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Everything posted by WBBFanWest

  1. I remember the days when you actually put some effort into your trolling. It's sad when athletes stay too long, so it appears with trolling too.
  2. If we sign Banks, for God sake, don't give him the ball too much. We'll never hear the end of it.
  3. I hope we'll see 33 jerseys in the stands years from now. He may not have exited gracefully, but no one can deny his accomplishments while he wore the blue and gold. Even though he's a bit salty right now, I wouldn't mind if at the end of the season, right after we pound the Argos into the dirt at IGF West, he signs a 1 day and retires a Bomber.
  4. Agreed. Harris sounds very entitled to me in that article and that's sad because that's how he decided to end his time here. Nothing says "leader" like making sure everyone knows that your feelings are hurt. I think that the classy way would have been something to the effect of "We couldn't find a number we could both agree on. It's too bad, but that happens. Thanks to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and their fans." Oh well, see ya, Andrew.
  5. I think that if he came to camp, not ready to go, he probably wasn't the most respected player in the room. You seem to forget that we fans are the last to know, and only know a small part of the whole story. The players know a lot more than us and have known it from the start. There would be no surprises in that article for them and they know exactly who the Bomber organization is and what it stands for. That's why all the key players are still here. You're being a little too dramatic, methinks.
  6. Well, I'm thinking that clearly, with the way that Walters approaches the building of the team, focusing on smart drafting, good recruiting and discipline during free agency, he is building for now and, I'll say it again, with an eye towards the future. And sometimes that's going to mean hard decisions and leaving sentementality at the door. You know, sort of like when we remember that we've already played the 2019 and 2021 Grey Cup, so who cares who was dominant then? If Harris really wanted to be here, he'd still be here, just like Bighill or Jefferson. He made his choice, I respect that, but he's not a Bomber anymore. It's 2022 after all.
  7. I think we've seen this "build for this year" before. Tell me, how did the Brendan Taman experiment work out for us? I have to say, it seems that we've had a lot of success in the past few years by building not just for the moment, but with an eye towards the future. Look, I get it. You liked Andrew and you're sorry he's gone. I'm sorry too. But that's the nature of team sports. I like the players, but it's the team that matters most. I wish Andrew much success in Toronto, right up until he plays the Bombers.
  8. So you'd rather give Harris one more year and then have Brady walk? What about next year? Or the year after that? Or the year after that? Dynasties are not built by looking backwards.
  9. Remember all those dominant years Calgary had? Remember how Wally was? You don't build and maintain dynasties with nostalgia and warm fuzzy feelings. You do the things that need to be done when they need to happen. I'll hate to see Andrew in another uniform, but I'd hate worse to see someone like Oliviera light it up for the next five or six years with another team. Personally, I'm glad to see that Walters has a bit of Wally in him.
  10. I've very sorry to hear that. I always enjoyed his posts. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
  11. You'll have to argue with the people who designed and named them I guess. Cannons haven't fired "balls" since the invention of the breech loading cannon around the midde of the 19th century.
  12. I tried ice fishing once. Ruined my oven and flooded my kitchen cooking it.
  13. That's for the Riders fans, because we're going to haunt them for a long time to come.
  14. I thought that they were the least funny thing Canada had ever produced and then Norm Macdonald said "hold my beer".
  15. Ya, except no one is saying that. Poor trolling attempt there.
  16. I've got nothing against Booch, I simply disagree with him. Maybe you didn't realize, but one can actually disagree with someone without "disliking" them.
  17. Funny thing is, you're right about walking in someone's path. That's why I'd take care in suggesting that a pickpocket or a streetwalker or a "general bum" should be on the outside looking in. Everyone's got a story. Many are not happy ones.
  18. Wow, quite the little diatribe there Booch. I'm guess that you've never worked much with the marginalized, so I'm going to assume this would just be ignorance on your part.
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