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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. Makes signing free agents more difficult .. People may look at the lack of stability and steer clear ..
  2. No .. was a turnover on downs I believe ..
  3. Wow. What have you got to lose ... go for it ... still down 19 with 9 to go .. 3 points doesn't do you any favors
  4. Was wondering how long it would be before Calvillo tosses his hands in the air. And there it is. On a side note, flavor of the week is holding onto the ball much too long tonight .. also a bit scattershot .. Pronounced after watching Ray early on.
  5. People are going to have to realize .. we are not going to turn into a winner overnight .. change won't happen right away .. it's going to take time .. I wonder if the board or the fans have the patience to build a winner ..
  6. Such a treat to watch Ray go to work. Accurate. Poised. Aware. WTF was Tillman thinking ...
  7. Apparently the only one going through proper channels in this whole fiasco IS Buchko and he's being eviscerated here. Lots of misplaced anger 'round these parts.
  8. Calling this for the Argos. Swapping in Popp and Berry doesn't address their injury or protection issues.
  9. The professional thing to do would be to keep the discussion internal so that all parties involved could get the information in a similar timeframe. Leaking it like this puts undue pressure on Board members and, depending on how maleable that person is, can bias their decision. It's also a bit of a farce that Mack (regardless of how you feel about him) has to hear about his impending demise through a gossip column. People like to complain about professionalism (whether it's a coach, a player or other parts of the organization) .. this is yet another example where the Board falls short .. do you think True North would air their dirty laundry in the media? Likely not.
  10. Has nothing to do with controlling a message .. it's about projecting a clear vision and ensuring goals (both short and long term) are well defined for both the organization and other stakeholders (fans).
  11. The leak is yet another example of why this organization cannot get its ish together .. too many competing agendas that preclude the team from projecting a single, unified message.
  12. I really hate having to lock threads and generally prefer to let people moderate themselves but this has now run its course. If anyone has an issue with this, please PM me. Thank you to the Original Poster. I really appreciate the idea and thought behind the thread and am looking forward to "Beasts and Bums - HAM @ WPG".
  13. In the clutch, nobody can hit a wide open defender for a pick six like Glenn. He's money.
  14. Try watching him in warmups before a game .. one thing I've noticed is that he tends to throw behind his receivers a fair bit .. granted it's only pregame but those same tendencies were on display in both the Calgary and BC game ..
  15. Thanks for linking the article MOBomberFan
  16. Not exactly Earth shattering .. many people have been saying that for at least a couple of seasons now ..
  17. This has been my biggest beef with Mack. While I fundamentally agree that drafting and developing players in your system .. within your organization .. is key to long term success .. it does nothing to address immediate need. We were a team that lacked quality non-import depth .. we needed bridge players .. guys who could come in for a few seasons while we replenished draft picks and allow those picks to go through a few camps .. it's pricey in the short term but it's a balanced approach to building a team that's competitive now and in the future.
  18. And what precisely is blasting a QB with exactly two career starts under his belt going to do aside from destroy his confidence? We already saw Goltz's nerves come up during the game .. let's put more pressure on the guy to perform. In all honesty, Burke was quite candid (with both the pros and cons) and very even keeled in his assessment of the game. He's also right in that a few more plays on the offensive side of the ball .. this could have been a much different game than it was. There are going to be growing pains .. and ANYONE who thought Goltz would come in and shoot the lights out was sadly mistaken .. guys have to learn to win .. learn how to play through adversity .. learn to play together. For Goltz, it's learning to battle (and keep things level) when things aren't going his way .. a guy has to be allowed to make mistakes .. so that he can develop.
  19. Better athleticism .. better range .. if nothing else it allows him some latitude to react to mental lapses .. he *IS* an upgrade over Logan in that he has a much higher ceiling
  20. Same MO of every defence that will face us .. stop the run and make the QB beat you with his arm .. Goltz is still too eratic at this point (and I don't advocate pulling or sitting him because he needs reps to improve and develop) but you shut down Simpson .. you shut down this offense.
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