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Everything posted by HardCoreBlue

  1. 'It has been obvious ever since Trump first ran for president that many of his core supporters actually hate the people who hate Trump, more than they care about Trump or any particular action he takes, no matter how awful'. Thomas Friedman I took this from his opinion piece entitled: Who Can Win America’s Politics of Humiliation? I found this particular statement, although maybe obvious to some, really insightful.
  2. All true statements, but for some (including some on this board) its washed away with the whataboutism argument. "yea its bad but look at (insert name)'. I'm sorry whose the current president of the United States who is responsible to lead this country for all it's citizens?
  3. However how much does that influence an undecided voter in who they vote for and whether they vote.
  4. Yea it really underscores how important it is to constantly build and maintain a strong working environment where the goal is to have the few bad apples sit alone on the sideline while the rest of us trust one another. While the few bad apples are on an island of their own, the rest can work cohesively with one another, trusting each other in how we best can take care of of our own physical, emotional and mental well being. This sometimes looks different depending on who you are, what your specific situation is and what it calls for. This is a tough slog, it's hard work but it can be done when work environments heavily invest on the people side of things. It pays off in the end.
  5. Great visual, way better than any words can describe the factual absurdity of what’s going on.
  6. To bad this person wasn’t a 17 year old white kid who had an AK wrapped around his shoulders, arms up, walking toward the police after reports of shots fired. No threat there, he got to go home that night and deal with his behaviour the next day. Makes total sense.
  7. Trump, his administration, his family, influential enablers and certain propaganda outlets have really exposed the erroneous assumption a lot of us made that there was a secure system in place (not perfect but there) to deter and/or deliver consequences for unconstitutional and/or illegal behaviours/acts by a current ruling party in the U.S.A. The system in place is just words on paper nothing more, Trump confirmed that loud and clear. Anyone lurking out there that thinks this is absurd to say convince me otherwise I'm feeling quite cynical right now.
  8. He and his whole administration as well.
  9. Yea sure it isn’t the most favourable (probably fake news anyways) but hey what about (insert invalid weak argument here) plus the economy is rocking. Jobs jobs jobs everywhere that solves everything. As long as my personal situation seems okay and is unaffected it doesn’t matter how things are ‘accomplished’.
  10. Interesting. Supporting and or accepting someone else’s racist behaviour is okay as long as one doesn’t engage in racist behaviour themselves.
  11. Sure maybe not all who throw their support behind Trump are racists but I’m sure you’ve heard this. All racists vote for Trump. Not cool.
  12. Yup seriously. This go to cause it’s all I have whataboutism argument to defend and rationalize anyone who supports this insane man and his GOP enablers is weak, tiring, absurd and nonsensical.
  13. Sort of like they think and act like as long as you're the same color as me, the same sexual orientation as me, love and peace for all of us. Others, nope not so much. Forgot to add, the same dogmatic political ideology as me.
  14. What I find perplexing is reading vile angry violent tweets from people who proclaim their deep seeded love and peace religion in their profile.
  15. Head shakes while mouth slowly gaps wide open.
  16. Oh just wait, I'm sure Ted Nugent, Diamond and Silk will give a run for her money.
  17. I'm slow on the uptake here which is nothing new. I don't get it. It's funny because they lost game 1 or something to do with the player or?
  18. Interesting, I'm wondering what the science is behind that.
  19. Whatever, black voters are way smarter than whatever Kanye West and Jared Kushner are cooking up.
  20. Just as corrupt but won’t embarrass. Amazing insight.
  21. I wish she could also pinch hit for Biden to speak and debate on his behalf. His strategy needs to be don’t talk, just smile thru your mask and wave.
  22. 10th pick. I assume we select a top prospect D?
  23. Oiler fanbase being chocked if they don't get the #1 pick? If so, I don't think they would get too far into their whining before a throatpunch happened.
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