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Fatty Liver

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Everything posted by Fatty Liver

  1. The excitement around here is palpable especially considering it's game day. Is it time to declare the patient officially dead?
  2. Holy crap, just tuned into the BC-Ham. game. Has Hurricane Patricia turned the world on it's head? Looking forward to the Bombers blowing out the RB's tomorrow if upsets are trending.
  3. Whatever will become of the "boy's in short pants" that ran the PMO?
  4. To me, this sums up the final years of the Harper Government. Say what you like about his early years, but toward the end...this was his legacy, and it doesn't seem surprising. And that's the thanks these former MPs get from Harper? That's bad. Might be that a few of these ex-MP's might actually throw off the muzzle and speak their minds on the election results and the direction the party is headed. Harper is a control freak beyond compare and he probably doesn't want dissenting viewpoints voiced less the party divides back into it's original fragments of PC's and Reformers. Why he would even give a **** at this point is anyone's guess as he has basically left the party bereft of any legitimate successors.
  5. I thought Anderson and Westerman had a joint sack last week that they awarded to Anderson.
  6. I would be surprised if the next leader was not from Ont., distancing themselves from their reformist roots would be the quickest route to recovery for the Cons. They need to find a way to win more and stronger majorities. Like it or not, the seats are in Ontario. And also distance themselves from candidates who need to be muzzled. I always liked Peter McKay. Now with Harper out of the picture perhaps he'll come back. Jason Kenny is my MP & I just can't see him as leader. I think he'll run but too much baggage from the Reform & Harper eras. McKay is damaged goods and a weasel to boot. Prentice would have been a viable option if he hadn't become impatient and dabbled in provincial politics but if he keeps a low profile and runs for leader in 4 years time, he might have a chance.
  7. I would be surprised if the next leader was not from Ont., distancing themselves from their reformist roots would be the quickest route to recovery for the Cons.
  8. Skip to the 5:00 min. mark of the following video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtmMBxsTHh4
  9. I heard it's based on the moderators browsing history. Download the free version of Adblock Plus and you won't see any ads or banners on any sites, it also cuts out the ads from You Tube videos.
  10. Butttt.....ohhhh.....welllll.......really?
  11. Couple of questions I'd like to ask the new stud. 1. Can you bring all of your receivers with you? 2. Are you going to do anything like whatever the last guy did to get cut?
  12. Most of those emissions are generated from coal fired electricity plants and there is no shortage of natural gas in the areas that they're coming from, just an absence of fore-sight. I believe the last two coal fired electricity plants in MB. were shut down in the early 90's after they did a study of the toxins they were spewing.
  13. Despite the fumbles last game, still like D. Scott at RB as he runs with real power and is a good compliment to Marshall. Scat backs like Catalon are easy enough to find when needed but finding backs with decent speed and power that can break tackles at the pro level are harder to come by.
  14. Of course it was a full page advertisement. But why let that get in the way of self-righteous anger and a good blather about media impartiality. I saw a Harper ad during Hockey Night in Canada, so that must mean that the CBC is supporting Harper. The only anger on this forum is usually venting from the top of your head. The difference with media impartiality is that many of these news outlets have directly declared their support for Harper, so really they're not impartial at all.
  15. That is the system that was used to elect the PC leader in AB. in which both Ed Stelmach and Alison Redford won out as the 3rd choice. Both the Libs. and the NDP are proposing electoral reform so that option is on the table if either of them win.
  16. The Mtl. O-line did Glenn no favours either, giving him very little time to get rid of the ball. Either the Ti-Cats pass rush is unstoppable or the Mtl. O-line has declined big time from the days of Calvillo.
  17. Wow, never seen anything like that before, that's basically a full page advert. on the front page. So much for journalistic integrity. That's disgusting that they allow that. I thought media was always supposed to be impartial. Guess I need to put quotes around that word, I should know that by now. I think this is a real low water-mark in laziness for print media that will not help them with their declining subscription rates. It used to be print media would manipulate the public through editorials and common sense arguments with the goal of retaining the trust in their audience by presenting real facts. The newspaper industry thrived for hundreds of years on this model. Now you can pretty much regard newspapers as litle more than "flyers" hawking the products within their pages or further promoting their own self-interest over public knowledge. On second thought I believe that may actually be a full page advert. paid for by the Conservatives. Either way, not good.
  18. Wow, never seen anything like that before, that's basically a full page advert. on the front page. So much for journalistic integrity. That's disgusting that they allow that. I thought media was always supposed to be impartial. Guess I need to put quotes around that word, I should know that by now. I think this is a real low water-mark in laziness for print media that will not help them with their declining subscription rates. It used to be print media would manipulate the public through editorials and common sense arguments with the goal of retaining the trust in their audience by presenting real facts. The newspaper industry thrived for hundreds of years on this model. Now you can pretty much regard newspapers as litle more than "flyers" hawking the products within their pages or further promoting their own self-interest over public knowledge.
  19. Wow, never seen anything like that before, that's basically a full page advert. on the front page. So much for journalistic integrity.
  20. What I don't want to see is Sask. upstage the Bombers in the off-season by signing a more accomplished coach or coordinators. If the Bombers doddle again this year with meetings and season reviews, they deserve the leftovers.
  21. I don't know what kind of chemistry Marcel and Willy have had. Willy wanted his OC on the sidelines and Marcel appeared reluctant - but agreed. Then as soon as Willy gets injured again (which is fairly often BTW) and the next QB installed, Marcel scoots back upstairs. Willy has a qb coach to talk to on the sidelines. MB doesn't have time to talk to Willy during a game much as he's too busy. I think Marcel is challenged to figure out what the other team is doing at the best of times. Sitting up in the box gives him an entire half to figure out what to do about it.
  22. That's an excuse I haven't heard before.
  23. I'm hoping TSN comes up with a butt crack blocker of some kind, either that or dress Nik in a full body leotard to avoid the spectacle. Bad for ratings and children.
  24. Edmonton has looked pretty bad in the 2nd half of the season. It's not even cliche this season to say that all you gotta do is get in the playoffs to have a shot at the Grey Cup. The Bombers are literally one play from winning over Edmonton and Calgary in half the games they've played them this season. BC pushed Edm. to OT last night so anything is possible. Reilly threw 3 interceptions and if he can be forced into his scrambling mode he makes some truly idiotic throws.
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