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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. I would argue O'Shea is directly responsible for Hall and Lapo still being here. His loyal to a fault character is going to be his undoing. We already know he took on more defensive responsibility which probably saved Hall from getting the ax. Hall did seemingly turn it around but Lapo's offense has been hot trash and whether its him or Nichols not being able to execute it who knows. But O'Shea seems to always be there to fall on a sword for someone. For all we know Walters was talked out of any changes by O'Shea. In fact its probably likely. I have never seen a coach so adverse to change even when its painfully obvious changes need to be made. Sam Hurl comes to mind. It will cost him his job down the road. I have no doubt.
  2. Nice guys tend to finish.... Just saying. Look at all the successful coaches in football. Belichick, Don Matthews, Bud Grant, Buono, Landry, Noll, Shula, Parcells, Coughlin, etc. All hardasses. The huggy buddy buddy coaches don't often find success and tend to have very short shelf lives.
  3. On a garbage onside kick recovery with a questionable late hit no less. Meaningless play. Cruel way to have it end.
  4. Where did I say we were going to be a contender? My post was solely aimed at your asinine proclamation that the Riders will be better than 12-6 next year based on nothing more than the usual ridiculous Rider homerism as opposed to reality. And be prepared to be insulted when you come to a Bomber fan site after a playoff loss and spew your verbal diarrhea. Please go back to Jonestown and consume the koolaid over there.
  5. LMFAO what does Chris Jones put in your water?!?!? Better how exactly?? You just stated in your other post that Eguavoen(your best player) is likely gone, possibly Jefferson too(your second best player), yet somehow your defense is going to be better next year?!?!? Your freaking defense virtually outscored your offense at a rate that is unheard of and completely unsustainable, and not to mention was directly related to those two guys who may be gone next season, yet the Riders D is going to be better?? Holy **** man. Do you drop your pants when you talk out of your a** or is it muffled? And lord almighty don't get me started on your depth at QB which makes the Buffalo Bills look deep. Please keep your insane ramblings to the confines of riderfans where the rest of the Jim Jones, errr Chris Jones disciples gather to spew verbal diarrhea.
  6. Is there something in the ****ing water? I swear Nichols is turning into Drew Willy 2.0 The saddest part is Nichols has the best o-line in the league in front of him. Can you freaking imagine Nichols behind the swiss cheese line Willy had?!?!? Christ, he would have thrown for negative yards today and would still be rocking back and forth in the dressing room drenched in his own urine.
  7. What planet is this guy on? Im so ready to move on from that clown. When he was doing his best season torpedoing choke job throwing pick sixes like candy I still remember his comment basically throwing his receivers under the bus and not once taking responsibility for his **** play. Man up you tool.
  8. LMFAO. 12-6 was the biggest smoke and mirror job this league has ever seen. Your ****ing defense scored more TD's than your starting QB for the love of god. If you think that's sustainable you need to put down the crack pipe bro. Your QB depth is one hit away from Jones digging up Ron Lancaster.
  9. GFT! How many times did we have pressure on Mitchell today???? More than Nichols had pressure on him. Yet Mitchell continues to look downfield and make plays. Nichols gets happy feet and shits his pants.
  10. Cant wait for the usual post game verbal trash from MOS "Proud of my guys, everyone played hard, no one wanted it more than Nichols, he's our guy, we believe in him". Couple that with the whole coaching staff back next season and the wash and repeat early playoff exits will continue. Status quo.
  11. The way Nichols is so tentative throwing you'd think our receivers were being covered by 5 circa 1991 Deion Sanders's
  12. This has and will always be the problem with Nichols. He's a game manager that needs a strong run game and defense behind him to win. It almost seems he dislikes being forced to throw the ball, he wants to nickle and dime on his own terms. If you get down a couple TD's its goodnight. The problem is the CFL isn't a game manager league.
  13. Going to be a huge challenge, especially now with no JSK and a one armed Bighill.
  14. Tweet from Arash Madani: "Some concerned Riders employees, being told of paycuts and bonuses removed, want to meet with President Craig Reynolds. It's days like today that leadership is integral in an organization. So far, staff have been told that Reynolds is "unavailable" to meet with them today." Oh boy. House of cards is falling.
  15. Hearing Biggie has a broken wrist and will play with a cast. ****. Not ideal, especially when trying to tackle but atleast he'll be out there.
  16. That ****ing sucks. He must be really hurt cause its the playoffs man. One and done.
  17. Ive literally watched the hit 20+ times and it was a shoulder to shoulder hit where the sheer force propelled Bridge's head downward/sideways where it made contact with Jeffcoat's helmet/shoulder area snapping it back. It was no doubt a super violent hit, but by no means did Jeffcoat lead with his head ala Willis. The Willis hit was light years worse.
  18. Dear god. If that's the case the chances of leaving Calgary with a win would take a huge hit. Wrap them in bubble wrap and stick them in a hypobaric chamber for the next 6 days.
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