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Everything posted by GCJenks

  1. I’d laugh but really it’s sad to think this man is employed in professional football.
  2. I hadn't noticed or paid any attention to him until that game and have been very impressed in what I have seen so far. I keep meaning to go back and rewatch but did he get in on defense in the 4th quarter against the Lions?
  3. I was seriously impressed by Kelly's kick cover against Toronto. I can clearly remember on play that he lined up on the near sideline, kick and returner went on the far side and he ran a "J" route around everyone and made the tackle. Cemented my opinion that he needs to be on the roster and will be a difference maker in the future.
  4. Kelly has really impressed me when he’s been on the field, just doesn’t have enough playing time to get put forward. I expect that Osh will thumb his nose at all of us and the team nominee will be Jackson. Possibly Bennett, definitely has shown the most growth during the season. Haba probably the most talented of the bunch but again doesn’t have enough playing time to be viewed as much of an impact. Overall a very sad list.
  5. You’ll be missing not having more to watch in a heartbeat. I loved the progression of the case stretching the full season while each episode also had a stand alone storyline too.
  6. I get mad when refs mess up on the field in the heat of the action but I understand it. I get furious when the command centre that has time and slow motion replays don’t correct the errors when challenged. Kramdi did not interfere in the end zone. That was a BS call that should have been over turned but based on the refs positioning I can see making the call in the first place.
  7. As evidence my 10yr old is a huge fan and has a Weird Al playlist on his Spotify.
  8. He was way more even than I expected. Thought he was actually pretty good.
  9. Very impressed with the “never quit” displayed by the Bombers tonight.
  10. How long before Matty head butts Farjan in the booth for being too much of a homer?
  11. 4 more hours until game time. Can’t stand the waiting!!!
  12. On the radio they said Neufeld not dressing but still on the roster. Did we not take a single extra body that could go on? Not a great game to be down a body.
  13. It also took more than 30 minutes to get anything from the concessions… Pretty much from the point we got our second field goal until the end of half time I was in line waiting. 10 game in and 2 to go and they still haven’t figured out their staffing for game day.
  14. As a member of that noise making contingent it was hard to put the effort in when the team on the field wasn’t. Once they got their $hilt figured out so did we.
  15. Anyone else having issues with the Bomber App and e tickets? I can’t seem to log in and transfer them to my wallet.
  16. https://can.givergy.com/OrangeJerseyAuction2023/?controller=home @JCon has it right in his post for anyone looking.
  17. You are right, not there now. Hang on.
  18. https://www.bluebombers.com/game-day-guide-september-29-2023/ Link to the online version of the letter, with all active links.
  19. Best way to support the team on a bye week… https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10160730161700491&set=a.77696030490&type=3
  20. The development of the other characters around Carmi is what I am enjoying most about this season. I sure hope this indicates that future seasons are in the works or why else spend so much time on character development.
  21. I watched this yesterday morning and will need to watch it again as I didn't see the same as you. I found the chaos overwhelming and had a hard time following along. I did love the transformation of Ritchie in EP7 "I wear suits now".
  22. I not saying that Jeffcoat isn't knocked and can't use the rest but if O'sh was going Haba for Jackson, why not do it last week?
  23. Any chance that someone tried to grab Haba from the PR and to block it they activated him and the easiest way on to the active roster was to sit Jeffcoat who really isn't hurt but could use the rest? (Again, I haven't been around keeping up so far this week, please forgive me if this has been discussed and if Jeffcoat is actually hurt.
  24. Ugh, my bad, I was thinking we have enough CDN starters that we don't need him, probably need one to fill the CDN roster minimum. As Booch says there needs to be better options.
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