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  2. The "starter" or "backup" thing (again) is a total red herring. We're better off with more guys who can play, there's no doubt about that. Much prefer the approach to having roles for everyone rather than just have 12-15 guys who don't do anything but special teams...kind of the Taman/Mack era model.
  3. Oh I'll also add my name to those who are worried about our run game if Brady is out. Augustine has proven he is not a starting rb. He gets more mileage out of a solid Banjo Bowl 5 years ago then LaFrance did for a great EF.
  4. Because one of his feet hasn't worked in 2 years.
  5. I actually thought Mitchell showed enough at receiver. Top choice. Well hard to say given the qbing we got this preseason outside of streveler. Just feels like they wasted a lot of reps on guys who had no chance. Hurt and no.
  6. do we have any interest in Lenius? Not sure why he was cut...
  7. Evaluating wrs in those games is just impossible. I’m sure that 5th spot is 90% based on tc play. That’s actually one position I’d be fine with flipping to ni. We don’t have two balls to share with all these weapons on O. Another blocker while woli plays slot would be good.
  8. a bit off topic but I think TSN and radio announcers around the league are a bit relieved that Diego ____ot was cut today.....lol...
  9. Oh he totally does have a high opinion of himself. Just who he is. I expect a lot if moving parts on D. Happy with some of the non-cuts, but for me mcghee was far worse than other dbs to my eye but he seems to avoid any scrutiny as one example.
  10. O. Wilson only had 2-3 passes thrown his way in both games, and he was headed in the wrong direction or already on the ground when he caught them, glad they saw his potential regardless of the poor QB play.
  11. I hope we don't start 10 Canadians, heck don't go over 8. MOS needs to get over his fetish.
  12. I dont think it's about valuing his opinion too much. Those are the guys under their current position. Actual formations/starters/backups will 100% change.
  13. I wonder if that ever bites us in the ass. If I was one of those players or their agent I’d be pissed. That’s true but man we are poised to do exactly that. And it’s like mos kryptonite.
  14. To be fair this us just what Derek Taylor thinks, and he values his own opinions overly much. It's not gospel yet.
  15. Maybe. There are but guys who haven’t gotten much for reps over guys who have been terrible. I like bonds as a player think he’s got a ton of upside. I don’t think many guys are quick easy plug n play punt returners.
  16. Today
  17. Mitchell got a crazy amount of playing time too. There were 5-6 guys who basically didn't get on the field in that receiver competition. Kind of hilarious they kept those 96 players around to the bitter end.
  18. Perhaps the thing with Mitchell was he had a few drops right but must mean he was getting open also. That’s more than lots of the receivers did. We got a few returners on the roster. Mitchell is one. Believe bonds does returns also.
  19. As far as the cuts I think we did about what was expected. Rosery is the sorest point. It also seems like a lot of guys are nursing injuries I think like has been pointed out guys will be back if they get healthy and the spot is still open. The depth chart is very concerning though. We gotta flip some of those old dogs and can’t start 10+ Canadians. 9 is too many. The primary way we move on from vets shouldn’t be they physically can’t lace em up any more. We’ve got to move on before guys are toast. I’d love it if BA can return to his classic form. That’s the best case scenario. I’m fine with giving guys a chance to come back from injury like that. Like we did with mo back in the day. Kyrie is on the edge of that with ba imo. Biggie too. If he’s properly healthy again with the imp dl in front of him and some better play call he would be fine. Gotta be his last year though. Jake is firmly in the other side of that rainbow. Maybe he’s just a fiery competitor like sheed maybe that’s what they see. I can’t understand it other wise. Kr, for a spot we targeted in the off season is screwed though. We need to be grabbing a vet. I am optimistic about that. Look forward to seeing how his D plays out.
  20. yes...u just need to declare the minimum 7 per game and where they are allotted on each side of the ball....and thats your minimum..it's just that at times we tend to over use some Canadians just because they are Canaduian and Osh is all about that...and it's needless, and doesnt make us better, especially when we dont take advantage of it and rotate guys freely....and some instances that rostered Canadian...well shouldnt even be on the roster
  21. I'm really hoping that Jordan Younger, given the extra responsibilities, will have a lot more say in how the defense is set up and that he will be pushing this group to reach its full potential. I mean, it's his job. O'Shea has been pretty clear in the past that he gives his assistants a lot of leash. So now it's time for a Younger guy to put his stamp on this team.
  22. The whole "starting Canadian" thing is kind of a red herring. All they do is say how many are on each side of the ball and that's the minimum they have to play each snap. Could play more and probably will on D on a given down. But could go 11 Americans 1 Canadian lots of snaps too.
  23. Fox was brought in mid-June last year, Cole was mid-July the year before while Lawler was in September 2018.
  24. yeah....if thats how we alloctae our roster....its a sad sack affair again all yr with the PR nad roster issues not giving us our best....and will eat us up again in playoffs thats the on thing on Mitchell I curious about....is he a fit...he seems pretty agitated and selfish....guess we shall see if this FIFO is legit.....Still rather see Johnson on roster....dude already looked like a vet
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