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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Thought it was the other way to be honest. The other player bumped Lirim
  2. I'll just say this and be gone for the night... I think we will win a few games with Marve as the QB.
  3. Guess clock runs when you snap the ball right? Or when ref whistles play in? Like 30 seconds left. Probably run off 5 8 seconds there with a sneak. I don't like the shotgun call but maybe they were gonna look for the pass but got pressured to quick. Marve might have made the wrong read there but still dumb formation
  4. Marve should have thrown it away or gone down instead of going backwards 18 yards too
  5. Yup. Really noticed Hurl Bass and Westerman. Honorable mention to Jake a Thomas. Teams seem to avoid Johnny Adams but pick on Bucknor. Turner Play? Cuz Mia once again. Hate saying this but are the imports mack brought in any good still?
  6. But really if your hoping for Lirim to make the tackle... it's pretty much game over
  7. Special Teams is not good. No blocking help for Stoudemire at all. 1 vs 3 or 4 most times. Cost us a TD today too. Still think the Kohlert fumble was the nail in the coffin tho
  8. Still alive thanks to Marshall
  9. Don't like giving teams points. And really the Kohlert fumble was more costly
  10. Not sure MB called many long passes. Tough to see on TV but... looked like short routes
  11. MB should be gone after that 3rd and 1 shotgun call.
  12. Kohlert fumble was a pretty huge mistake too.
  13. Possible read option with Marshall and Marve but yeah dumb.
  14. The OC called that play. Or Marve read it wrong. Read option it seemed. If he gives it to Marshall he probably gets 1st down but he pulled it. Bs hold on Bryant didn't help. Positive tho.. Marve played well enough
  15. Well. I don't really think it's our business to know. I could care less the type of injury. But scratching Collins is Def an odd move. Unless he is banged up too. Do you take a day off work cuz you're sick but really had the runs let's say. Do you come in next day and go man I couldn't stop shitting or u just say u were sick?
  16. Just one last thing before i go shower and that stuff... Don't mind Gordon over Veltung, it's all good... But scratching Nate Collins makes me definitely wonder what the hell the coaches are thinking. Don't get me wrong, I'm a turner fan but.... I thought the Dline was much improved the last couple of games. Blind Loyalty really to average players, it might not cost MOS his job as i'm not sure if this is his or Halls decision but... man, it makes you wonder what they are thinking.
  17. Watched it a couple days ago... Not a huge fan of the music but... do appreciate the effort it took to put this together so good job there Heel Atomic. It's a nice video really... Shows that he made some nice throws, can scramble, has a good arm.. comfortable when scrambling really.. that one pass to was it Denmark on the sidelines where he's directing him where to go... Kids got some skills and shows lots of fire... I guess you can say... Marve seems to have some intangibles about him.
  18. Meh, It's practice... Let's see what happens when the bullets fly for real... Honestly, i'm not overly concerned about the lack of practice reps. If anything, it's a built in excuse if he struggles.
  19. Like with all good to great returners, you get the good and you get the bad, there really is no middle ground, even brandon banks, guy is explosive yup but at times he messes up pretty huge too, turns balls over, runs sideways to gain 2 yards.. They all do it really.. You take the good and the bad with the returners cuz eventually they do break one for a huge gain, couple weeks back vs BC, first play of the second half, big big return for stouds, TD to adams next play. Chad Owens is the same way... mr fumbles really, but he breaks one every now and then and all is forgotten.
  20. What i remember from Lefevour is what i remember from lots of young qbs that come in to the league, not a good passer but he could run... unfortunately tho that running every other snap caught up to him.
  21. LOL. Kessel, man that guy... i'm reminded of a survey, an informal survey done by some guy on twitter last year... asking non hockey fan what they think some of these players professions are, asking those who didn't know who they were... Kessel was one of them, and most people said he looked like he was an accountant. Kind of funny when you think about it... Honestly, if i didn't know Kessel was a pro athlete, i'd never guess it either, his look and "shape" doesn't exactly scream pro athlete.
  22. Gotta agree with this here, expectations on talk radio is sky high, setting him up to fail but i think for the most part the average fan and even the hardcore fan on this site here just hopes he manages the game well, doesn't have to put up huge numbers, just protect the ball and give the team a chance. Talk radio is just that... talk, i guess when you think about it, talk radio is kind of, well, they have so much air time to fill and only so many things to talk about really.
  23. A page worth of excuses. Frankly I don't care about the draft and develop model, I'm talking about their chances THIS YEAR. Which don't look good. Hilarious that you bring up Chicago and Toews, Kane, Keith, and Seabrook. Let me know when we have even one player approaching the skill level of any of them. Until then the comparison is totally invalid. Chicago sucked for 5 or 6 years... even when they had toews and kane and keith and seabrook, they weren't good for a few years, not until they all had time to develop really, Toews didn't come in and was a superstar immediately, neither was kane, neither was seabrook or keith.... It took time. Might not care about the draft and develop model but... that is what they have said since day 1 so instead of getting pissed about it, you should probably learn to embrace it cuz it isn't gonna change anytime soon. Just a simple question tho... What should they have done to improve the team this off-season? How would they have gone about and done that exactly?
  24. I'm not convinced they could have changed the practice time that quickly.. Yeah it was forecasted but that means nothing really.. it means it might happen or it might not happen really. The weather people are so wrong all the time it's crazy, i'd say when they actually get it right, it's more surprising. Pretty sure there are rules in place and they are decided on by the PA and the CFL probably earlier in the season.. Not sure you can change it on a moments notice exactly or even on a days notice.. This would need to be done in advance i'm sure, it's probably a PA thing and i doubt the players would even allow them to change the time.. It rains it rains.. it is what it is really. Funny cuz it didn't really start raining until about 1215 1220 ish and the practice started at 12. So really... It's bitching about nothing for the sake of what exactly? Not only a doctor now eh Gbill but a pro scout, professional football coach and a weatherman? Jack of all trades.
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