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Everything posted by bearpants

  1. Just to clarify... this is what I got from Kim's posts... 1. Royal Blue is 100% back next year 2. Bombers have already signed Ben Heenan and Tyler Holmes to multi-year deals 3. Through a series of trades, Bombers now have 3 first round picks 4. George Cortez and Mark Washington are confirmed as our new coordinators. 5. Girls like football Did I miss anything?
  2. This seems like a breach of Barber/customer confidentiality... that's a thing, right?
  3. This.... and this.... make the most sense
  4. Two things I thought were funny when I first read this yesterday... him citing his great practice stats... and he thinks it's his choice that he's out of football... that's about it...
  5. Nice... I like the simplistic look of the logo... just like the Royal Blue uniforms...
  6. I think someone already stated in this thread that there won't be much options outside of newbies and retreads... any CFL coach with a good track record will be unavailable.... only maybe/sleeper could be Scott Milanovich... I agree!
  7. I'm not really sure about Dallas but I know St Louis is very deep at D-line... he was a long-shot to make the team, no matter what his sexual orientation is... from day one they knew it would likely come down to Sam vs Ethan Westerbrooks... and Westerbrooks was very good in camp and pre-season... that was truely a football decision
  8. Basically Quinn Everett is a project and we'll be lucky if he is good enough to start in a couple years... any higher expectation is unrealistic at this point...
  9. That is surprising... count me in as one who thought he would be an Oregon state lifer... but Nebraska is a pretty sweet gig... he inherits a good team and good program that can win the Big 10 every year... good for him....
  10. Hate to see good Canadians leave the CFL.... but best of luck to Jones in his NFL endeavour...
  11. I hope everyone read the title of this thread in the Jerry Seinfeld voice.... And yes, I'll definitely be going to the game...
  12. This site is absolutely my #1 source for Bomber news and info... thanks Mods for all the behind-the-scenes work... I think some kind of Grey Cup week gathering would be a great idea...
  13. Thanks for explaining that reference for those of us who don't have kids
  14. I'm just glad that block to the back was a legit penalty... That woulda been way too cfl for the game to be decided on a missed call or bad call...
  15. Charlie Roberts could down a six pack.... crush a pack of darts... then show up at kickoff and run for 120 yards and 2 touchdowns.... that's the difference between the two guys
  16. Agreed. I wouldn't mind the Bombers taking a chance on him, it seems like he should be able to do some damage up here - obviously won't happen due to neg rights - but I'd also probably get annoyed after the first month of the world looking at our team as a social experiment. I completely agree but some in the CFL might think of it as good exposure for the league...
  17. I don't think he has the speed to play SAM.... but imagine a LB at a 6'2, 260lb crushing RBs if they dared get to the second level!... And yes... I get that you were just making a joke
  18. The 1960s called... they want their way of thinking back...
  19. He's a marginal football player at best. That's quite incorrect... he's a very good defensive end... problem is he has tweener size for the NFL... too small to be a DE but doesn't have the skill set to be an OLB... he is the perfect size to be a CFL DE.... he's need to put on 30 lbs to be an NFL DE
  20. To be fair, I've heard Kroeker pronounced both ways. And Goossen. He had a really solid playoff run from what I saw, but having his name show up on Montreal's neg list might not even amount to a training camp invitation. Names go on and off those things all the time, from what I understand. I'm no scout but that Nigerian dude on the Bison interior Dline, if we could develop what he showed on some plays, well he had some impressive snaps out there. David Onyemata...With his size and athleticism... if he develops into a real football player he may be playing a little further south than Winnipeg... That's my take too but who knows. If Bilukidi will turn out to be a Bombers next year. It doesn't hurt to wait for a couple of years for them to learn a lot on NFL camps before coming here in the CFL. You can tell the reason he looks good in CIS is cuz he's so huge and athletic... he has a long way to go before he even has CFL potential, let alone NFL potential... but with the right coaching, he has the physical skills to play at the highest level...
  21. I agree that a blog post could just as easily be a new thread post... no idea what the "pages" section is all about...
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