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Everything posted by WBBFanWest

  1. Anyone other than Pawtucket Brewery experimenting with an asparagus IPA?
  2. It's so nice to move into exhibition season now AND still have the playoffs to come. So many seasons of "might as well start auditioning people for next year" memories. Really don't care about the final score in this one. A win would be nice, but I hope that the young guys show their stuff and give managment some hard decisions to have to make for next year.
  3. I was speaking about the way playoffs are seeded, not what would happen if TSN stopped carrying the CFL, which has never been suggested.
  4. The CFL is still a gate driven market. Very few people care about the Argos, now or in the past 20 years or so, yet so many people say that without them the league folds. I suspect that if they moved the Argos to a place that would actually support them, life in the CFL would go on just fine. Totonto is not the epicenter of the CFL. The west is and has been for a long time. TSN can still show the games in the Toronto market and their dozens of hard core fans, and the Hamilton fans will still watch.
  5. Where are these large Eastern markets? For attendance totals, there isn't a "large" market anywhere in the east outside of Hamilton. Way more support for the CFL in the West. And tradition is only important if people really care about it. This eastern CFL welfare program is getting old. I'm sure that a lot of people would say that the two best teams should be in the Cup regardless of where they are from.
  6. I'd like to point out that North Bay, with no CFL team, is only 4 Grey Cups behind Saskatchewan.
  7. I'm not sure that the East-West thing as all that important anymore. It seems to me that it may be nothing more than a nostalgic relic of the "old days". Top six teams get in. Might motivate teams to draft/plan better because as it stands right now, in the east you have a minimum 50-50 chance of making the playoffs. A little motivation is a good thing.
  8. Why? We're the best team in the league. Why would we care who we beat in the Cup. Seriously, the silliness factor of some people is getting worse the more we win.
  9. You might want to keep an eye on the scoreboard and the standings a little more often. Here, let me help you lower your angest a bit: Winnipeg 48 - Edmonton 11, Bombers 14-2 (1st place).
  10. This is why they don't pick someone from the stands to be a GM.
  11. No, I can't remember the name of the guy but, it was not you. Be as happy as you want!
  12. Being that the 2002 team are all in their fortys now, I don't think it would be much of a contest...
  13. Reminds me of that poster from TEP who was always so wildly optimistic in the terrible days of the late 2000's and early 2010's. We were always just one player away from a dynasty. I like to be optimistic too, but there does come a time where you have to see the reality and stop being so damned annoyingly positive!
  14. I'm not an expert in any way shape or form, but I have noticed a pattern: a lot of the stats a receiver generates seems to correspond to the amount of times he's thrown the ball. Again, not an expert, but I guess he could wave his arms more and yell "OPEN!" really really loud. Always seemed to work in the sandlot.
  15. With our record being what it is, there's really no rush bringing people back early. If they're not 100% yet, let them heal up and be ready for later in the season. We'll be fine in the mean time.
  16. And that is precisely his point and his goal. And why he won't give it up.
  17. I feel bad for Streveler, but damn, it was hard seeing him a green uniform. No amount of money could be worth having to wear that colour.
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