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Posts posted by New_Earth_Mud

  1. You have an entire generation who grew up with no parents thanks to residential schools. Did you grow up with anyone whose parents weren't around? How did they end up? Now apply that to an entire race for a generation.

    Now that generation has kids and have no idea how to raise them because they had no parents themselves. And the cycle continues.

    So who is supposed to step up and lead them? I agree that it has to be natives who lead natives and make the changes. But it is going to take a remarkable person or group of people to lead them, and it might be awhile until that happens because of the long term damage that has been done to their people.


    Things run deep


    There will and are natives to lead the natives but your right its going to take along time and for a few reasons.


    A whole way of thinking has to be changed. The mentality of who they are has to change. And not just by natives but buy everyone else also. The gangster and or drunk bum on the street thinking its always some Indian has to go away. Im not saying its not always right...  jus saying its a stigma that needs to be gone.


    Another thing is...  Its impossible for natives to go about change alone. Its going to take some help and the second they ask for that hand or help its going to be said....  Oh the Indians want more help...  give them something to shut them up and untill someone steps up n says no it will go on.


    Cruel cycle  

  2. I'd appreciate the romantic idea of keeping them in a stone-age mentality and be permanent victims more if it were applied evenly


    but when certain people who praise themselves as modern, broad-minded, enlightened and fair...


    Pat indians on the head , treat them like children and tell them how wise valuable and interesting their old fables, traditions and culture are and beg them not to change a thing....


    yet turn on a dime and condemn a Christian for being out of step with modern society and morality.


    Hypocrisy is comical if it werent so obvious and blatant.



    Natives.....  Not Indians.  TY

  3. The demand for an inquest into missing and murdered aboriginal women is a perfect example.  It's an idea designed solely to create tension between aboriginals and the "white" government.  Harper rightfully said this isnt an issue for an inquest.  It's for law enforcement.  I've heard many people say why is an aboriginal life more worthy of investigation than a non-aboriginal.  The aboriginal politicians will tell you the opposite is true and thats their point.  But law enforcement will tell you that missing and murdered women are extremely likely to be victimized by people very close to them.  Do we need an inquest to determine that it's mostly aboriginal men killing aboriginal women?  I know the implication is the big bad white boogeyman is killing and abducting aborgional women and Stephen Harper is covering it up.  But it's just not true.


    When that poor girl was found on the banks of the river, tell me what the narrative would have been if the perps were white.  It wouldnt have been "girl attacked by vicious thugs".  It would have been "see, we are under attack by the white man". 


    Good post and again i agree but somewhat disagree.


    The natives know full well who is doing the abusing for the most part.... but they also really have no way of policing themselves. This is why im saying its the thinking of the natives that has to change. They need to take control of this. The problem is they dont know how.


    The thinking has been so screwed up for so long even the natives just say... oh well its just another native girl the white man will figure it out for us and when they dont...  well the easiest way to get the white man to help is to start putting the blame on them. White man been abusing us for so long its them that are doing the abusing and killing. 

  4. That's a very good point.  There certainly is a strong belief in that that you do as the Elders say.  The non-aboriginal culture has a large aspect of questioning our leadership.  That's sort of the cornerstone of democracy.  There isnt true democracy in the aboriginal community.  That's another reason the reserve system has to go.


    I agree.


    I dont think the reserve has to go tho. The thinking and understanding of it just needs to be changed. The thought of this is what we have because the white guy gave it to us and we can only have whats given needs to change. The idea of thinking we are down here and the only way up is what the white man gives us is a huge problem because to many times what happens is that teaching and thought process leads into taking advantage of it rather then saying thank you but ill go get things on my own.


    Its not just natives that would think this way either its anyone....  Any people that are given things for so long will just start to think this way and pass it on.....  Why work or try to better things if everything is given to us anyway.  If you give a squirrel nuts long enuff its going to stop going out to get them and teach its young that nuts are free and there is no need to go find them....  be happy with the nuts you have.... no need to go find bigger and better nuts. Eventually you just end up with a bunch of lazy squirrels that want more and more free nuts.


    Another poster said this and i agree 100%....  no white man is ever ever ever going to fix this now....  the natives have to do it themselves with the white mans help. And when i say help i dont mean giving them things and or making it easy.


    Id love to see the day a white leader holds the hand of a native leader and says we are equal lets walk through life together.  And actually means it. 

  5. Good lord.  Quite a bit of racism flying around here.


    I love a good debate.  A few points:


    - "Indian" is a loaded term.  Its also the correct term legally and one used by the majority of aboriginal people I know (and am related to) but when non-Aboriginals use it, it's almost always with disdain.  Dont use it.  There are other terms that dont immediately come with racist connotations. 


    - We should be proud to have a society of many cultures and the goal should not be assimilation in the sense that some people are talking here.  The goal should not be to make every person that comes here into a white Christian.  Every single one of us, Aboriginals included, are not that far removed from being immigrants to this country.  Saying that, however, I also believe that if people want to come here, they should want to embrace North American culture (which is not to say "white").


