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Everything posted by Goalie

  1. Little 2 goals. Wheeler 2 assists. Ladd 2 penalties. Good Job Captain Oops. 3 A's for Wheeler now. Damn, that means Ladd is gonna get another penalty. Man, Ehlers is having himself a solid game. 4th line looking really good too.
  2. Look at that eh, Put Copp with some guy with talent and that line looks more dangerous. Who would have thought that.
  3. Whatever. You just go on and on. More fantasy trades please
  4. Some of the "fans" on Twitter are quite ignorant when asking their question so the team will ignore that question and rightfully so. Seriously, quite a few good questions asked by the fans, probably a few would have been answered if a few of those people weren't such pricks in the way they asked the question. MOS answered the respectful questions. So would I. If someone is talking crap to me on twitter, I ain't responding to their question either.
  5. We fired our OC. That's a pretty big move. With a half decent O last year, we win more games. Not sure why people think the bombers are that far away from competing.. give them a competent O and they will surprise some people. They have some talent here.
  6. Jets playing well. Really well actually. PP looks good. PK looks good too. More aggressive it seems. 3-1 after 1. Will say, That was a bad lazy penalty by Ladd. Stop doing that Captain.
  7. I think you probably expect 2 much from Rookies playing on the 3rd or 4th line. That's not my problem really, that's yours. Your expectations for first year players playing 7 minutes a game seem to be a little unreasonable.
  8. You realize right that these are fan submitted questions? It's not like he's doing this with the media, this was a twitter thing. I'm not sure why anyone would expect any relevant info to come out of these things. The only somewhat relevant info i got from watching a few of the 20 second clips is that there are lots of receiver and DL players available in free agency and the bombers will be in on a few of them. This really is nothing when you get right down to it. It's fan submitted questions via twitter.
  9. I dunno how "fan made" these are actually... Didn't we have Jerseys very similar to all of these ones, almost exactly the same at one point? It's been confirmed tho that the Royal Blues are coming back.
  10. If i recall correctly, i believe it was on good terms. Something about his vision i believe at the time, He's still not that great, you gotta throw him the ball a ton and he will drop a ton of balls still but he will make catches too. He's still pretty inconsistent actually as a receiver. I'm not sure I'd go after him.
  11. I agree however if a guy like Arcenaux was actually available, you'd be crazy not to offer him a good contract. He's a proven dominant player in this league. There was no way he was leaving BC but... theres still a few interesting receivers out there, proven guys. You can't have your whole starting Import receiver group be rookies can you?
  12. Jets aren't even as bad as lots of us say they are... They are actually really good 5 on 5... actually very good 5 on 5... it's the PK AND PP that are really killing them at the moment, Jets have played some very good hockey the last little while, 5 on 5, they actually dominate at times, big time... It's the PK tho that's really doing them in. Last year the PK was ranked like 13th in the league, This year... It's almost dead last... That is the difference between wins and losses right now. Fix the PK and this team will win way more games. It's almost at the point tho where i'm not sure they can fix the PK. Started off good but downhill, goaltending was pretty bad too, Hutch has been awful, Pav wasn't much better. Helle seems to be doing pretty good. He's gonna have his struggles at times too but i think goal tending earlier in the year really let them down big time.
  13. Considering they would lose that trade then, I don't think so. Man, you sure love the fantasy trade stuff.
  14. Yup. You just look at points. That really says it all in my opinion. Points aren't the be all and end all for all players. Copp isn't asked to put up 30 points, he's asked to be solid defensively, he is... He's asked to be good on the face-offs, he is. He's not asked to put up 30 points a year. He's a 4th line guy playing under 7 minutes a night. What type of expectations do you have for some of these players.. Shocking he hasnt' put up more points playing most the season with Peluso.
  15. As a fan, I could honestly care less if O'shea let's the coordinators talk to the media or not .It's irrelevant. It's not like our media would ask them an relevant questions either... Let's be honest, everyone of this site here, we all YUP ALL OF US, have more knowledge about the game than 99 percent of our media... What's Hall or Lapolice talking to Friesen or guys like that gonna prove? Nothing. i actually think it is better that way. Like i said, what the hell are anyone of us gonna learn from a guy like Friesen talking to Hall or Lapolice? Nothing really.
  16. It somewhat sickens me that people on this site, this bomber fan site, keep crapping on the bombers and yet at the same time, are just falling in love with the Riders? Perhaps it's time some of you change your pics to rider colors. Seriously, Riders this, Riders will be awesome, Riders, Riders, Riders... Go join the rider site if you want to constantly talk about them.
  17. puff puff pass Besides proving that you are somewhat of a ******, what does this add?
