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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. I’m coming home around that time as well. I’m thinking of painting my vehicle blue and gold for good measure.
  2. Lol. However when I say Albertans I really mean displaced Manitobans. #OilersFlamesEskimosStampedersSuck
  3. I’m sensing they don’t want us Albertans anywhere near them right now.
  4. Let the doctoring of his tax records begin.
  5. Yup. Full court press till November. No mercy. I think a lot a people across the world are hoping for some good news come then.
  6. Mini trump jackass covid ‘strategy’ imploding right before our eyes. He’s not clucking like a chicken like he was back in April.
  7. Great point about Allen. He made me a believer of him.
  8. Okay just for argument purposes both worlds you describe here are legitimately shite, Pre-Trump GOP administration and the current Trump GOP administration. Without able to change a thing and if you had to chose which of these worlds you had to live in which one would it be? I know my answer and it doesn't include deranged idiot at the helm.
  9. Because they are wired just like him. Not only do they enable Trump, Trump enables them.
  10. Besides #85 being the all time best, #2 Tom Clements was someone who probably cemented my allegiance to the Blue and Gold. His football IQ was out of this world.
  11. Great list. I’ve never disliked a Bomber while they played for us. I may have disliked their play at times but my obsession for the BB’s always seem to cancel out who they may have been as a person. It’s only after they leave the organization and the reasons why I can then start judging. The turtle man is by far #1, no ands, ifs or buts.
  12. Chris Walby would be fun to chat with on this as he seems like a guy who would be more than happy to share his experiences on this issue broken fingers and all.
  13. Yea I’m with you on that. It would be interesting to read what former and active CFL players would say as stuff happens a lot that none of us can see in the stands.
  14. Some Alabamans, not all. I can almost guarantee you there are some really embarrassed and pissed off Alabamans in sweet home Alabama right now.
  15. I love how the Judiciary claim judicial independence but then within their own group, take the Supreme Court of the United States for example, certain Justices are pitted against each other when making a ruling because of their differing political positions but they hide behind this Rule of Law argument. Justice is blind is a farce. This group should not be untouchable when it comes to needed change and holding them more accountable. Just like any profession I’m sure most are good but the bad ones need to be outed.
  16. Voter suppression and the electorate system fit nicely together for the GOP.
  17. Interesting take. I guess ironically and unwittingly this deranged idiot has exposed even more the GOP. Trump should turn on them as his reelection platform. That would be fun to watch, they'd have no where to go. lol
  18. Joe Pop and Rick House. Lethal duo.
  19. For all you Trump lurkers out there, tell us how the world was worse off pre-Trump as President. Specifics only supported by credible sources that doesn’t involve tin foil and #’s with ALL CAPS.
  20. I love how Trump and Trump jr are losing their minds on Biden not engaging them and not holding press conferences. Keep it up, less is better than more right now. When he announces his VP nominee, release her on these creeps.
  21. Inappropriate, illegal, immoral behaviour consistently for the last 4 years. When are we going to see actual consequences other than twitter shaming? Without meaningful consequences and Trump and his gang being really punished where it hurts, this all feels empty and frustrating. Are the Democrats that weak and the system so flawed that miscreants can run roughshod over everything? Reading over and over again that history will not be kind to Trump, his administration, the GOP and his hardened supporters means nothing right now.
  22. Sorry about that with your son. Sucks but better things to come.
  23. He spiked the football before crossing the plain. Whoops.
  24. When asked if he has evidence that mail-in votes will be suspect to voter fraud and counterfeiting, Barr replies, "No, it's obvious". Ladies and Gentlemen, the Attorney General of the United States of America.
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