather, there's plenty of good reasons to live in Manitoba, like the lower personal and property tax rate, no wait, that's not it. Well their PST is lower. No...hmmm. Well they have fewer insect issues...oh right...hmmm
  18. Tacklewasher told me that the new commish was born in Kenya. Has anyone checked his birth certificate? Congrats on the new job. It is especially gratifying that we got someone this good, given how few people wanted this thankless job. Good luck Mr. New Commish!
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