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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Keeping that roster in tact. Walters is a beauty.
  2. Wears his employee ID to "the revolution." Nobody ever said the Koup Kucks Klan were sensible individuals...
  3. Seeing this garbage happen in our country is abhorrent. Do any of these wannabe MAGAt clowns actually realize Trump doesn't give a **** about Canada or Canadians? It's almost too bad citizenship can't be revoked for supporting the rhetoric of a foreign official who's clearly lost his mind. (I'm mostly kidding about the citizenship thing but this is painful to see)
  4. Yes, it could have been any one of those seditious assclowns who caught a bullet. But it was her. She got shot based on her stupid actions, which was participating willfully - enthusiastically, even - in an attempt to launch a coup on the US Capitol Building. All based on nothing rational; just the garbage conjecture and falsehoods of the most disgraceful POTUS ever.
  5. https://globalnews.ca/news/7559368/canada-pro-trump-rallies-us-capitol-lockdown/ Smaller numbers but still an alarming trend. Canada is not immune to the stupidity south of the 49th.
  6. Maybe this is callous but I'd say her death was deserved. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." Dying slowly with a Trump flag cape on is a fitting end for any of these MAGAt Brigade clowns. It's no different than the idiot from Tennessee who seemed shocked she got maced after storming the Capitol Building. What did you think was going to happen in response to your seditious actions? These idiots have been duped, bamboozled, and completely brainwashed by a career grifter.
  7. How disgusting. It's this kind of delusional nonsense here that really drives home one sobering fact about the US: it is rotten to its core.
  8. $404K in 2021, $500K in 2022. And hopefully more of this:
  9. Love seeing these signings. Locking up the two bookends on the O-line is absolutely momentous.
  10. It doesn't work like that. Laine likely wants his long-term deal and the Jets are choosing to wait (for what I can only assume are a myriad of legitimate reasons). That doesn't automatically mean the former wants a trade, regardless of what his agent has said publicly on the subject.
  11. Has Laine actually requested a trade or this just a case of another agent trying to stir up ****?
  12. Even the Koup Kucks Klan won't be exempt. DC has very strict firearms laws, especially regarding license to carry (concealed) and open carry, the latter being outright prohibited.
  13. I mean, travelling right now isn't technically illegal at all. Canadians are free to go anywhere that'll allow them entry. Legality isn't the issue; it's the optics. We've been told for months now to not travel unless essential and to do our part to slow the spread of this virus. These guidelines were put in place by elected officials and yet, many of them are flouting these rules for their own benefit or pleasure. What happened to leading by example? The double standards are utter shite. And it's this sort of shitty contradictory behaviour that leads to apathy among the voting public, as these actions are not exclusive to one party. And there should be dire repercussions for this garbage, not some lame-ass apology or feigned remorse on a social media post.
  14. Having a preference doesn't make you smug. Enjoying a particular sport is subjective after all. I can't stand the clock format in the NFL. If there's time left in a game, finish the damn game.
  15. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/defence-secretaries-trump-1.5860345 Wednesday's going to be a rough day for Trump and his MAGAt Qcumber cosplaytriots.
  16. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-politicians-pandemic-travel-1.5859785 Seems like it's not a party-specific occurrence even if conservatives seem to do it more. In any event, this **** just reeks of privilege and hypocrisy.
  17. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/growing-list-of-canadian-politicians-caught-travelling-abroad-despite-pandemic-1.5251039 Rules for thee but not for me. Must be nice to be an elected official but get away with being a hypocrite. That's some leadership.
  18. Two damn near perfect games after that "worrisome" win over Slovakia. Canada looks pretty formidable going into the quarterfinals. Should be a good game vs. Czech Republic!
  19. Merry Christmas, fellow Bomber fans! I hope you have an enjoyable holiday season and that Santa's good to you. Be safe and all the best!
  20. We shall call it "COVIDioting."
  21. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/u-n-germany-kovrig-spavor-1.5852655 Quite a nasty - and perhaps telling - response by another defensive Chinese gov't official. What Heusgen said was hardly disrespectful, much less malicious. Geng Shuang* comes across as quite the assclown. But this seems part and parcel for towing the line of the CCP. And that said, **** the CCP. * this is the same moron who crapped all over Canada last spring over the Wanzhou incident.
  22. In Matt Gaetz's defense, he is human garbage. Then again, all of these deniers now getting vaccinated are. Peak ******* entitlement.
  23. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/the-bay-downtown-winnipeg-economic-development-1.5847281 Gonna be worth keeping an eye on this downtown icon as its future is determined in the coming months/years. Fun fact: Dayna Spiring, who heads the advisory committee for the future vision of this building, is also the Chair on the Board of Directors of the WFC.
  24. Glad to see a few here can see (and take) a joke for what it is. Calling someone an "ID 10 T" is about as edgy as a ******* plastic butterknife.
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