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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. Depressingly true. It's that straightforward and the only realistic way to help the average American if Biden's administration is committed to following through on it's platforms.
  2. A career criminal lame duck one term president with cognitive issues surrounded by his enablers having the power to pardon anyone he wants. What could possibly go wrong?
  3. Cruz and Graham have convinced themselves (and others) that being major major d*ckheads with absoutely no moral compass p*ssing people off left right and center means they are doing their jobs right. Bizarro.
  4. But again, what happens if she ignores this ‘demand letter’?
  5. I got to agree with this. A lot of bluster, little substance.
  6. Please tell me she left him hanging on that fist bump.
  7. IMO should of used an exact replica of Ducky’s jersey he wore the first game as the captain of the Winnipeg Jets.
  8. Being quite jaded over the last 4 years or so with what Trump, his administration and his GoP enablers can and do get away with, I'm very skeptical with this being genuinely investigated on its merits. I find the alot of bluster but with no actual consequences laid other than twitter shaming. This probably is so for a variety of reasons but still very frustrating, maddening and extremely worrisome as a lay observer.
  9. Chance of a recount overturning the election is 100 percent nothing not basically nothing.
  10. Then why are you wasting time and resources of this court. Here’s your fine, get out.
  11. JB 47 years in US government and politics. He has lots of connections. My guess is he'll get access to the info he needs formally or informally regardless of imbecile Trump and gang. I absolutely loved today how he laughed while saying United States Secretary of State Pompeo.
  12. Smash it in Jesus's name. ???
  13. Gerry Dee my man. Got to disagree with you on this although you make a good point. His words continue to influence those with multiple cognitive, psychological and emotional issues. One less outlet for him to do that will always be a plus for humankind.
  14. Ryan Strome’s agent requests 5.7 mill from the Rangers thru arbitration. Lol.
  15. And he is so damn polite. He was raised right.
  16. I don’t know what this is but it sure ain’t spiritual.
  17. These criminal defense lawyers better ask for payment up front said everyone who has done business with this imbecile.
  18. Nope says almost 1/2 of voting America. He's a straight shooter they say. As Jim Jefferies has pointed out if you say that you are dumb as sh#t.
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