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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Hands down the most embarrassing POTUS ever.
  2. CFL officiating is a pile of steaming turds pretty much every game; neither semi-final was an exception. And it doesn't seem to be getting better. It's a damned shame the league continues to turn a seemingly blind eye at it. A focus on improving officiating should be a top priority going forward.
  3. What I find most baffling is how someone can defend Hall's porous defensive system that surrenders massive yardage because it "generates the most turnovers" but then turn around and basically call LaPolice's offense garbage despite the fact it rarely gives the ball away while generating solid production. Weird double standard. FWIW: if not for injuries, I have no doubt Nichols hits 5,000+ passing yards (still had a career season), Adams cracks 1,300 yards (still had a career season), Dressler cracks 1,100 yards, and Harris goes 1,000/1,000 and makes history (he still made history, anyway). Not bad for an offense run by a "loser"...
  4. Walters definitely has his work cut out for him this off-season. The team should look pretty different next season.
  5. Count me among those who are unsatisfied with the progress made. Hosting a WSF was nice and all, but that means little now that the season is over. A playoff win was the next step required and that didn't happen. What really chaps my hide is it was basically one shitty quarter that did them in - and that's a tough pill to swallow. I will say I don't think it's all on the head coach, even though I didn't (and still don't) like his decision to retain Hall as DC after last season. Walters and the scouting team also share in the blame for some mediocre recruiting and not addressing depth issues, particularly at receiver, LB, and DB. Granted, there were some rookie finds who have potential (Washington, Santos-Knox, Walker), but we saw how their struggles affected the team's success during the season. This team appears to be just a few pieces away from being a contender, IMO. I just hope the organization takes these necessary steps in the off-season. Five years is more than enough time to win a playoff game or two.
  6. I couldn't agree more. An incentivized contract would be nice going forward but I doubt he'd ever be on board with that.
  7. Why? I can't imagine he'd be anything more than rotational DE to start his CFL career. If ever were to come to the CFL, that is.
  8. Well, we know you haven't been watching any. Medlock's punting was damn good way more often than not.
  9. Yeah, it took me 15 minutes to get a rye & coke and a coffee. It was absurd.
  10. It's my opinion based on what I've seen for two seasons. Deduction based on observation. Despite personnel changes on defense, the same problems existed this season as in 2016. Is it a matter of a system not playing to the strengths of its personnel or the other way around? There is considerable talent on that side of the roster, so my conclusion is its the system. And eventually, something has to give. Replacing a DC is a lot easier than replacing an entire roster. And what else were you expecting on a fan forum besides fans' opinions? We're all just expressing our opinions based on what we see. My opinion at the end of the 2016 was Hall should've been fired. That opinion has only been tempered based on the 2017 season and WSF.
  11. You're absolutely right. Of course the entire picture has to be considered and there is ample criticism to go around. However, Hall was on the hot seat last season and again this season for the same issues. The defense did not improve and one could argue that's been the weakest phase of the team - by a considerable margin - for two straight seasons. It felt like deja vu, to be perfectly honest. A team should always look to improve, in all areas. There are more than a few areas of weakness right now, but the defensive system just happens to be the most glaring one.
  12. There's that bullshit O'Shea Blind Loyalty narrative again. Carmichael was replaced immediately when a better option was available. What was the alternative for Hurl, though? A pylon with wheels...?
  13. That "almost offense" that led the league in rushing yards per game all season and prior to October when injuries mounted, was among the best in passing yardage and total yardage, as well as offensive points scored...? I would argue you wanting LaPolice gone over Hall qualifies as grounds for dismissal from this forum. What a completely idiotic statement. Yeah, I'm still not seeing it. Giving up 29 points in 20 minutes of football is about as bad as it gets. Oh, and I pointed it out in another thread, but I'll say it again here: in the third quarter, the offense ran 15 plays on three possessions. Of those 15 plays, 9 were rushes compared to 5 passes and 1 sack allowed.
