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Posts posted by wbbfan

  1. 2 hours ago, Logan007 said:

    Because he sexually assaulted a 16 year old girl (his kids babysitter, he basically grinded up against her, both were fully clothed) after taking a double dose of sleep and pain medication.

    Personally, the guy has no history of any criminal activity, and he's never been charged of anything since.  As far as I'm concerned, I'd take him as a GM.  You can't keep blaming someone for something they did in the past once they've changed and moved on.  But people are like that.  You do something wrong and people want to blame you for it for the rest of your life.

    was he convicted of that? I remember it happening but dont remember any verdict or plea.

    looked it up should have in the first place i guess :P


    Tillman pleaded guilty to the charge on January 4, 2010, the day his trial on this summary offence was to begin.[16] He was granted an absolute discharge the following day and subsequently received no criminal record but was fined $50.00.[24][25] Judge Murray Hinds stated that Tillman was "genuinely remorseful [and] in this case there's no suggestion that Mr. Tillman is not generally of good character. He has no prior criminal record. His behaviour towards [the teenage girl] on Aug. 6 appears to be an aberration fuelled by his consumption of two non-prescription drugs."[26] On January 8, 2010, he resigned from his position as the Roughriders' general manager.[17]

    Pretty sickening. Tbh mixing morality and sports is really tough. Its easy to judge some one like him, but the amount of troubled/troubling individuals around pro sports is massive. If we deny some one like him a job we'd have to cut any one involved with the team who had similar things in the past. We have had some long time beloved players who had very troubled lives away from football.   

  2. 32 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    The Extra Point is pretty much the same people tho that are on here. Isn't it? Sure looks like that. I find this forum to be a little more relaxed and chill than the others. By that I mean and yeah agreed it gets annoying reading the same posts from the same people in the same topic... I mean the drew willy thread there.... how many times can you say the same thing really. .. but mods here seem more chilled. 

    Idk looks like 2-3 active posters over there. I didnt take a long look though didnt have the stomach for it. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    We had two decent QBs in Marve and Elliott that needed a lot of help...  instead it feels like we took their run and gun style and tried to change it into pocket passing dink-n-dunkers.

    Similar to what Montreal is doing to Cato and even Bridge right now...  At least, Wally recognizes Jennings for what he is.

    I guess we can't really recognize Toronto for 'developing' Gale since they dumped him and went with McPherson...

    Very simple equation in the end - Bomber's don't spend enough on scouting...  the end.


    No one ruined or changed marve. He had had 2-3 knee surgeries and then re injured it again. They didnt try and turn marve into a pocket passer at all. mos even talked about how he can make things happen with his legs before several games. He showed flashes in very limited action and then the more he played and as teams had an idea of his style they evaporated. 

    Elliot wasnt this regime of scouts or gm pres etc. 

    Often young mobile qbs breaking into the league resort to runs as its effective and the same as down south. They down have to adapt a lot to running, the bigger field and smaller defenders makes it easier. But as they get used to playing and are more comfortable they go back to passing more. You cant change a pro qb very much. When they get here they have had 3-4 years of starting and being the man in the ncaa at a high level. Plus 2-4 years of starting and being the man in HS which for many of them was huge in terms of pressure and development as well. You can almost never change a qb at the pro level. Their mechanics are what they are, and their mentality as well. Plus teams dont recruit running qbs who have far more raw passing skill and turn them into pocket passers. If you want a pocket passer, you recruit a pocket passer whose dramatically better at that skill set. On top of all that, no one really gives running qbs a big look up here currently. And no one brings up x/y/z pro set pure pocket passers either. Most all of the starters and back ups have a very similar skill set in the cfl. Mobile, able to roll evade some pressure and pick up some yards but passers. 

  4. 3 hours ago, B-F-F-C said:

    I'll still come around every so often but this site is now being dominated by half a dozen posters who ad nauseum say the same thing over and over again.

    My Internet policy is that I don't write anything on these sites that I wouldn't say to the persons face.  Many here have should follow the same policy. 

    Thanks for the great years of Bomber Talk but it's now become a Bomber ***** board with no real football talk. 

    just use the ignore feature and remove what you see as toxic makes things a lot better.

  5. 6 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    but that's what I mean when I say stable. The CFL has a high player turnover rate, it just does, but it's the stability in the management and coaching staff that lets teams develop qbs. Toronto and BC have had that stability in the management and they are finding qbs as a result. Calgary has been stable in that aspect as well and lo and behold they have no trouble at the position either. 

    soo true. If you look at the best teams over long periods of time the key to their success is that they can turn over players and maintain a high level of play. Montreal and those defenders and wrs, calgary and the wrs and rbs etc.

    When you having a strong winning system its dramatically easier to take one player and get them to fit into a role and fill a hole.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    Except, TO isn't winning championships....

    they did after flutie left, and had great qbing post flutie and are a better qb mill now then ever. idk how you managed to miss the point soo badily. Moving on to a better younger qb has seldom led to teams regretting letting go of the older qb. (when your team is a qb puppy mill)

  7. 15 minutes ago, bryan35 said:

    Reilly can move out of the pocket to buy time and make plays. Willy hasn't done that. Willy has been a statue in the pocket.

