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Everything posted by Sard

  1. One of the picks that ended up being double coverage had 2 receivers running basically side-by-side. I would hazard to guess that one of them was supposed to pull up on a shorter route which would have taken the 2nd defender out of the play. I think that one was on the receiver who wasn't supposed to be there (I think it was Lucky on the outside who's defender jumped in and took the ball from the intended receiver).
  2. I will agree that they did well at bringing pressure.
  3. The comment you made was that "WITH THEIR BACKUP QB" they made us look like "pure crap", which is not the case at all. The fact that Nichols was in a funk and couldn't pull it out of the fire has nothing to do with how Hamilton's backup QB played.
  4. Pretty sure there were complaints when we beat Toronto last time, and that was by 27. Ridiculous questions like "how could we let them score 21 points?" and "why didn't we score more in the 2nd half?". Some people around here just can't seem to be happy no matter how the team is playing.
  5. They scored a total of 9 points with that backup QB in for 3 quarters. It's a bit of a stretch to say that they made us look like crap with him in the game.
  6. And Brodie Lawson thinks it'll compete with the Rum Hut... I don't think she's seen the crowd at the Rum Hut if she thinks that was even close to the same.
  7. My only issue with Sayles is that he seems to sell out attempting to get the 'big hit' too often and doesn't wrap the ball carrier up. He's good for at least 1 or 2 every game where he can stop a guy for no YAC yards if he just puts his arms out, but he tries to knock guys off balance or out of bounds instead and usually just glances off of them.
  8. I thought we had 8 Canadian starters in Ottawa. If that was the case, no worries.
  9. I think I remember one throw into the endzone by Edmonton, but it was at least 5 yards away from the receiver so no chance to catch it. I could be recalling incorrectly though. Either way, the Bomber D did a great job of taking that option away all night.
  10. How do you figure they got the catch and fumble wrong? In slow-mo, it may have looked like he had the ball in his possession for quite a while, but in real-time he barely touched the ground and was hit immediately after that and lost the ball. That's an incomplete pass every day of the week.
  11. Headers in soccer could cause some pretty wicked brain movement. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that's where it's coming from.
  12. Andrew's gonna have a hell of a time getting into the end zone this week... Bomber's don't play again until the home opener
  13. Didnt think the reffing was too bad, but I counted 3 calls that Rod Black guessed wrong, two of which were pretty bloody obvious that he was going to be wrong.
  14. I've seen some comments on twitter complaining about the coach's salary cap being the reason for this. I seem to remember seeing a story in the off season that said June Jones refused a salary for some reason or other, or maybe donated it all to charity, so I don't think the amount he was being paid really mattered to him. Agreed that it sucks for the league to be losing coaches, especially this late in the off-season.
  15. Watching that just gets me more excited for the season to start... They better not delay the start of the season. Go Blue!!!
  16. Good for Ray and his health, unfortunate for the league.
  17. But that's kindof the point, it will never be a priority, so it will never get done and the payoff in 5 to 10 years will never happen. At some point someone has to take a step back and say, despite the fires that I have to put out today, I need to do something to prevent them from happening in the future. Agree with it or not, it is a bigger picture view of the situation that someone had to take eventually, and it just happens to have been taken now.
  18. I would wonder if getting international players into the league actually would help in TO. There is a rather large immigrant population there, so if the CFL becomes more popular internationally and with international players, it may catch the interest of some immigrants who could become fans that attend games. Probably a bit of a stretch, and would definitely take a while to get legs, but could be part of the thought process.
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