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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. That's the best you got...?! LOL Shades of 2015 J5V when he ran away from TEP with his tail between his legs.
  2. He isn't spot on all at all. Hall had a boatload of talent with which to work, some upgrades were made, and the results remained the same as the previous two seasons. A DC who employed a risky system without making proper adjustments should receive ample blame for his errors.
  3. Sure, I guess it technically does. It's still a piss poor way to substantiate a claim, though. Media members' opinions of something should never be passed off as proof of anything, much less a fact. For all we know, it was Paul Wiecek saying it. What's ridiculous is how you complain about others cherry picking but then do the exact same thing. There's more to that write-up on O'Shea than what you quoted. But you believe whatever you want. That doesn't make it accurate or you right.
  4. For sure. Post your thoughts after and how it stacks up to other recent DC movies.
  5. I agree with you on that. Marvel has definitely done a better job in that regard. I just don't think JL is as bad as some critics (and fanboys) are saying.
  6. And you don't think a DC gets a say in those roster decisions and who plays...? Give your head a shake.
  7. http://www.tsn.ca/halifax-mayor-city-won-t-lead-effort-for-team-1.918299
  8. Anything substantive you could share on here...?
  9. http://www.tsn.ca/report-jackets-atkinson-agree-on-extension-1.918054
  10. http://www.tsn.ca/perreault-gudas-slash-wasn-t-an-accident-1.918268 Gudas is such a gutless piece of ****. I hope Button's right and he gets at least 10 games.
  11. And yet, you continue to engage with him and react to what he posts. Fascinating.
  12. You're making the playoffs every year, meaning you have a shot every year. Of course not all GC winners are perennial playoff teams, but making the playoffs more often than not certainly increases the odds of winning a championship. How does "going all in in a short period of time" increase a team's odds of winning a championship vs. a team building for continuity that makes the playoffs consistently...?
  13. Well, if that isn't stealing two points, I don't know what it is.
  14. Schooners. I can't see it being anything else.
  15. I was excited when I saw the headline... But then I read and the article and that excitement quickly dissipated. Even with a reputable ownership group, CFL expansion would still be years away.
  16. All signs...? Based on what? It's not even technically the off-season yet.
  17. Spinning what, he asks. Let me guess your favourite band:
  18. I really don't get fanboys getting upset and butthurt over inaccuracies in a movie adaptation. It's gotta be challenging as hell, if not impossible. to get everything exactly spot on from the comics. I saw Justice League last night and it did exactly what I expected of it: to entertain for a couple of hours with superheroes vs. a common foe battling it out in epic fashion with amazing special effects and mind-blowing visuals. The story didn't flow well (much in the same way as Batman v. Superman) - I'm sure content will be added to the video release - but I enjoyed it all the same. It didn't drag, either. It's a good, fun movie. If you enjoyed the previous DC installments, you'll enjoy this one.
  19. Unequivocally, I believe. That's a hell of a forward lineup for tonight. I have to think the bottom 6 will get juggled a bit, too.
  20. You're denser than a neutron star. And apparently have the attention span of a de-winged mosquito during games, if you even watched them at all. Nichols getting his finger broken in week 16 vs. HAM affected his play for the remainder of the season. He struggled with passing after that and the WSF was the first time his passes looked sharp and accurate as they had prior to his injury. As a result of that injury, the offense struggled during the final month of the season and that affected the team down the stretch. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how significant that was. Losing Adams was also costly with him being Nichols' top passing weapon. Leggett's importance to the defense can't be understated. He was a key cog in the LB corps all season long, generated six turnovers himself, and brought crucial intangibles to that unit: proven leadership and solid experience. Westerman was another key piece to that defense, not only for his skill but his leadership, too. Injuries are not an excuse, but they are a factor in a team's overall ability to succeed. The Bombers were one of the healthiest teams going into the final stretch of the season and then injuries mounted and the team struggled. That is not a coincidence and doesn't make the loss of those players overrated.
  21. No idea what happened to the Frostmeister, so here goes. Time: 7:00PM Jets 10-4-3 (W2), Flyers 8-8-2 (L2) No word yet on if local product Nolan Patrick will suit up for the Flyers tonight.
  22. Yeah, losing top players like Westerman, Leggett, and Adams surely had nothing to do with it. Oh, and of course a QB playing with a broken finger is irrelevant, too. Take your head outta your rectum.
  23. Yeah, it was a bend and break defense. Players got beat on blown coverage, busted assignments, and biffed positioning pretty much all season. And it happened to veterans and rookies alike.
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