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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. This is exactly it, especially the last part... If Helle didn't make several tremendous saves, we wouldn't be talking about it. In the end, Jets were out shot and in my opinion, out played after the first period pretty badly... I believe after the first the jets had 16 shots on goal and washington had like 4... Jets ended up with like 34 and the caps had like 38... Caps pretty much took over in the 2nd and 3rd and pretty much owned the Jets in OT. Jets scored on their like only shot in OT..Caps had several shots. After the first, the Jets were out shot 34 to like 18 (give or take) Helle was the reason they won pretty much, they played ok, they played a good defensive game, lots of washingtons shots were pretty standard saves, several weren't tho and Helle just made it look easy. He's so good at tracking the puck and his positioning is so good that sometimes, the tough shots look like easy saves too but only looked easy because of his pretty tremendous positioning.
  2. Terrorism means non white person did it pretty much. White person does it... it's called a massacre
  3. I don't think it's stupid. But I also don't think they do it on purpose
  4. Be valid points if they just moved here but most I was speaking of were born here and have lived here their whole life. Some just aren't friendly. It is what it is. I'm not saying all aren't...just thar quite a few are. I'd say the same about white people too. Poor Muslims killing innocent people. Aww. Feel so sorry for some of them
  5. He also has played lights out against Chicago.. Yeah. That would be a good reason to start him but he hasn't won a game in a while. Helle on a roll. 0.97 GAA is insane. I'm guessing hutch starts cuz it's back to back but wouldn't be as surprised if he didn't
  6. Much to my chagrin Eddie Steele re-upped with the Esks. a couple of months ago. Of all the MB. players to pursue he would have been at the top of my list as a much needed Natl.What about Donny O? Rotational player at best. Not sure he's even an upgrade on Jake Thomas
  7. Is it guaranteed hutch starts. I'd think so because back to back but....
  8. Jets 28 points. 6th in central. 7th In west. 2 points out of 3rd in central tho. Insane
  9. Yup. Holtby was very good. I watched the intermission so I heard enough about Holtby
  10. Well. They saved 180 000 bucks already by releasing lemon to try the NFL
  11. Helle looks to be the real deal. With that said think you gotta start hutch tomorrow
  12. My dad and mom at the game. Texted me. Said Is that screen the refs used look as small on TV as it does in person
  13. Review was longer than the OT. Ridiculous. Helle was the reason the Jets won tho. What a save on Oshie with the stick. Jets gif on twitter.
  14. Laurents nfl tryout days are probably behind him.
  15. Jets got dominated that period. Mainly due to rotating penalties to our 2 plugs. On a side note... Sportsnet is just awful
  16. Gotta sit peluso and thorburn. Guys just take way 2 many selfish idiot penalties
  17. Dominating first for the Jets. 17 6 shots on goal. Holtby only reason it's only 1 0
  18. Shologan would look good in blue and gold
  19. Gronk is not the franchise QB face of the team. Manziel has had issues for a long time and the biggest one here is blatantly lying about it.
  20. Revisionist history be dammed but pretty sure Jones was named head coach in Edmonton b4 Walters was even named GM here. O'shea was hired tge same year as Jones. Several weeks b4 O'shea was hired even. Not convinced he was ever really an option for us. And let's no pretend Hervey was some great GM at the time either. Was pretty much a rookie GM too.
  21. I'd think helle but.... Hutch left the ice first today at practice
  22. Jarious Jackson given permission to talk to the bombers too.
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