    - The Reserve system is broken and can never be repaired.  To fix the "problem" requires courage that no politician will ever have because it will likely mean short-term career suicide for the greater good.  Aboriginal leaders do not want to fix the problem.  They do not want an end to the reserve system which is broken and does not work.  The culture of most aboriginals is not the ceremonies and culture of their ancestors.  Those aboriginal people I have known who have had success fought hard and struggled to leave the reserve and in many cases were treated as out casts by their own people. 


    The protests that happen are almost always BS.  There was a protest a few weeks ago where aboriginals shut down Portage and yelled racist slurs at passing motorists.  What point did this have?  These protests against the Anti-Terror bill, what point do they have?  How many of those protestors know what they are protesting and how many are simply told by their leaders that big bad Harper is out to ruin the poor "Indian"?


    A friend of mine is a very intelligent, successful aboriginal woman and even she gets caught up in the "us vs them" mentality.  She once linked to some protest on FB (cant remember what it was) and was adament that the police were abusing the innocent protestors and to look at the video for evidence.  The video she posted so a calm, quiet, professional police force and a mob of aboriginals screaming, yelling, throwing objects, striking the police and many had their young children with them.  I realised then that this wasnt a matter of opinion....you can't win a debate when both sides are seeing completely different things.


    - The residential schools were horrible.  They were horrible in idea and practice.  No question.  Im white and my family has fostered many aboriginal kids.  The agency really doesnt care what we do as white foster families (though publicly they dislike it) but we have always tried to respect the culture and taken part in pow-wows, smudgings etc.  On the flip side, we've paid for private school in some cases to provide a better education.  It's not about being a good aboriginal or being a good white person, its about being a good, educated person.


    - Anyone who is against gays on religious grounds in 2015 needs to seek help.  Period.  On the flip side, people crapping on religion and the bible dont get it.


    I can agree and somewhat disagree with some of what your saying.


    Good post tho for sure.


    One thing ill point out from a personal view point that may explain some things maybe most folks dont really understand about natives that is changing somewhat but still has along way to go..... Most natives grow up and are followers and not tought to be leaders and this is a problem in todays and yesterdays native culture. The leaders are the leaders and the rest are followers... been that way for a very long time. Its no fault of theirs its just the way it is and always has been.


    Its one of the things thats a HUGE difference between say natives and other people that come to Canada or north america to better their lives or might just want change.


    The younger generation of natives growing up need to learn that the world is there for the taking and they dont need to follow. They can grow up and do and be whatever they want just like anyone else.


    Them protests that were held on street corners were crap and not lead by the actual leaders...  they were lead by the rah rah im an native and this is my right and blah blah blah. Blocking traffic and stopping people from getting home and pissing them off was never the intention but once the rah rah type go hold of it it turned into a **** show doing nothing but pissing people off rather then bringing attention to the actual reason for the protest.


    Like i said...  the younger generation need to be tought and learn they can lead and not just follow whats being told to them. The white man aint there to keep you down.


    Grow up and be proud your native and your culture... You have the same rights as anyone else.... the world is there for the taking and instead of waiting for things to be given to you....  just go get it. 










    Yep, sorry Zontar, not to pile on but... you clearly don't know what you're talking about in this instance. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just thought "Schools = Good".

    You know what,I'll take a stand and say residential schools were a not terrible idea that was just handled really poorly. Should a just assimilated everyone from the start then there'd be a lot less problems with reserves

    Clearly, you're not too familiar with the stated aim of the Residential Schools either.  Their primary purpose was to eradicate First Nations culture, to get rid of "indians" once and for all.  Explain to me how that can ever be "not a terrible idea"?
    Because assimilation is not a bad thing. Could have had just a whole bunch of Canadians rather than the government protected racism that currently exists. Signing treaties hundreds of years ago was an easy solution at the time but they have long lasting negative effects that manifest themselves in this day and age



    Seems to me the best thing would be for people to stop being pieces of **** and treating people differently based on cultural background. Assimilation is just the people at the top saying "you should all be like me". It's like Nazi-ism lite.


    no assimilation isn't a one way street, it goes two ways. Stop separating people into different groups and we can just all be Canadian and treat everyone equally. Treaties however just make sure racism and different groups being treated differently continues to exist. 



    You are trying to grossly oversimplify the situation.  You can't say "just stop separating people into groups" when people naturally self-identify already. 


    Furthermore, the treaties were a legal document. This wasn't a bill of sale for a used BBQ written on a napkin -- it was legal title to land we now live on, land that is now Canada. 


    The government has a moral obligation as society built upon laws to uphold the treaties; or at least the spirit behind them. 


    No I'm not over simplifying. This is how the problem gets solved. I know full well what the treaties that were signed were and what the intent was. The problem is that they are legal documents that are guaranteed by the constitution of this country, and that's a huge problem and the #1 reason why most of these problems exist. When they were signed it was seen as the easy solution, put the natives out of the way and throw them a few trinkets every now and then and let them live their traditional lifestyle. Problem is that in todays society it is a terrible solution and completely unworkable. The best solution IS to stop treating them differently and make them all Canadian and treat everyone equally. When you have such a skewed number of impoverished people on reserves it is safe to say that the system is broken, but where's the push to change a broken system? You even bring it up and you're labelled a racist. Too much blame gets thrown at the feet of the government of Canada and they're expected to fix it, but they can't fix it unilaterally, self determination and all that, so basically it's just "give us more money because residential schools! abuse! ugly history! white guilt!" It's those treaties that are holding things back. 




