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Everything posted by WBBFanWest

  1. They decided to hold an event on what would be the most important day for footbal at the stadium this year? All they really needed to do was realize that this was a really bad day/place to book that event and either change the date or alternately, find a different venue. "Only day that worked" out of an entire year? As the old saying goes, "Your inability to plan does not constitue an emergency on my account."
  2. Depending on what model car you're sleeping in, they might mistake you for the mayor.
  3. If Rourke has been cleared by the medical staff, then if anything happens, that's on them, not Campbell. If Rourke has not been cleared to play, and Campbell plays him, then Campbell is an idiot and yes, that should be on him completely.
  4. Being that job 1 of any coach is winning, everything else has to be secondary to that. So if Campbell thinks that his best chance of winnig is Rourke, he'd be silly not to play him.
  5. Having experienced some of the very best Bomber teams and also some of the very worst, one thing I do know is that win or lose, the sun still comes up and life goes on pretty much the same. I follow the Bombers for enjoyment and I'm happy when they win, but I refuse to lose one minute of sleep worrying about things that I have no control over and make little to no difference in my life. For those of you who suffer from anxiety (there are members of my family that do), I bid you peace. Having said that: Go Bombers!
  6. Hopefully, he signs a contract with Sask, takes a bonus cheque and then retires.
  7. so... it's either going to be Wolverine or Stumpy. Going to be a fun night!
  8. Nope, not going to follow the playbook. Please refer to my tag line...
  9. Oh yea, but the trick is to never ever admit it or stop arguing until they surrender. I've seen your playbook.
  10. Multiple people trying to argue with he who shall not be swayed concerning that which cannot be defined. For TBurg, best week since about 2015!
  11. Looking forward to this game because it's going to be the only time this year that I've been able to attend. I don't even care that it's likely going to have a pre-season game vib. Go Bombers!
  12. I don't think that they are getting a ton of new money from broadcast rights or merchandizing, so yes, I'd bet that we're still gate driven. There are better people here than me who might know more about the nuts and bolts of this though.
  13. Again, if we're playing to top form, there is not another team that can hang with us. If we're not firing on all cylinders, then its a different matter. Even saying that we still win most often even when we're misfiring. Remember how we use to talk about playing someone like Calgary and people would say "If we play our best and they don't and we captitalize on their mistakes we can win"? Well the tables are turned now. Bring on Calgary or BC. They're coming to our house. Good luck with that.
  14. Being that this is a gate driven league, ticket sales are the engine that drives the organization. Therefore if someone buys a ticket and then decides not to show up, oh well. The only issue is when teams count "freebie" tickets because while they are important to grow the brand, too many freebies says something about the health of the franchise.
  15. It's Regina. It's going to be either a tractor pull, or a fantasy show, like The Wonderful World of Teeth.
  16. Read that again, slowly and you answer the rest of your post...
  17. Are some of you STILL worrying about other teams? It's not 2012 anymore guys, let it go. We're the cream of the crop now, so the only team that can beat us is us.
  18. despite what you may have been readng, I understand that the Rider's QB is Fine.
  19. Never quite understood why people think that the board has any influence on the day to day operations of an organization. Having served as a director on several, I can tell you that the only employee that they have any dealing with is the CEO.
  20. After reading that article it almost sounds like he's hinting that little brother should do him a favour and throw a game (or two).
  21. Can we at least agree that if Rourke's foot comes off playing the Bombers, then it's clear that they rushed his recovery a bit?
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