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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. The disappointment of losing in this weird pandemic qualifying round has quickly dissipated and has been replaced with we’re due for a number 1 draft pick.
  2. 'He makes dog-whistle calls to racists, science deniers, conspiracy theorists, the uninformed and those filled with arrogant hatred so often it is damn near impossible to keep up'. Brian Karem George Conway, one of the leaders of the Lincoln Project, penned a recent opinion piece for The Washington Post in which he said of Trump: “For the sake of our constitutional republic, he must lose, and lose badly. Yet that should be just a start: We should only honor former presidents who uphold and sustain our nation’s enduring democratic values. There should be no schools, bridges or statues devoted to Trump. His name should live in infamy, and he should be remembered, if at all, for precisely what he was—not a president, but a blundering cheat.”
  3. Ah yes Paul Ryan. We have not forgotten about Paul Ryan. His name is on the list.
  4. When I think about it, I'm hoping the same for the Oilers even tho I'd like them to lose now. Seeing the Oilers win another lottery for the #1 draft pick would be maddening.
  5. Yea he probably does have an idea because I'm sure he reviewed the footage over and over again and watched MT skate come up and clip MS from behind. Yes he can't read MT mind to get at intent but he's basing on MT's track record and he's backing his player. As far as I know historically PM does not go off every time and say 100% intentional when one of his players gets hurt by another player.
  6. No it doesn't make Maurice look like a fool. He lost one of his best players on a reckless play by a known agitator. He's pissed. Flames suck.
  7. You’re right. I was thinking more for a mid ice just under the chin hit on a over the shoulder pass from one of his defencemen.
  8. Calgary is such a boring team to watch. Like watching paint dry.
  9. We’re not done yet. Time for other players like Roslo to step up.
  10. Okay I guess I misinterpreted ‘There isn’t much she is going on’.
  11. I recently came across something on the inter web that was used to describe Lyndsey Graham - a racial opportunist but not a racist. Depending on your definition of what this means, can one be a racial opportunist and not be a racist? In this case, the intention is politically motivated ie secure more votes. My opinion is even if you use race in a racist manner to achieve something but ideologically you tell yourself you aren’t a racist, you’re still a racist. Sort of like Adam Grant saying if you think you need to be an a**hole to get ahead in the work world you may indeed be an a**hole.
  12. You’ve seen all the evidence have you to make that determination? Not sure all evidence in sensitive cases is shared with media outlets.
  13. Brock Ralph great guy, great coach tho he is one of the coaches on my sons senior high school football team here in Edmonton. The Harry Ainlay Titans 2019 Alberta Senior Provincial Football Champions
  14. Criminals the whole lot of them. The whole system should be flushed away like poop and let the few good be left standing to take over.
  15. When camping I fly my Bomber and Jet flags and I’m asked a lot if I’m in the military. It’s come to the point now I tell them I’m a fighter pilot. Makes for a more interesting conversation.
  16. Again, full court press no mercy all the way to November and beyond.
  17. Barr’s whole disposition and how he easily exudes ‘I don’t give a poop what you think about me and how I do things’ is all together alarming, scary, maddening, exhausting and bewildering. And yes lurkers I’m sure people who previously held this position didn’t wear a halo over their head but that doesn’t justify his actions at all. What about arguments aren’t really valid arguments, they are weak, lazy and lack critical thinking.
  18. To me it’s not about old blood or new blood, it’s about good blood. Jerry Nadler just comes across as weak regardless of his age.
  19. Imho and with respect I find Jerry Nadler really struggles as a chair and is not very well spoken with his questioning and commentary when really needed. Based on the clips I saw today at Barr’s appearance before the house the Democrats have very strong women in their caucus that could do a much better job. Nadler is not helping the cause here and may in fact be hurting it.
  20. Notice Stone doesn’t say there was nothing to turn on him. Unbelievable. Right in front of our eyes.
  21. Maybe in parenthesis they could have painted in orange (and Trump doesn’t).
  22. I like the Riders Suck idea. I think I’ll do that maybe along with something disparaging said about the Nashville Predators.
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