  18. Maybe you get a LHD man back, but he's younger? Maybe you trade Buff or Ladd and they get an LHD man back..... there are so many possibilities here. almost 6 million a year for Toby.... He's not worth it... Yeah, he's got a NMC.... doesn't mean he can't be moved tho, The fact that there are rumors out there suggesting that teams have called on him and the Jets are somewhat shopping him tells me that NMC means very little.
  19. I don't think it would be about Ladd, It's about is Enstrom worth what he's being paid? Is he a difference maker? Is he worth the almost 6 million a year he's making? The answer to all those is probably NO. Enstrom isn't that great, just cuz he's the best we have doesn't mean he's that good, it just means he's better than Stuart and Chiarot... He's not getting any younger either... you got an asset that lots of teams are looking for, a top 4 d man, who maybe doesn't fit in with the age group of your team moving forward... IMO, the only untouchables on the Jets main roster at this moment Helle,Trouba,Scheif,Wheeler,Ehlers,Copp (yeah gonna put Copp in there) The rest are pretty much fair game..... Enstrom, he's ok... but i don't think he's worth what he's being paid exactly.
  20. Roster Freeze is very soon. Lowry will be with the Moose until the New Year at the very least. I think he will be there for a while longer actually. They want him to play Center, He's not gonna Center the 4th line... That's Copps job and he's damn good at it.... So Lowry will be brought back up when, I'm calling it now, When Burmi is traded as part of a package with Ladd Buff or Enstrom.
  21. He's the highest paid player on the team, Enstrom that is, Rumors are that they have been shopping him. I think they will likely trade him. No way can Toby Enstrom be your highest paid player. He is so therefore he's being shopped. I bet he gets moved eventually either b4 the trade deadline or the off-season. The fact that he is left handed is sort of irrelevant...
  22. Nobody is saying that, it's just the Vets are the ones taking these dumb penalties over and over and over again without consequences. Ladd hasn't been playing very good up until recently, why can't these guys be benched for a bit, not even all game but just to send a message to them also. It's all well and good to send a message to a guy like Lowry, send him down but what message does that actually send to the Vets? Like it or not, every one of these guys should be treated equally and they aren't. You can go on about last game and Scheif taking a dumb penalty, some would disagree that it was dumb and most would call it sticking up for a smaller team mate who got hit from behind, one could argue that the refs kind of screwed the Jets there a bit, you could say that at the very least, scheif and the st louis player each should have got 4 minutes....But really, that's what? 1 time Scheif did something kind of "stupid". Ladd,Buff and the Vets like Thorburn, Peluso, etc take 1 or 2 stupid penalties a game every game with no consequences.
  23. Normally the team(s) who win the off-season don't do so well, It's still so early tho, i mean, so many variables here, Yeah the riders have cleaned house of a few of their defensive players but... they still have tons of issues, canadian content and qb being one. I'm not convinced the riders will be that much better in 2016... I think Edmonton probably goes down a bit but... by how much remains to be seen, Calgary will still be very good, It's not like losing Murphy will hurt them that much, they still have Huff and others. BC, in my opinion will be worse, not sure why but I feel Wallys best days are behind him... plus they don't even have an OC yet... Bombers? We will see what they do come free agency, In my opinion, if they can sign a receiver or 2 and another oline or 2, they might make some noise. I guess, Let's get back to this topic in say March April May or June for that matter. The Grey Cup was like what? 3 weeks ago? If the bombers can sign Harris (Andrew) and Bilukidi (Christo).... That makes them better and those are 2 guys that...basically, if they want them they will get them In My Opinion. The biggest signings the bombers can make are 2 guys who basically aren't even free agents. Harris is technically but deep down inside, we all know if he makes it to free agency, there is only 1 team he will sign with.
  24. Wow + Why You know what, as much as people seem to think that's too much, Kopitar is a very good player, he's the heart of that LA team, people might think Doughty is the face of the Kings but really, It's Kopitar, He has 2 cups, He's a big strong 2 way player.... Think Chicago and Toews and Kane... He's not as flashy as Kane but he's every bit as good as Toews, Toews gets lots of hype, but if Kopitar was from Winnipeg or Canadian for that matter, He would be the guy people would be talking about .He's a good player, well worth it in my opinion. Little long tho, deal starts at age 29 and last until 36 37 so by the time he's 35 36 37... yeah it might suck for the Kings but.... He's the face of the team and one of the better players in the league. It's just that he's not Canadian, Not American, is quiet, doesn't get in to trouble, but... what he does, plays a 2 way game and has won multiple stanley cups. That matters.
  25. Peluso not on the ice this morning so looks like both Hali and Armia will draw in tonight. Thorburn on the PK? that helps how exactly? The guy sucks at clearing the zone. That won't help.
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