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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. I hope our 2024 second round pick from the Kings pays some dividends too. Man, I know it's early days but I believe that Chevy fleeced the Kings pretty good. Would we have gotten that kind of return from the Kings for Laine? I highly doubt it. Dubois - way over hyped.
  2. I thought that was only when the other team was running special QB protection. Especially in Grey Cup games.
  3. I was watching one of the NFL games yesterday and Darryl Moose Johnston was going on about his new affiliation with the merged USFL and XFL, the United Football League (still doomed to fail I'd wager). He kept saying that "it was the only chance for guys to still play football and have a shot at getting into the NFL". I don't get why most Americans, who are football fans and in the football industry, are so blind to the CFL. It's just like the CFL doesn't even exist, despite the fact that so many CFL players do go to the NFL. Just a bit of a Rodney Dangerfield thing going on here. Why is the UFL any better than the CFL?
  4. Camera angles in this stupid arena are so bad. Camera is so far away. It's like watching the Spengler Cup.
  5. LOL - this is a video of Blake Wheeler getting his butt kicked by some guy on the Blackhawks. Not sure why it is "Age restricted".
  6. Some Jets 1.0 coverage in here.....for the old timers like me....
  7. https://www.castanet.net/news/Entertainment/465778/Speed-Racer-star-Christian-Oliver-dies-in-a-plane-crash#465778
  8. so it sounds like I should go put a c note on the Sharks tonight lol
  9. I thought Hans Blix died when he was sent into Kim Jung Il's shark tank....
  10. haven't watched it yet, still have to watch Shoresy as well Season 2.
  11. I am waiting to see the Vikings working out Damian Jackson...lol...
  12. yes well let's hope with the malcontents that were a part of last year's slump now banished to New York and LA, I am hopeful that the guys can keep up the intensity this year and keep the wins flowing. The Jets are tough to deal with when all four lines are firing, most teams don't have that kind of depth to skate with us on all four lines, and we make teams pay for that. You want to focus on Scheif and Valardi? Ok, here's a serving of Nino for ya, with a dash of Morgan Barron on the side. Will be interesting on the 17th of February when we play Vancouver where both teams will be at in the standings.
  13. I think what Wayne actually said was - you miss 100% of the penalties you don't call.....
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