    Other teams also move the pocket/slide the pocket. I haven't seen much of that this year with the Bombers.

    Reilly is really good at that, but willy has shown plenty of mobility, Staying in the pocket despite the pressure isnt a bad thing. But i do like a qb that will roll from pressure. We moved the pocket and slide protection, sent willy on rolls only in hammer. Idk why we didnt earlier or why we stopped.

  8. Just now, HardCoreBlue said:

    With how Edm's game ended last week, we need to have a big 1st Quarter, keep that downward spiral of theirs going, this will NOT be a bounce back game for them, come at them hard quiet the crowd.  I'm going to the game give me something to cheer about. Hope is all I have. GO Blue! 

    That would be big too. For us and for them if we come out swinging early.

  9. 1 hour ago, JohnnyOnTheSpot said:

    QB sacks are up, QB injuries are up. You can blame the NI o-line, you can try having a tight end and blocking backs but the proven way to counter act that is to get the ball away quicker than they can get to you.  Lapo has brought that kind of offense here but Willy has been ineffective with it. Either he needs to change his game or he's going to end up finishing his career as a backup somewhere. The days of waiting for a receiver to open and taking a hit to make the play on a routine basis are over in the CFL.

    We dont have any thing close to a TE on the roster. You know the thing about an offence with no long routes to stretch the field? The D creeps up and takes quick passes away. Its easy to say you need to get rid of the ball faster but when your looking at sub 3 seconds before the D is on you and the OL being pushed back with the pocket collapsing right on the snap you often cant get it away fast enough. 

    When you run a possession passing offense designed to run the field in 10+ plays you need strong consistant protection. Other wise you end up with a short gain on first and pressure on 2nd and your punting.

    19 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

    A quick release combined with being a threat downfield on a regular basis. Look at Edmonton - teams have to respect the threat of their receivers downfield as well Bowman's ability to create YAC. That immediately leads to fewer players teeing off on their OL & QB.

    Willys release is better then average, and thats not some thing you change in a pro qb. We have tons of talent at WR. Thats not the problem. They are one game up on us, very nearly lost to the riders, and us. They arent a team to be imitated. Not to mention they have lived off the big passing play. They have done worse with running the ball and time of possession then we have this year. Their OL may not be made up of stars, but its played very well and protected Reilly exceptionally well this year.

  10. The starting job / the game will be up for grabs tnite. If we manage to win it probably wont be a 1 dimensional win but this is what matt nichols needs to get and to do in order to win imop.

    Needs to do:

    -Get rid of the ball quickly. When hes playing well his mechanics are consistant and easy. When hes forcing you see him short arm balls, drop his hand to his belt and throw from with a wind mill wind up, and he doesnt follow through with his motion. 

    -Make good decisions. Hes prone to the gun slinging mentality. Its a double edged sword, he's got to make the right reads go through his progression and protect the ball. 

    -Convert. In the red zone, and on 2nd down. He doesnt have to light the world on fire but he's gotta keep the D off the field and medlock too.


    What he needs:

    -Some of the good strategy and tactics we saw from plop in hammer. Rolls, shovel passes, slide protection, moving the pocket, runs off tackle and any thing but up the gut.

    -A good game from the OL. We've given up the most sacks in the league so far this year, but edmonton has the fewest sacks on D. A good game up front to buy nichols some time, and let us pound the ball with harris would be huge. Itd allow us to set up play action, and keep pressure off him better.

    -The D to make plays. Our D has given up yards like crazy this year, and we've given up a lot of points. But we lead the league in forced fumbles, picks, and are mid way up on pass deflections. The eskes dont run the ball too well. If they beat us again itll be with the big passing plays. Our secondary is banged up, but we still have some play makers back there.

  11. 9 hours ago, Floyd said:

    If Henry Burris is back and rolling... you don't think Ottawa even considers a major upgrade to its lineup for their backup QB?

    Let's say you offer Andrew Harris and Westerman for Harris... you're rolling the dice on Burris staying healthy but those two are probably what puts Ottawa over the top to win the cup.


  12. 2 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    I really like Loffler.  To me he's more of a SAM/WIL type.  Kinda scared about his ability to cover ground if he's playing a deep half/third/quarter for most of the game.  Love him in the box and blitzing.

    Kind of a glut of players like that, Canadians.  Loffler, Waggoner, Sherman.  Solid role players, none of those guys have the skills to play safety in the CFL IMO.

    wally had agreed to a deal with waggoner to play saftey before his papers came through. Loffler didnt look out of place in his snaps there last game at all. It takes more speed and explosiveness to be a man in the box blitzing then deep cover. Thats more about read, discipline, and football IQ. 

  13. 2 hours ago, Floyd said:

    Wally wanted to change Harris into more of a blocking/utility back.  Harris still thinks he can be an all-star so he left.

    And now he's a glorified blocking back in Winnipeg... go figure.

    say what? harris is an excellent blocking back and probably has the best tool kit of any back in the league  that, his mixed ability to run and pass catching out of the back field. Gotta stop making stuff up and claiming it as fact.

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