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Posts posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. 22 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Oh my God I totally cannot un-see this now! That is subversively brilliant. 

    It's really obvious in this 5 Neat Guys Gold video...whoops I said I wasn't going to post any more clips...sorry...one more post...now I'd done!

    and they weren't even trying to hide it in this one as Joe's trying to sober up before they go on stage...


  2. I was shocked when I found out Joe was American too....he always seemed so "Canadian" in so many ways...in this interview (from 1982) on Letterman he discusses how he ended up in Toronto and meeting this kooky gang of Canadians....

    Edmonton sure takes a beating in this interview too which is hilarious.

    I like how John Candy is smoking during the interview, classic 1980's.  Historical context - at this time John Candy was in a war with SCTV producers because they weren't paying the actors very much and were very cheap, and Candy was pretty bitter about it.  The character "Guy Caballero" was actually a parody of the main producer and was created out of an act of defiance by the SCTV cast.  It was actually sad to hear how a show so good and so funny and so Canadian was enduring all kinds of animosity and turmoil behind the scenes.

  3. 4 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    It wasn’t being blinded by money so much as it was needing the infusion of cash to keep the league alive. All the talk about Toronto failing now, or Edmonton or Calgary struggling with old stadiums and BC’s failing attendance previously, is nothing compared to the death throes the league was in in the early 1990’s. No US teams and the league would have died. But the cost to the product was being required to comply with US labour laws which would not allow Canadians to take US jobs in favour of an equal or superior US citizen. So the American teams had the unfair advantage of having all US back-up players. 

    ok maybe I got the NHL and the CFL mixed up there....

  4. 34 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    I was only 7. All I can remember is freezing, the ball hitting the goalpost, and overhearing my Dad on the phone saying “it was bullshit how they kicked those guys out” after the game. I guess referring to the shoe thing? 

    I also remember complaining at school that it “wasn’t fair that Baltimore didn’t have to play any non-imports” and none of the other grade 2 kids having a clue what I was talking about. 

    I was articling at a CA firm in Calgary at the time and remember saying the exact same thing the next day to my equally clued-out co-workers.  So there you go.  The owners at that time were blinded by the money, and allowed a totally unfair advantage to the US teams.  It was a total betrayal, in my view.

  5. Another nugget.  The Argos had a guy named "Granny Liggins", which I would put up there with "Randy Rhino".  This was before my time so I have no memory of this season.    

    EDIT - I know we like to crap on TSN but man when you watch these old games you sure miss all of the new technology, like the first down line (so you know if they are even close) and graphics like telling us what the score is more than once or twice a quarter, as well as just telling us what down it is and how many yards to go for a first down.  I remember the days when that stuff didn't exist and I also remember having to pay a lot more attention to everything so that you could be informed rather than just lazily relying on technology.  I definitely think that while I appreciate being kept informed in real time it has made my brain go to mush a bit when it comes to paying attention to details.

  6. On 2024-03-16 at 9:02 AM, Super Duper Negatron said:

    Watched all of Masters of Air. It could have been so much better. It was way too Spielbergy for me. Less Pearl Harbour and more Band of Brothers would have made it a much better show.

    Still watchable though.

    Enjoying Constellation as well, even though it is confusing AF.


    yeah watched Masters of the Air and was hoping for Band of Brothers/The Pacific with bombers and instead got a lot of boring minutes going no where.  Was very disappointed.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    And Reggie Slack had at least one really bad knee as well. Slack had one of the most intense stares in pro sports. He would have been one of the CFL greats if his body did not deteriorate. 

    1994 - Calvillo's rookie season with the Posse.  Man was he bad....

    4 hours ago, WinnipegGordo said:

    Im guessing this would qualify as an old Bomber game:


    was this the one where a fan stole the only football they had after a Bomber td and the announcer on the broadcast was begging people to come to the stadium to bring a football so that the game could finish?  I remember Rod Smith making fun of that in some video somewhere...

  8. 23 minutes ago, bb1 said:

    I am not bailing on the Jets yet. Brutal schedule lately with weird afternoon games and definitely a let down game against New Jersey. IF we do collapse again though i really think we need to review Chevy and can he really judge his team in a objective way?  But i still think this team is much better than last year...🤞

    This team just looks gassed.  Needs more than one day off between games and get a bit of a breather.  Also, I don't have access to much Winnipeg media, what's the word on Vilardi?  Is he coming back this year or not?  Man we could use him right now.

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