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  2. If dru brown plays well in ott, it is going to get ugly in here this week.
  3. I’m just irritated right now, but Brady’s on the shitlist tonight too. Hold on to the bloody football.
  4. Yeah...BO was good...just didn't get the touches
  5. Henoc "show me the money" Muamba another reason not to watch the panel
  6. I keep watching hoping there'll be a glimmer of hope in the team and I'm just not seeing it.
  7. I dont know about that. But buck/everyone else needs to realize who can carry this team. And he ain't a qb. Last year was the same....They're at their worst when they don't feed Brady early and often.
  8. Zach gonna get booed off the field if we don’t score. And Brady. Tf was that Zach haha
  9. When your losing the game just drags on and I've had my fill of Smith and Suitor
  10. I said it after the Grey Cup and I got eye roll reacts all over the place.
  11. Lotta rust...and sometimes it's these early ..some call "extra preseason" games that determine if u get first...second...or miss the playoffs Only guy who didn't take preseason reps but looked fine was BA
  12. Yuppp would definitely have a closed door meeting with him then the players.
  13. I’d agree. They need someone to be a prick right now. Wade and or Walters should be ripping into everybody.
  14. I’ll be the one who says it we should have moved on I’ll be the one who says it we should have moved on
  15. A time out after the 5 minutes for the 3 minute warning? Delay of game penalty.
  16. Defence had a couple breakdowns, special have been hot garbage, but this loss falls squarely on Zach and the offence
  17. I bet it takes until week 9 to see that, at least.
  18. Maybe put Ayers in too. Maybe Zack will out play tee Martin’s career average.
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