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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Who praised (or even showed love for) Trestman...? I mean, could you not apply similar logic to Jones (without Darian Durant and a barely competent O-line)?
  2. Agreed. Popp has actually shown the ability to build and manage a roster and Trestman's pedigree as a coach in the CFL is pretty sound. Jones, OTOH, looks totally unqualified as a GM and his coaching ability has only suffered because of that. The rosters could be a wash but the latter is trying to do way too much by himself, which hinders the team as a result. I think the Argos end up with more wins than the Riders this season.
  3. Murica: divided, we stand.
  4. With regard to making a trade for a LHD or in general? He stated a while back he's going to address the goaltending situation. The status quo is unacceptable where the goaltending is concerned.
  5. I can't see how the Penguins would entertain a one-for-one trade of Enstrom and Fleury.
  6. Very low risk move, IMO. Certainly better than giving up a first rounder, anyway.
  7. Agreed. Homer's sleep-talking in what seems to be a Latin American accent takes the cake. "In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, then you get the women." LOL Don't forget the beard-stroking.
  8. Exactly what I meant to imply. Reasons changed, so I can understand the rationale even if it contradicts previous statements. On a sidenote, I do wonder if this decision has any bearing on the whole "Arctic Sovereignty" thing and if Canada ups its military presence in its more remote northern regions.
  9. Interesting article. Sounds like some serious firepower behind trying to get a NHL team in Seattle. Thanks for sharing!
  10. Seems to go against what the Liberals set out to do during their campaign. Although, in light of recent events in the neighbourhood, this development is not surprising. I have no idea how the gov't expects to afford this. Yikes.
  11. Agreed. I think that Riders' secondary is in trouble if Edem's the starter at S.
  12. I wonder who the starting safety will be for the Riders. Edem?
  13. Hutchinson hasn't been reliable since the 2014-15 season. Cheveldayoff acquiring a solid veteran netminder (either to take the starting role or provide capable backup support) is going to be the most crucial move of the Jets' off-season, IMO. As for the draft, Valimaki would be a really nice piece to acquire.
  14. One hell of a video. Looks like quite the receiver, too.
  15. "Make Rider Nation Great Again" captioned on the front of an ugly green cap.
  16. Imagine if he had been POTUS during 9/11... Yeesh.
  17. Seriously...? Well, it apparently doesn't take much to get inducted. How absurd. Much like the media coverage of TC so far. It's been deplorable. I expected much more than the craptacular coverage that's been done to this point. Even if that's the case, why can't the writers attending camp actually talk to us about what's happening on the field? Who's sticking out, who needs to improve, position battles, surprise newcomers, how the veterans are looking, etc. Substance!
  18. The Jonestown Court Jester... Er, I mean Rod Pedersen, is gonna be the first to spew that garbage. Have his lamewad predictions ever been right? The delusion is bordering on insanity.
  19. Sounds like the Jonestown Riders are taking a closer look at Jake Heaps (released earlier by the Seahawks). I wonder how serious Young's injury is.
  20. Agreed. It'd be nice to find a punter and let him focus on just place-kicking, though.
  21. There's that hypocrisy again. Arduous. Burdening.
  22. Since when are two people "everyone"...? One actually did return and continue to the discussion, BTW. Clearly, though, you aren't paying attention.
  23. Oh, the richness of this comment coming from you. I'm pretty sure you don't even know what the term strawman means. What points not made by others have I "constantly" argued, anyway? Maybe you can throw in a "LOL" for good measure. Or tell me to "step outside the echo chamber" again. Hypocrisy is not a good look. And if you don't like what I have to say, here's an idea: ignore it. And get over yourself.
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