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Posts posted by J5V

  1. 32 minutes ago, AtlanticRiderFan said:

    You didn't come out and say that coronavirus was no big deal, but you have definitely downplayed the severity of it, and you have implied that the measures being taken are too extreme. But those measures are what will prevent the healthcare system from being overrun, and in turn, people dying because they couldn't get proper treatment. And if the measures don't work, it's because not enough people listened. But if they do work, it wasn't an overreaction; it means we took proper precautions.

    I'm all for protecting the most vulnerable, which are the sick and the elderly -- those with compromised immune systems. The vast majority of fatalities belong to that group and not the strong and healthy. The vast majority of us experience mild to no symptoms. This is not my opinion. It is a fact. We don't isolate the strong and healthy for the flu, which so far has proven to be an even bigger killer, so why are we doing it for the coronavirus?  We have no vaccine for the coronavirus so how are we supposed to build herd immunity within our strong and healthy population? By isolating them? Makes no sense to me and I don't know how it makes sense to you.

    The measures I disagree with are economic and are resulting in the destruction of our economy. This, in my opinion, is insanity. 


  2. Just now, SpeedFlex27 said:

    The Chinese are an economic juggernaut. The Russians aren't. Their power comes from their military. It always has.

    Agree 100% and it has not fared them well since WWII. The American military faltered in the seventies and their economy did too. The big change in China came with the end of Mao's "great experiment" and the loosening of control by China's socialists to completely defeat poverty and to allow their version of privatisation & capitalism. The State is never far away but they are smart enough to not mess with what's working.

  3. 6 hours ago, AtlanticRiderFan said:

    So on one hand, you're saying that coronavirus is no big deal and that the flu needs to be taken more seriously. But on the other hand, you are criticizing the #1 remedy to the flu crisis (aside from basic hygiene). How the hell does that make any sense?

    As far as the effectiveness goes, yes they sometimes miscalculate which strain of the flu is going to be the one that gets bad, but getting the shot is still better than nothing and should help boost your immunity.

    As far as the "hazards" go, there is a far, FAR greater chance that you will be harmed from the flu than getting harmed from the vaccine. People who are immunocompromised especially cannot take that risk.

    Flu shots are not perfect, and nobody is claiming that they are, but they are better than the alternative (getting seriously ill). And this is coming from someone who, admittedly, hasn't gotten the flu shot for a while, but in light of the pandemic, will be getting it going forward. Always take precautions.

    I have never claimed that coronavirus is no big deal so don't make stuff up. As to the flu shot being ineffective, there is lots of support for that argument. I think the intelligent thing to do is weigh both sides before you decide. Personally I don't care whether you get a flu shot or not. I wish you good health either way.

  4. 38 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Things will change, mark my words. I doubt status quo will remain. The question is how much will change? China manufactures most of the world's pharmaceuticals. What's stopping them from controlling who gets what, when & what price? Trudeau may think China is our friend & is filled with great admiration for them but they are our enemies & if allowed would crush us & our way of life. You have to wonder how things were allowed to get the way they were. No one seemed to care, I guess. 

    Oh I agree things will change but I just don't see manufacturing returning to Canada any time soon. China is part of the G20 and will follow the global agenda along with the U.S., Mexico, GB, Russia, and Canada. If anything, I see even more of our manufacturing going to Mexico. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I sincerely hope that the Globalism experiment of countries without borders, refugees allowed to cross unfettered into sovereign countries & supply chain management where we see both China & the US dictate what & how much countries get regarding ventilators & N95 masks. We need to take care of ourselves first as a country. We  need to bring manufacturing back to Canada. Make things here like we used to. 3M has a manufacturing plant in Canada but it doesn't make masks. That has to change. It may be cheaper to manufacture goods in China but I'd be content to pay more knowing Canadians had jobs & we had enough to supply all Canadians with products we used to make here. I'm of the belief that will all change in the coming years. 

    I don't see that kind of autonomy for Canada in the global economy. Those kinds of things are decided for all countries at the G20 Summits. 


