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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Almost all civil cases are settled out of court.
  2. There would have no award without the issue first being appealed in court. The government made an out of court settlement instead of waiting for the Supreme Court's final judgement.
  3. In any legal discussion, there are certain things we should be able to assume are part of the discussion. 1. The basics of how the courts function, such as the out of court settlement the government made with Khadr, in lieu of waiting for the Supreme Court decision. 2. The facts surrounding certain evidence and how it works- example: sleep deprivation used as torture 3. The concept of a guilty mind vs. the prohibited act and how they must be viewed together. Example: viewing Khadr's past as child soldier as being connected to the prohibited act he committed. 4. The laws concerning young offenders in Canada, including the fact that young offenders are only rarely tried in adult court.
  4. The fact that he did it and the fact that he was a child soldier - those two things are not mutually exclusive - they must be viewed together. It doesn't matter whether or not you said it, it was part of Nutt said, and it is the context in which she said 'he did it.' And no, I'm not moving goal posts, those are the goal posts.
  5. 1. I've already clarified the out of court settlement - which should have been obvious enough but somehow required another half dozen posts. 2. It doesn't make sense to keep saying he wasn't tortured, there is enough evidence that proves he was. The Supreme Court doesn't accept appeals for which there are no legal grounds. 3. I'm not cherry - picking. The court made the decision, not the government. It's this Canadian thing called division of powers. 4. In Canada, young offenders are rarely tried as adults, even though it's possible. This a fact that has nothing to do with cherries. 5. Sleep deprivation has already been clarified.
  6. Of course they didn't, it was an out of court settlement. The government could either settle with Khadr now or accept whatever ruling Supreme Court made later. The vast majority of civil cases end this way.
  7. It was a Supreme Court ruling. No matter how many times you say it's not or how many shades of grey you try to introduce - it's still going to be a Supreme Court ruling.
  8. All these posts people are putting out there blaming Justin Trudeau for this settlement need to know some facts: -Omar was a child when this incident occurred. He was a a child when he was sent to Guantanamo Bay where he was tortured. If you think it is ok to torture people, even children, without consequence I see a huge issue with that. -he is also a Canadian citizen. His rights as a citizen were violated. The Canadian government turned their back on him and knew he was being tortured. Not Justin Trudeau but prime ministers like Harper. -his confession was obtained though torture. He was finally given an ultimatum: confess and be transferred to a Canadian prison with more humane conditions or maintain innocence and spend the rest of his life in Guantanamo Bay possibly being tortured. He, himself has said he has no memory of the event. He may have thrown the grenade, he may not have. He just happened to be the only person who survived in that house. A house he was left at as a minor. He was blamed. There is no concrete evidence. If there was he would have spent the rest of his life in a Canadian prison after a fair trial. He didn't get a trial at all. -Justin Trudeau didn't offer him money. It's not a decision he makes, despite how badly conservatives want to blame him for this. His settlement was decided upon by the Supreme Court, which Trudeau does not control. It's called separation of powers. It's the same court that would rule a payment to you if the government had violated your charter rights. The fact is you are mad that a minor, a child, a Canadian citizen may be guilty of something or may not be and was tortured, again as a child, and the Supreme Court of Canada ruled this was wrong and mandated the government pay him. Finally, since he was released from prison he has been a model law abiding citizen. A university student.
  9. The same amount of mental gymnastics are being used to make it appear cut and dried.
  10. The Supreme Court made the decision and awarded the money, not the PM.
  11. You need to crack the first beer while barbecuing - that is all
  12. Burke's D was simple but effective. He relied on man coverage which allowed him to use creative pressure packages. His DBs were always well - coached on how to cover one on one effectively.
  13. Burke - agree with all of the above re Berry
  14. Just for the record - the nipples of any male mammal are part of what determines what kind of nipples their female offspring will have. So, you're basically saying Burke was not completely useless.
  15. Meh - it's 6 of of one and half a dozen of the other. Your opportunity in the other three games is an automatic 0%. Ya totally blew it dude.
  16. Maybe they're thinking - an 'AHL D' just won the cup.
  17. Arise Bombers - arise! You too shall rule yon gridiron Merely crush foes first (A little crushing music maestro)
  18. Bombers move the ball bloody lacklustre so far Feel free to step up
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