    LOL   Well that doesnt seem right. The natives are native to this land....  that about as Canadian as you can get.


    Do i have this right?    The white man comes here and brings their traditions and pretty much just throws the natives and their traditions away and now you want to make them Canadian?


    Odd but alrighty then. 


    You know that Canada embraces people from different cultural backgrounds right? And encourages them to maintain those traditions right? 


    Every country everywhere has been conquered by someone. You can either sit around wishing it weren't so or just move on and live in the world as it exists today. There is room for everyone to be Canadian and still celebrate their history and traditions. 




    yup i know that.


    but you said " make them Canadian " That to me sounds like you want the natives to loose their traditions and embrace those of the white man.








    Yep, sorry Zontar, not to pile on but... you clearly don't know what you're talking about in this instance. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just thought "Schools = Good".

    You know what,I'll take a stand and say residential schools were a not terrible idea that was just handled really poorly. Should a just assimilated everyone from the start then there'd be a lot less problems with reserves

    Clearly, you're not too familiar with the stated aim of the Residential Schools either.  Their primary purpose was to eradicate First Nations culture, to get rid of "indians" once and for all.  Explain to me how that can ever be "not a terrible idea"?
    Because assimilation is not a bad thing. Could have had just a whole bunch of Canadians rather than the government protected racism that currently exists. Signing treaties hundreds of years ago was an easy solution at the time but they have long lasting negative effects that manifest themselves in this day and age



    Seems to me the best thing would be for people to stop being pieces of **** and treating people differently based on cultural background. Assimilation is just the people at the top saying "you should all be like me". It's like Nazi-ism lite.


    no assimilation isn't a one way street, it goes two ways. Stop separating people into different groups and we can just all be Canadian and treat everyone equally. Treaties however just make sure racism and different groups being treated differently continues to exist. 



    You are trying to grossly oversimplify the situation.  You can't say "just stop separating people into groups" when people naturally self-identify already. 


    Furthermore, the treaties were a legal document. This wasn't a bill of sale for a used BBQ written on a napkin -- it was legal title to land we now live on, land that is now Canada. 


    The government has a moral obligation as society built upon laws to uphold the treaties; or at least the spirit behind them. 


    No I'm not over simplifying. This is how the problem gets solved. I know full well what the treaties that were signed were and what the intent was. The problem is that they are legal documents that are guaranteed by the constitution of this country, and that's a huge problem and the #1 reason why most of these problems exist. When they were signed it was seen as the easy solution, put the natives out of the way and throw them a few trinkets every now and then and let them live their traditional lifestyle. Problem is that in todays society it is a terrible solution and completely unworkable. The best solution IS to stop treating them differently and make them all Canadian and treat everyone equally. When you have such a skewed number of impoverished people on reserves it is safe to say that the system is broken, but where's the push to change a broken system? You even bring it up and you're labelled a racist. Too much blame gets thrown at the feet of the government of Canada and they're expected to fix it, but they can't fix it unilaterally, self determination and all that, so basically it's just "give us more money because residential schools! abuse! ugly history! white guilt!" It's those treaties that are holding things back. 




    LOL   Well that doesnt seem right. The natives are native to this land....  that about as Canadian as you can get.


    Do i have this right?    The white man comes here and brings their traditions and pretty much just throws the natives and their traditions away and now you want to make them Canadian?


    Odd but alrighty then. 

  8. Ok well i found out a bit of info that may of may not be what your asking about....


    So it seems there are 2 different kinds of game... Im assuming its a bit like the CFL and the NFL type thing... rules are a bit diff.


    Rugby union and rugby league


    Rugby league is a faster game and more exciting to watch as the union league is the traditional game.


    The best rugby in the world is played in the UK, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand.


    The 6 Nations is being played right now it includes England, Wales.Scotland.France Italy.Ireland  Its played in the traditional rules so its the slower type game.


    Like i said dude im not sure what you would like to know... Hope this helps a bit and if you want to know anything just ask and ill pass on the questions. 

  9. Any rugby fans out there? Always wanted to develop an interest in it, don't really know where to start.


    TV channels I can watch it on? Streams online?


    When are the games live?


    What league should I watch? What am I even watching?


    School me.


    I have good friends that live in Liverpool England.... they are HUGE into it.


    Give me a few hrs and ill get you a bunch of info.

  10. I don't disagree. But making the playoffs is step one and infinitely important. Just because they might lose in round one doesn't mean they shouldn't try to get there.


    Step one should be building our depth. And keeping it. Developing it.


    Do we want to make the playoffs?  Yup.    Do we have to?  Nope


    We loose a few and we are quick to want changes.... We soon forget how well we did without our top 4 D.

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