  6. Vaccines and the big pharmaceutical companies have lots to contribute to the topic of covid-19. As for the Queen, I heard Prince Charles tested positive, and snakes were implicated in the virus transmissions in China. The meanderings of JRR Tolkien, maybe not so much. 😉

  7. 55 minutes ago, JCon said:

    From vactruth: 

    The information contained within the VacTruth.com website is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. By using the information presented on this website, you agree to take FULL responsibility for yourself.


    That's not science. That's opinion. That's opinion without evidence. Because it makes them feel good, just like President Dumbass. He says things people want to hear because it agrees with their uneducated opinion. He's killing people in the US. He would love to kill people around the world, especially brown and black people. 

    Well no. They interviewed the mother and she told us what happened, which doesn't sound good. You don't believe her?

  8. 2 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Know what the hazard of not getting a flu shot was to my family? I had to watch as my 3 year old son had a febrile seizure on my couch. At the time, I didn't know wtf that was and thought I was watching him die. And just this past fall, the results of NOT getting the shot was watching him shake in his own bed because he couldn't breathe due to a bad flu that led to a bad case of pneumonia and a hospital stay of a week while he struggled to stay alive. So forgive me for saying you can go **** yourself with this bullshit.

    And you know what the results were the year he got the flu shot on time? the results were ******* nothing. He got ******* nothing. Healthy and happy all winter long. So again. **** you, go **** yourself.

    I'm glad it all worked out for you and your son. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, johnzo said:

    If I were to die at this very moment the same headline would be true for me. I have also received at least 13 vaccinations in my life.

    (Not going to die, things are fine for me here in Seattle, hope everyone is ok in the peg)

    Glad to hear you're okay.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Sard said:

    I think the part you're missing is that if the measures that have been taken (ie. social distancing, etc.), then the load on the health care system would be much higher than it already is, and the number of deaths would escalate much quicker than they have.  If we are able to keep the number of deaths below that of the seasonal flu, then that would indicate that the measures taken have worked as intended.

    I'm not against those measures. I'm wondering why those same measures weren't taken against a pathogen that is killing at a 29:1 ratio. The argument I got is that we have the flu shot.

  11. 17 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    So you don't like to read eh? Cause you took nothing that I wrote in my post for your response. This is why you are ignorant. I don't know if it is willful ignorance or simply that you're slow but until such time as you can actually read and understand the arguments being presented pipe down while the grownups are talking.

    You can't deny that your argument in support of brushing aside 29 flu deaths in light of 1 covid-19 death was that there is the flu shot but no vaccine against covid-19 so we're more vulnerable to it. Sorry, but that makes no sense. It might make sense if the death counts were reversed but for now at least that is not the case. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Mr Dee said:

    According to the Daily Show, and host Trevor Noah....
    6.6 MILLION people have filed for unemployment in the US.
    And, the FBI has said 3.7 million people have tried to buy guns over the past month.
    Also, Dr Fauci, the country’s leading immunologist, and spokesman, has been assigned a security detail after receiving threats...

    America, eh?




    2 hours ago, 17to85 said:

    Well I and many many others get a flu shot each year... There are lots of places that restrict visitation during flu season to try and help from vulnerable people getting it.... So yeah we do take precautions. 

    Here is where you apparently fail at logic, this is a new virus that no one on the planet had any immunity to. That means we are all susceptible to it, unlike the flu which there are people with immunity to, because it's been around for a long time and we have a vaccine for it. 

    Stop trying to come up with a smart sounding argument and use a little logic. 

    Your logic is that we brush aside 29 flu deaths to 1 coronavirus death because some people get the flu shot? I can do without that logic.

    Do you realise how ridiculous what you just said is?

