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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. I thought everyone went back to Our Bombers and abandoned the ship.
  2. Stoudermire, he's O'Shea's wild card.
  3. Just wondering, do these polls reach people through social media or are they conducted as in the past, strictly by phone? • Ballot tracking reflects only the first choice given by decided voters • A national dual-frame (land+cell) random telephone survey is conducted nightly by Nanos Research throughout the campaign using live agents. Each evening a new group of 400 eligible voters are interviewed. The daily tracking figures are based on a three-day rolling sample comprised of 1,200 interviews. To update the tracking a new day of interviewing is added and the oldest day dropped. The margin of error for a survey of 1,077 decided voters is ±3.0 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. • The margin of error for weekly surveys before Sept. 4 is ±3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20 This is way off topic, but if there are any statisticians out there, can you tell me why they phrase things like this. Is the margin of error +/- 3 or not .... if this happens to be the 20th time, what is the margin of error? Or is it completely unknown? 19/20 is 95% so why not just build that other 5% of uncertainty into the +/- 3. It all seems a little hodge-podge. It helps to cover their asses when they get it wrong.
  4. Just wondering, do these polls reach people through social media or are they conducted as in the past, strictly by phone?
  5. The mere fact he is teetering on being benching at the moment likely suggests that he isn't going to have a lot of teams chasing after his services. Look at the crap we went through with Milo. I think he has proven he can get the job done, but he has also proven that he can't. His next contract should reflect that. A fair deal that reflects bonuses for field goal percentages etc.. to provide him a opportunity for a raise if he plays well and protects the bombers for overpaying if he sucks again next year. If the Bombers want to play hardball with Lirim they better find themselves an Import Swayze Waters kick-a-like just in case he decides to bolt. Going back to trying out a string of leftover leftovers won't make them a better team.
  6. Honestly, I think trying to portray Mulcair as warm and fuzzy was a mistake by the NDP strategists. I much prefer the straight-shooter that we saw in QP these past few years. He's at his best when he's talking down to Harper and he only exposed that side briefly during the second debate. Nothing against him personally but when Mulcair smiles it kind of gives me the creeps.
  7. Argo's just lost another home game. This time they're headed to Hamilton. This nightmare can't end soon enough for the Argos and the CFL. I hope they institute a permanent ban on any Rogers involvement with the CFL for all of eternity.
  8. you see how well longo worked out? top notch interior guys are not avail this late in season.. you get jersey fillers now. even 5 weeks ago it would have been a trial simply due to how much effort goes into building that cohesivesness an oline needs.. Longo ends up back on the PR and Neufeld is expected back for BC. Selvish goes back to LG and Goosen sits again? Not sure how they fared individually last game with the shuffle but they didn't give up any sacks in the second half. Statistically, we didn't gave up a sack last game. You're right, but you would have a hard time convincing Nichols that was the case. I believe he got "planted" at least 4 times.
  9. Harper riding on the coat tails of a balanced budget seems disingenuous at best as it took him 8 years and some backwards somersaults to achieve that mark for the first time in his reign and during that time he ran record setting deficits. Doesn't matter who is elected, I don't believe a balanced budget is in the cards for the next couple of years anyway.
  10. you see how well longo worked out? top notch interior guys are not avail this late in season.. you get jersey fillers now. even 5 weeks ago it would have been a trial simply due to how much effort goes into building that cohesivesness an oline needs.. Longo ends up back on the PR and Neufeld is expected back for BC. Selvish goes back to LG and Goosen sits again? Not sure how they fared individually last game with the shuffle but they didn't give up any sacks in the second half.
  11. Emissions measured are mostly from coal burning plants. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/computer-generated-video-shows-pollution-spread-across-the-prairies-1.3261783
  12. In general signing a great player near the end of his playing career is a very bad idea, be it Ray, Owens or Dressler. Better to invest the money saved on salary to find great players at the beginning of their playing careers.
  13. The winners and losers have little to do with the individual countries involved. The TPP like all other free trade agreements before it mainly opens the door to unfettered market access for multi-national corporations. The Mom and Pop dairy farm (which we like) will become a thing of the past for the most part only to be replaced by industrial scale dairy ops (which we hate). Betsy can kiss the sun goodbye for evermore but I for one, can hardly wait to save $2.00 on that swell Chinese ice cream! Unfortunately common sense will never trump the dollar. How? Dairy is going to face at best very muted external competition and they are getting compensated for that handsomely That's in the short-term, they are playing a long-term game with these deals.
  14. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/robert-reich-saving-capitalism-tpp-1.3256940 "Contrary to the conventional view of an American economy bubbling with innovative small companies, the reality is quite different," Reich writes. And although we are only beginning to understand the details — mostly because the Trans-Pacific Partnership was negotiated away from the prying eyes of voters — one of the main criticisms of international trade deals like the TPP is that the main beneficiaries are large corporations, not ordinary citizens. "Negotiators worked overtime on terms to please multinational corporations — under close consultation with those same corporations. But there was no consultation with labour or civil society groups," says a release from the Trade Justice Network, a group that opposes the deal. Rigged gameIn left-leaning circles, the conventional view is that creating equality requires redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Reich says the real problem is something he calls "pre-distribution." By lobbying for laws such as those that make life-saving pharmaceuticals expensive and technological patents unbreakable, large corporations and their teams of lawyers rig the game in their favour long before the issue of redistribution arises. Drug companies are rewarded not for inventing drugs but for extending the exclusivity of existing drugs. (The TPP does exactly that.) Companies like Google, Amazon and Apple capture the value of patents and then are rewarded for "strategic litigation" to prevent anyone else from using them. Because these advantages are constructed into the very fabric of the government and its rules, advocates of the "free market" fail to realize the winners have already been selected by the process of pre-distribution. "The idea of a free market separate and distinct from government has functioned as a useful cover for those who do not want the market mechanism fully exposed,"
  15. Why would Miller do that? His greatest concern is putting bums in seats and generating more revenue and that can only be achieved through more wins. MB and winning are not compatible ingredients.
  16. Thanks a lot, I just caught dyslexia from reading your post!
  17. If you want to review Walkers skills re-watch the Bombers first game against the RB's last season. No doubt that he had the physical talent at that time but as we have seen until recently with Stoudermire sometimes these guys forget how to use it.
  18. The way the O is cycling through receivers and RB's without giving them much of a chance to show their stuff does not inspire confidence. I smell desperation on the wind.
  19. The winners and losers have little to do with the individual countries involved. The TPP like all other free trade agreements before it mainly opens the door to unfettered market access for multi-national corporations. The Mom and Pop dairy farm (which we like) will become a thing of the past for the most part only to be replaced by industrial scale dairy ops (which we hate). Betsy can kiss the sun goodbye for evermore but I for one, can hardly wait to save $2.00 on that swell Chinese ice cream! Unfortunately common sense will never trump the dollar.
  20. Mike is finally cranking it up to 11....and just in time.
  21. Chevon's one and only interview was pretty riveting.
  22. Can't believe Pfeffer is sitting on their PR or that the Argos actually cut him, especially since Waters has re-injured himself. He looked very good earlier in the year. On checking the RB roster Pfeffer is listed on the 6 game IR.
  23. Those are the kinds of trades that appealed to Brendan Taman, which eventually cost him his job.
  24. Lirim might be having a problem with the visualization part of his game.
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