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Bubba Zanetti

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Everything posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. Unlike Hurl who plays near the line of scrimmage, Hecht wont have much to do. Our front 4 wont give QB's enough time in the pocket to throw those deep passes
  2. Agreed. Their 2 biggest impact defensive playmakers (Eguavoen and Jefferson) are gone. Not to mention their defense scored on an unprecedented and completely unsustainable rate last season. How those melonheads can possibly think their defense isn't going to take a step back this year is beyond me.
  3. A good buddy of mine has coached Winnipeg high school football for many years and gone up against Harris, Coombs, Oliveira, Lafrance, Demski, etc. FWIW he's always said Coombs was the most dynamic and electrifying out of all of them.
  4. You know, around this time of year, before the season starts, I seem to forget what a total brain dead, laughing stock, biased, POS Rod Pederson is but then without fail he'll come out with something like this and it all comes flooding back....
  5. I Would Do Anything For Gin(But I Wont Do That)
  6. Maybe I missed it but does anyone know what is going on with the SAM linebacker position? It seems like a done deal that Fenner has been moved to one of the cornerback spots. I have heard nothing about who is battling to replace him at SAM. Did I miss something?? Im also a little surprised that they moved him. I thought he was solid at SAM and it seems to me its easier to find a replacement cornerback than linebacker.
  7. IIRC he refused a PR spot with us. Would have been a great opportunity for him to learn behind one of the greats... Hindsight...
  8. I swear to God, these Rider priders are implanted at birth with some sort of chip that makes them oblivious to reality when it comes to that team. Its truly the only explanation for their reality blindness.
  9. Lawler sounds like a keeper and Bailey hasn't been a slouch either. Hopefully we can find a way to keep both.
  10. Hope so! That looks mighty fine on paper.
  11. That's the guy. Jamel Richardson. Those guys were beasts together.
  12. Who was the other twin tower receiver the Alouettes had 5+ years ago or so?? Green and that other guy were bananas good together. Fed us our lunch more than once.
  13. Perhaps a seed from his watermelon helmet lodged into his head and damaged his rational thinking receptors?
  14. Perhaps he expected to start this year with the departures of Goosen and Chung but then realized the writing on the wall with Gray, Couture, and Desjarlais?
  15. Don't get me wrong, Joe Pop was great, but how Chris Walby is not one of the 4 icons at the IG Field gates is beyond me. IIRC he wasnt even a voting option. An outright travesty.
  16. Stegall, Walby, Ploen, Grant Probably should have Jack Jacobs in the poll. May have voted for him.
  17. Would like to see Santiago make the team, but I think his only chance of sticking around would be as returner and he'll be hard pressed to beat out Nelson and Whitehead.
  18. Toth is also a tool. He'll come out and make a ridiculous asinine statement then fight a losing battle defending it only to do a 180 the next day. That whole show is trash. Scrap it and start over with people who can think and speak properly.
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