    We currently have a 29:1 death ratio, almost exactly the same 29:1 death ratio that we are seeing in Ontario and I expect across the country and maybe the world and for that we are going to:

    • collapse the world economy the cost of which will be "at least $1 trillion and possibly $2 trillion world-wide"
    • plunge the world into recession/depression
    • cause world wide supply shortages
    • cause world wide panic buying
    • force the layoff of hundreds of millions of workers world wide
    • cause extreme poverty world wide
    • cause world wide stress, anxiety, depression, suicide
    • cause world wide violence, rioting, theft, looting
    • put troops in the streets world wide

    and our part in it will be to stand idly by and: (courtesy Health Canada)

    • stay at home unless you have to go to work
    • talk to your employer about working at home if possible
    • avoid all non-essential trips in your community
    • do not gather in groups
    • limit contact with people at higher risk, such as older adults and those in poor health
    • go outside to exercise but stay close to home
    • if you leave your home, always keep a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 metres) from others, and
    • household contacts (people you live with) do not need to distance from each other unless they are sick or have travelled in the last 14 days

    All this for a death rate that is 1/29th that of the flu. Yes I realise that may change as the flu season ends but talk about a fail at logic.

    Even if the coronavirus death toll soars to 30 times what it is now we will only just have reached that of the flu. A flu we were happy to live with before destroying the world we knew over coronavirus. 


  14. 3 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    give it time. You have this really bad habit of looking for an entire seasons worth for the flu and the very start of a pandemic... AND you are being completely dishonest about it any because our country is taking unprecedented measures to slow the spread of this thing. 

    If we all had your attitude towards it you'd damned sure see more than 1 death from Covid in Manitoba (a number which is sadly going to climb). 

    And further to that, it's not an either or situation here! each death from Covid is a death that is added onto other deaths. I mean even Trump and his loyal band of idiots have given up this stupid "the flu is worse" argument because it doesn't hold any merit at all. 

    What I find odd is that you aren't asking why we don't take the same measures to halt the spread of the flu? How is it that you can just brush those deaths aside? It's your attitude towards the flu that is completely dishonest and is contributing to far more death.

  15. 1 minute ago, Mark H. said:

    18 flu deaths since September.  


    The first confirmed COVID 19 case in MB was only 3 weeks ago.  Now that we have health care workers and the elderly in personal care homes testing positive for COVID 19, things will escalate quickly. 

    Could be. Where are you getting the 18 number? I just got the latest report, from March 15th to the 21st and it reports the flu deaths up to 29 from 27 so 2 more must have died recently. You can find the report here https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/surveillance/influenza/docs/200321.pdf

  16. 17 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    People throw out the phrase that Alberta needs to diversify the econmy like it's so easy & can be done quickly, Alberta has a highly educated work force of unemployed ex O & G workers. You'd think high tech companies would want to set up shop here yet it never happens because Alberta has to compete with other cities & countries. Maybe the business & income tax are less elsewhere.  Maybe governments elsewhere are more business friendly. Certainly the climate plays a lot into decisions of companies to relocate here.  To simply say Alberta "should just" diversify, well it's not that easy. 


  17. 3 hours ago, Floyd said:

    This is the biggest stock market theft in history - all these guys know exactly who and when they will bailout

    im watching the troop buildup in Eastern Europe - trump/Putin would have a lot to gain by starting a war soon

    They've stolen 25% of my life savings overnight and they won't stop until they've got it all, I'm sure. We better get used to it, this has worked so well it will be repeated over and over again.

  18. 17 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    People throw out the phrase that Alberta needs to diversify the econmy like it's so easy & can be done quickly, Alberta has a highly educated work force of unemployed ex O & G workers. You'd think high tech companies would want to set up shop here yet it never happens because Alberta has to compete with other cities & countries. Maybe the business & income tax are less elsewhere.  Maybe governments elsewhere are more business friendly. Certainly the climate plays a lot into decisions of companies to relocate here.  To simply say Alberta "should just" diversify, well it's not that easy. 

    The only province I didn't enjoy living in more than Alberta was Saskatchewan and that ain't saying much. Alberta has more than it's fair share of arrogant, redneck ******* cowboys. Maybe that factors into it a little bit. If you truly want to know what people think of Alberta, and I don't for a second think Albertans care about what the rest of the country thinks, look outside the province. 

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