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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Drew Willy is done in the CFL. That's my take based on the last 12 months watching him. I think 2015 traumatized him and he hasn't been able to shake it.
  2. Surprised a bit Stafford was cut. But at the same time, he's a vet and a vet should stand out at least to some degree in TC and pre-season. Gotta be some nice SMS savings with his release, too.
  3. Sheesh... Doesn't sound like Hodge knows what he's talking about if he's comparing a DT and a DE.
  4. INT WR Justice Liggins, INT OL Trevan Brown, NAT OL Cody Speller, INT LB Nick Temple, INT DB Darnell Walker Jr., and INT DB Matt Smalley
  5. While I agree the panic is a bit much at this point, MLB is typically a position on D where you want a talented and intelligent player, as well being sound in the understanding of his system's assignments. My main concern at the moment lies in the fact the team has essentially stuck with the status quo at a pretty crucial position. You want your MLB to be an asset, someone who sticks out in a positive way. I can't see the Hurl being the answer in that regard.
  6. I guess O'Shea's knowledge on cloning is limited. BTW, Muamba was the last stud NAT MLB this team has had in the last decade. Can't blame anyone in the current regime for him going south, though.
  7. No doubt that's the case. But that's pretty much been the norm in non-hockey markets with NHL franchises for years now.
  8. It still means the ticket was purchased, though. Empty seats never look good, but unsold tickets and empty seats look worse.
  9. Why? If the casinos in Vegas are supporting the franchise, isn't that a good thing?
  10. Well, he's still developing (with another team) while remaining property of the Bombers. So, he's technically in the pipeline. In any case, it's nice to see the O-line becoming a strength of this team, rather than a massive liability.
  11. Sounds like CFL officiating to me. Inconsistent and generally lousy.
  12. Super stoked for these changes/upgrades at the home opener in a few weeks! Thanks for the updates!
  13. Hopefully, he was shut down out of precaution and it's nothing serious. Thanks for the info!
  14. 0-0-2 in the pre-season... Has that ever happened? LOL
  15. Housley will have his work cut out for him, but what rookie HC doesn't...? I'll be rooting for him - except against the Jets.
  16. Newt Gingrich is an idiot.
  17. Fair point. And I agree, as a STH it was a brutally rough season to witness, especially with it being the inaugural campaign at IGF. I just remember all the hype from Mike Kelly going into '09 and how let down I felt after that season. He basically crapped on everyone in Winnipeg - fans and the media alike - and did a worse job than the previous regime he had replaced. The ups and downs of that season were traumatizing and the only memorable thing was Fred Reid's performance in Vancouver. I was at the Banjo Bowl and the season finale vs. the Ti-Cats, and those two games just sickened me. In 2013, it was disappointment pretty much from the get-go. The home opener was fun and the Banjo Bowl was easily the highlight of the season, but I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact the team would be garbage because the organization had basically stood pat during the off-season. I guess what I'm saying is the difference between the two teams in terms of talent was marginal at best. The QB corps for both teams were utter trash, and we all know without competent QBing, you won't make it very far.
  18. He did...? He found a few decent pieces but I wouldn't say the talent was much better with the '09 team compare to the '13 team. Both were equally horrifying to watch more often than not. Hell of a quote by Nobody Ever. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Jason Boltus said, "here, hold my water bottle" and found a way.
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