  14. It was 10-10 at halftime. So, what wasn't working? On the Bombers first offensive possession in the third quarter: Harris carries for 3 yards and then Nichols throws to Coates for 4 yards. Then the botched fake punt happened, giving the Eskimos the ball at the W40. We all know what happened next time. 18-10 EDM. On their next offensive possession, the Bombers ran two passing plays and got the first down. Then Harris carried the ball for 17 yards and a first down, and then again for 3 yards (EDM got called for too many men - automatic first down). After LeFevour got sacked on the next play, Flanders carried the ball for 13 yards, which led to a FG. On their next possession, they ran 4 rushing plays and 2 passing plays, leading to another FG. By the end of the third quarter, it's 25-16 EDM. After review: 15 plays on 3 possessions (9 rushes, 5 passes, 1 sack allowed) and 6 points (2 FGs) scored. Not even five minutes into the fourth quarter, it s 39-16 EDM. I'm pretty sure the run game goes out the window being down 23 points with roughly 10 minutes to play.
  15. You should pay more attention and then you'll figure out why I said his narrative (as it pertains to his assertion the offense sucks and LaPolice is a loser who needs to be fired) is weird. I watched the entire game in my seat at the stadium. I don't need to watch it again. Does the play-calling sometimes not make sense? Yes. I have said before he tends to overthink things, especially in the redzone. Does LaPolice need to work on improving his craft in the off-season? Absolutely. There's always room for improvement. Is he a shitty OC who needs to be replaced? No, and unequivocally so.
  16. 1. On the East Side upper concourse, the TVs were removed. I don't know when they were but I can't imagine the freezing temps recently would be good for those. 2. There were standalone beer vendors there. I walked by one on the north end of the concourse and every time I did, there was a line.
  17. Yeah, and part of a secondary last season that made the same mistakes as this season. No other team even took a PR flyer on him, so that says something.
  18. Yeah, and that elite receiving corps that wasn't the most inferior in the West Division. Oh, wait... Yeah, two rookies at most is really "a bunch," eh... The remaining three players weren't rookies. Good to see you're paying attention, though. I'm not sure if I should be amazed or disgusted at how many excuses you make for the defense while simultaneously going to such lengths to discredit the offense. Just stop embarrassing yourself already.
  19. I think the team has a better shot this season if Hall's replaced at the end of last season. We saw progress with the offense even in spite of having perhaps the weakest receiving corps in the league (and definitely the weakest in the West Division). However, we saw absolutely no progress on defense and the same mistakes have endured during Hall's tenure. If LaPolice takes a HC job, I wouldn't be worried about the offense going into 2018. But I think it's imperative to upgrade the system on DC, and give Hall his walking papers.
  20. How else does one determine offensive production besides statistics from the game itself...? Again, the Eskimos only scored 10 points in the first half, too. In fact, the offensive production for both teams was about the same net yardage after 30 mins. of play. Everyone is looking at the defense because - get this - it's by far the weakest link on the team. The fact you continue to call someone a loser shows you are not objective at all. And what does Swaggerville have to do with anything? For one, he was HC back then and two, the defense was that team's strong suit, not the other way around. A polite suggestion: remove your head from your rectum, take off those turd-laden blinders, and try to look at things rationally. I'd love to know to what LaPolice did to you but I'm afraid to ask.
  21. Says the guy doing to LaPolice what Wiecek does to O'Shea.
  22. Even before Westerman got hurt and the ratio was affected, the defense made the same mistakes it did all season. Nobody's acting like the offense is fine, either. But if we're going to look at this team through a lens of objectivity and rationality, the offense was hands down the best aspect of the 2017 Blue Bombers. LaPolice has been here for two seasons and in that time, we've seen significant improvement on offense. On the other side of the ball, Hall just completed his third season as DC and even with changes and improvements to personnel, the defensive production has not improved. It's not rocket appliances here to see what the weak link is on this team. And if LaPolice is a loser, what does that make Hall?
  23. If you make the play, you gain momentum. But if you biff the play, you lose momentum. That's the issue with high risk calls like that. And that's only magnified in a playoff game. That decision, rather than punt the ball (which Medlock seemed to be doing well on Sunday) would also seem to indicate a lack of faith in the defense being able to stop the opposition. Not that it made any difference... Reilly and the Eskimos offense were unstoppable in the third quarter.
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