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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Can't help but laugh at the resident oxygen thief who "took a break" from this forum only to return and resort to the same antics of trolling and derailing threads. It's pretty pathetic that it's allowed to continue once again. (apparently not too self-aware, either)
  2. Or it shows how pitifully inept Canada's federal conservative party has become post-Harper, under leaders placeholders like Milkman Andy and Erin the Tool. Neither have shown any real ability to function as an opposition and hold the current gov't to task without skipping through their own minefield of controversial issues, many of them self-inflicted. And let's be honest here: the Trudeau Liberals have given them several easy pitches to knock out of the park. It's almost as if the Regressive Conservatives are out of touch with reality these days. And FTR, Canada's inability to produce its own vaccine supply goes back to when the Mulroney PCs opted to privatize Connaught Labs, a world leader in its day, and sell it off to foreign interests. That decision ultimately shed light on the falsehood that privatization is always better. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2020/03/11/the-public-lab-that-could-have-helped-fight-covid-19-pandemic.html https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/2020/11/30/when-canada-was-a-world-leader-in-vaccine-research-and-production.html
  3. His sociopathic narcissism almost singlehandedly destroyed the USFL: https://www.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/13255737/five-things-know-donald-trump-usfl-experience https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/sep/11/the-day-donald-trumps-narcissism-killed-the-usfl Comical stuff. And that's been his MO for years, his presidency being absolutely no exception.
  4. Maybe we see Poolman slide back in for tonight's game...?
  5. Love this signing. He's a solid versatile player, IMO. I hope to see him used more on offense.
  6. Not to mention some of the best offensive production in the league in recent years. #33 is the straw that stirs in the drink in Bomberland.
  7. Yeah, they do. Criticism of his play is not unreasonable but fans outright shitting on him is pathetic. And that's all been exacerbated by that garbage column from Pekka Jalonen how he and Scheifele bullied Laine. But the team is 6-3-1 and sitting pretty comfortably in a playoff spot in the North Division. It's not like the Jets are sitting at the bottom struggling to be competitive. And who cares where he gets his points? It's not like special teams points have less weight than even strength ones. He's on pace for another 60+ point season, anyway. FWIW, he's also not the only "face of the franchise" player struggling. Scheifele, Morrissey, and even Hellebuyck have been rocky at times so far but this is without an extended TC or a pre-season. So, I think the overly harsh fans out there would do well to pump the brakes on their vitriol and remember what he's done for this team and the community. At the end of the day, we are all fans. We don't see what happens behind closed doors. So, I think Maurice is in a better position to judge his players than any of us are. +/- is about as useless a stat for a skater* as GAA is for a goalie. Neither paints even a remotely complete picture of team play, the latter being the optimal and most objective method by which to evaluate a team. His analytics, however, are in no way flattering thus far but as I've already stated, the Jets are winning more games than not - and wins are all that matter in team sports. * (https://hockey-graphs.com/2016/11/01/behind-the-numbers-why-plusminus-is-the-worst-statistic-in-hockey-and-should-be-abolished/)
  8. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/airlines-escalating-carbon-emissions-1.5899829 Pretty interesting read as it pertains to the future of the aviation industry. For reference: https://www.atag.org/facts-figures.html
  9. I doubt those knuckle-dragger denialists at NTZ will hold up their end of the bet, much less acknowledge reality. Best part of that article:
  10. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/vaccines-canada-production-trudeau-1.5897343 About time.
  11. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Later, Tony!
  12. So, did Scheifele get "demoted" or did Wheeler and Connor? Either way, here's hoping the shake-up leads to improved play at both ends of the ice.
  13. It's official: https://www.cfl.ca/2021/02/01/edmonton-names-jaime-elizondo-head-coach/
  14. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/myanmar-leader-aung-san-suu-kyi-detained-1.5895593
  15. Their play overall has been lacklustre at best. It was absolutely abysmal in last night's game, though. It looks like he's switching it up after last night's pathetic effort. Stastny to 1C, Scheifele to 2C. This better serve as a wake-up call to the so-called leaders in this forward group.
  16. Because they were missing one the last several games...? What the Jets could've used was some actual effort from the top line tonight instead of them going -2 and taking two lousy penalties. The top line had a disastrous outing.
  17. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-epoch-times/ There's everything you really need to know on The Epoch Times, which is an absolute rag of a newspaper. Canada Post delivering this garbage is embarrassing and should not even be a thing. Good on those two carriers for refusing to be a part of the ongoing spread of mis-/disinformation.
  18. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/eishia-hudson-police-shooting-no-charges-1.5891819
  19. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-20-world-vaccine-doses-administered-1.5891465
  20. Of course key information from the article isn't included in what's just a feeble attempt to make NM look like a victim of the dreaded Democratic POTUS whose campaign promises included the very thing he wound up doing after taking office. None of this should come as a surprise to anyone who's paid attention since Biden won the nomination. And IIRC, Biden won 55% of the electorate back in November. Good on the new administration for not wanting federal lands to be ruined; let these oil companies ruin Texas instead. It seems like nobody in the Lone Star State, at least within the ranks of the GOP, seems to give a **** about the future, anyway. FWIW, David Blackmon is nothing more than an oil and gas cheerleader if his column history and bio info are any indication. See his most recent article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidblackmon/2021/01/28/biden-opens-new-fronts-in-his-war-on-us-oil-and-gas/?sh=2af2a4ea7d9b
  21. This. GM was way, way ahead of the curve back in late 90s with its revolutionary EV1 but GM's own shortsightedness at the time, coupled with influence from the fossil fuel industry* on the US gov't, ultimately led to its demise. GM could've been a global leader in electric vehicles but greed snuffed out that possibility. GM only put its foot in its mouth further by pretending it made the right call back then (after Who Killed the Electric Car was released), until Rick Wagoner admitted he'd made a mistake by canceling the EV1, albeit in hindsight. For that, I say **** General Motors. * based on fear and stupidity, IMO
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