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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. A single example of anecdotal evidence doesn't substantiate anything. That's a logical fallacy, BTW. I also never made the claim they don't work hard. Where did you get that? #strawman Go re-read what I actually posted. I said they should work hard to represent their constituents based on the remuneration/compensation they receive. I provided a link to their salaries to show how well compensated they are, not because I disagree with your anecdotal evidence.
  2. It'll be interesting to see what the Flames do to address that and where the likes of Elliott and Johnson wind up for next season.
  3. Yeah, I can see how wanting to engage in discussion makes one "unbearably obnoxious"... Solid contribution. As always.
  4. Nobody said that. You sure love twisting others say and then creating drama from it. Bottom line: you can have the best receiving corps in the league. It doesn't mean much without two crucial things: an O-line and a QB. The Riders have some INT talent in their receiving corps but it will amount to nothing if the O-line can't do its job and the QB is unable to establish an air attack. Games aren't won on paper, anyway.
  5. Sigh. That's an unfortunate mindset. Seemed like a worthwhile discussion to me, anyway. And I agreed but also made a counterpoint. No matter. You're apparently done here. 2/2 in this thread!
  6. The greatest NHL team* through 100 years: http://www.tsn.ca/gretzky-led-84-85-oilers-selected-by-fans-as-greatest-nhl-team-1.771062 *as per fan voting Agree or disagree?
  7. Rinne with another monster game and the Predators tie up the series going back to Pittsburgh. What a weird SCF.
  8. I think this is an unsubstantiated report out of Russia. Considering none of the major hockey outlets picked up on it, much less mentioned it, I'd take it with a huge grain of salt.
  9. How do you suggest I go about determining how many hours a week each MP works? Here's a better question: do you think MPs deserve the obscene salaries make, including their annual raises regardless of how much work they actually do in a 12-month period?
  10. And that's my point. They should work hard considering how well they get paid. The work to pay ratio is beyond favourable. “Whenever you have a weak economy, people are rightly upset when they see politicians taking a raise while private sector jobs are getting cut and wages frozen.”
  11. http://globalnews.ca/news/3408619/mp-salary-raise-canada-justin-trudeau-salary/ Seems like pretty exorbitant salaries when you break it down. Meanwhile, some PSAC departments/agencies haven't received an increase at all in over three years. Must be nice to get a raise every year no matter what.
  12. Sure, many of them put in long hours. But's it not "difficult" work, per se. And they get compensated handsomely, too.
  13. And it was a joke. Sorry you're too uptight to understand humour.
  14. And now name-calling... LOL Learn to ignore posts that cause you butthurt on here. Pretty simple solution, eh?
  15. He actually died three years ago (Jan. 25, 2014). Solid Rider math, BTW. And don't learn to take a joke or anything.
  16. I'd like to build a time machine and go punch him in the nose.
  17. Aww, dammit. Any idea what happened? Good thing McCallum doesn't live there anymore.
  18. Especially in the 90s. It wasn't like they had to have a marathon to save the team or anything...
  19. Now, now... Cut the guy some slack. It's not like they have an extensive repertoire with which to chip fans of any other CFL team. Enjoying a decade of success in over a century is apparently enough to warrant hubris in the rectangle province.
  20. You forgot the most pertinent element to the only chirp you greenies have.
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